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I am working on an Android app that uses Google Sign-In.


Everything was working fine until recently. I stopped working on this project for about two weeks and got back to it yesterday, and the Google Sign-In is suddenly not working anymore. When I click sign in, the Sign-In popup opens, I choose my account and... nothing happens.


So as I did not change anything in the code related to the Sign-In, I started to search everywhere else.


First I noticed that my compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-auth:11.4.2' could be updated to 11.6.0, so this is what I did.


I ran the app again and it was now asking me to update Google Play Services, so I clicked on update button but again, nothing happened. I tried multiple times but it didn't change anything. So I started looking somewhere else.

我再次运行应用程序,它现在要求我更新Google Play服务,所以我点击了更新按钮但是再一次没有发生任何事情。我尝试了多次,但没有改变任何东西。所以我开始寻找其他地方。

I went to the link where I found the code sample for Google Sign-In to see if anything has changed and... yea it has changed, 10 days ago the sample was updated so I updated my code and now, nothing better, just that the Sign-In popup does not appear now when I click sign in.


So I started looking more deeply at the logs, and here are the problematic lines : W/GooglePlayServicesUtil: Google Play services out of date. Requires 11717000 but found 11577470 W/FA: Service connection failed: ConnectionResult{statusCode=SERVICE_VERSION_UPDATE_REQUIRED, resolution=null, message=null} W/LoginActivity: signInResult:failed code=12500

所以我开始更深入地研究日志,这里有一些问题:W / GooglePlayServicesUtil:Google Play服务已经过时了。需要11717000但找到11577470 W / FA:服务连接失败:ConnectionResult {statusCode = SERVICE_VERSION_UPDATE_REQUIRED,resolution = null,message = null} W / LoginActivity:signInResult:failed code = 12500

So apparently, it should be related to Google Play Services... Note that I don't get the "Update Google Play Services" popup anymore. Most of the answers that I found regarding this kind of issue suggested to try on another emulator with a lower API, or downgrading Google Play Services compile line, so I tried both. I used to run my tests on a Pixel XL with API 27, I tried on a Nexus 6P with API 25, on this one I can get to the Sign-In popup but when selecting my account I get W/LoginActivity: signInResult:failed code=10. I also tried on two real devices that are OnePlus 3 with API 25 and Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge with API 24, I get the same error on these two than on Nexus 6P. Moreover I don't find anything regarding the meaning of the error code 10. Regarding Google Play Services downgrade, some classes of the new code sample are not recognized if I do so. Also, it seems not to be a Google Play Services issue anymore when trying on devices with lower API than 27.

显然,它应该与Google Play服务有关...请注意,我不再获得“更新Google Play服务”弹出窗口。我发现有关此类问题的大多数答案建议尝试使用较低API的其他模拟器,或降级Google Play服务编译行,因此我尝试了两者。我曾经在带有API 27的Pixel XL上运行我的测试,我尝试使用带有API 25的Nexus 6P,在这个上我可以进入登录弹出窗口但是在选择我的帐户时我得到W / LoginActivity:signInResult:failed代码= 10。我还尝试了两个真正的设备,即带有API 25的OnePlus 3和带有API 24的三星Galaxy S6 Edge,我在这两个设备上得到的错误与Nexus 6P相同。此外,我没有找到任何关于错误代码10含义的内容。关于Google Play服务降级,如果我这样做,则无法识别新代码示例的某些类。此外,在尝试API低于27的设备时,似乎不再是Google Play服务问题。

UPDATE : I found that the error code 10 means "The application is misconfigured". I don't see how since nothing has changed between the time everything worked find and the time it stopped working, anyway I generated a new debug.keystore, a new configuration file and added it to my /app. And obviously it still does not work.

更新:我发现错误代码10表示“应用程序配置错误”。我没有看到,因为在找到所有工作的时间和它停止工作的时间之间没有任何变化,无论如何我生成了一个新的debug.keystore,一个新的配置文件并将其添加到我的/ app。显然它仍然不起作用。

UPDATE 2 : As I tried everything thinkable, and I knew something was wrong with my debug.keystore (I read everywhere that this file should regenerate itself if deleted when building a project, which was not the case for me). I uninstalled/reinstalled Android Studio, hoping that it will at least solve this problem. Well I had tons of files that I don't remember in .android folder and now I have only 1 folder and 2 files, obviously debug.keystore is not one of them. So this made me remember that there is another way of getting the SHA1 signature and this is what I explain in my answer post. But still there is something wrong with my debug.keystore so if anyone has an idea...

更新2:当我尝试所有可想到的东西时,我知道我的debug.keystore出了问题(我在任何地方都读到如果在构建项目时删除了这个文件应该重新生成,这对我来说并非如此)。我卸载/重新安装了Android Studio,希望它至少能解决这个问题。好吧,我有很多文件,我不记得.android文件夹,现在我只有1个文件夹和2个文件,显然debug.keystore不是其中之一。所以这让我记住了获得SHA1签名的另一种方式,这就是我在回答帖子中解释的内容。但是我的debug.keystore仍然有问题,所以如果有人有想法......

1 个解决方案



I finally found a way to get it to work. This is probably not the right solution as there is still something wrong (I will edit the question to explain why), but it works so maybe it could help.


So the problem was coming from the configuration file, and more precisely the debug.keystore used to generate it, indeed, I tried to generate the SHA1 signature required to get the configuration file by running signingReport in the Gradle panel, instead of running the keytool -exportcert -list -v \ -alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore command and now it works again.

所以问题来自配置文件,更确切地说是用于生成它的debug.keystore,实际上,我试图通过在Gradle面板中运行signingReport来生成获取配置文件所需的SHA1签名,而不是运行keytool -exportcert -list -v \ -alias androiddebugkey -keystore~ / .android / debug.keystore命令,现在再次工作。

I still don't get how this issue appeared initially since I didn't change anything...


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