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Using broadcasting, compute the number of ways a quarter (i.e., 25 cents) can be split into pennies, nickels, and dimes.

Hint: You can do this using loops as

n=0 # start counter
for n_d in range(0,3): # at most 2 dimes
for n_n in range(0,6): # at most 5 nickels
for n_p in range(0,26): # at most 25 pennies
value = n_d10+n_n5+n_p
if value == 25:
print (‘dimes=%d, nickels=%d, pennies=%d’%(n_d,n_n,n_p))
Can you find a better way using broadcasting?
Can you do it in one-line?
What is the supportability argument against this?

import numpy as np#X as dimes, Y as nickles, Z as pennis
res = X[:,None,None]+Y[None,:,None]+Z[None,None,:]#Number of possible solutions 12
print(len(np.where(res==25)[0]))#Output solutions
for iter in np.array(np.where(res==25)).T:print(f'{iter[0]} dimes, {iter[1]} nickles, {iter[2]} pennis.')

# result:
0 dimes, 0 nickles, 25 pennis.
0 dimes, 1 nickles, 20 pennis.
0 dimes, 2 nickles, 15 pennis.
0 dimes, 3 nickles, 10 pennis.
0 dimes, 4 nickles, 5 pennis.
0 dimes, 5 nickles, 0 pennis.
1 dimes, 0 nickles, 15 pennis.
1 dimes, 1 nickles, 10 pennis.
1 dimes, 2 nickles, 5 pennis.
1 dimes, 3 nickles, 0 pennis.
2 dimes, 0 nickles, 5 pennis.
2 dimes, 1 nickles, 0 pennis.


Using broadcasting, can you compute the nearest neighbors to the following two-dimensional array,

array([[0, 1],
[2, 3],
[4, 5],
[6, 7]])
For a given row, your answer should be the indices of the other row that is closest to it (other than itself) using the square of the Euclidean distance metric

The answer for this exercise is the following,

array([1, 0, 1, 2])
So, the point (0,1) in the 0th row is closest to (2,3) which is 1st row. The 1st row is closest to the 0th row, the 2nd row is closest to the 1st row, and the 3rd row is closest to the 2nd row.

What if you had a three-dimensional array?


import numpy as npX = np.array([[0, 1],[2, 3],[4, 5],[6, 7]])# D is the np array of distance
D = np.sqrt(np.abs(np.sum((X[None,:,:] - X[:,None,:])**2, axis=2)))# Another way to write D
D_ds = np.sqrt( # (X - Y) ** 2
np.einsum('ij, ij ->i', X, X)[:, None] + # = X ** 2 \
np.einsum('ij, ij ->i', X, X) - # + X ** 2 \
2 * X.dot(X.T)) # - 2 * X * Y# print(D)
# argpartition: find the 2nd small distance on second axis and then do partition

# result:
# D
#[[0. 2.82842712 5.65685425 8.48528137]
# [2.82842712 0. 2.82842712 5.65685425]
# [5.65685425 2.82842712 0. 2.82842712]
# [8.48528137 5.65685425 2.82842712 0. ]]
[1 0 1 2]

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