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I want to know the tests that cover a particular method. However, NCover does not provide this information. I dont want to use VSTS as my code is not in TFS. Is there any way/tool to do that in .NET?


2 个解决方案



Fundamentally what you have to do is to run your test coverage tool once for each test, producing a coverage vector for that test. If you have hundreds of tests, you can collect coverage for each test separately.


Then if coverage vector N covers a method, test N caused that coverage.


I don't know if NCover if/how NCover can cross reference back to the range of lines that correspond to the source code of the method.


For our C# Test Coverage Tool, the instrumenter tool produces line number ranges for each coverage test point, and there is a test point inserted at the start of every method. So if you know the line number of a method in a file, you can technically locate the entry coverage point, thus the line range that makes up the method, thus all test coverage points in the method. With such a list it is straightforward to compute whether a test coverage vector has hit those points. So, our tool has the information necessary to provide this data, although it isn't well documented. You could ask us for further documentation or help doing this.




dotCover I believe provides that sort of support in the UI but I am not so sure if this information is available from a build machine.


OpenCover has work in progress on one of its forks - This is one of the original aims of the project and has driven the design of OpenCover to reach this aim with a single run of the tests - stay tuned...

OpenCover正在开发其中一个分支 - 这是该项目的最初目标之一,并推动OpenCover的设计通过一次测试实现这一目标 - 敬请期待...

Finally as Ira mentions you can run a test individually and get coverage (using most coverage tools such as NCover, PartCover, OpenCover, ...) from a single test executed with NUnit/MSTest (insert test tool of choice) however you will also get coverage of anything that happened in any setup/teardown actions as well.

最后,当Ira提到您可以单独运行测试并使用NUnit / MSTest(选择的插入测试工具)执行的单个测试获得覆盖(使用大多数覆盖工具,如NCover,PartCover,OpenCover,...)但是您也将了解任何设置/拆卸操作中发生的任何事情。

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