作者:NOYOKI要跑偏 | 来源:互联网 | 2023-10-12 13:46
When we use NGRX, we need to create some bolipates. Now with Angulalr6, we can use CLI to generate those code for us.
@ngrx/schematics: Scaffolding library for Angular applications using NgRx.
npm install @ngrx/schematics --save-dev
npm install @ngrx/{store,effects,entity,store-devtools} --save
ng config cli.defaultCollection @ngrx/schematics
Create a root store:
ng generate store State --root --module app.module.ts
Create a feature store:
ng g feature travel/store/Travel --group true --module travel/travel.module.ts
The structure we want is like:
![《[Angulalr] Speed Up Reducer Development Using Ngrx Schematics》](https://img.php1.cn/3cd4a/1eebe/cd5/45a090220e38e09d.webp)
![《[Angulalr] Speed Up Reducer Development Using Ngrx Schematics》](https://img.php1.cn/3cd4a/1eebe/cd5/d942b7ec373849c3.webp)