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I have a set of XML schema files provided to me. I cannot changed the XML as these will be updated on occasion. I am using xsd.exe to convert the schema files to generated c# code. I cannot use any third party tools. Part of one of the XML schema files appears as such:



When converted to c#, I get a result such as this:


[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("xsd", "4.0.30319.1")]
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute(Namespace = "http://abcxyz.com")]
public partial class LocationType

    private object[] itemsField;

    private ItemsChoiceType[] itemsElementNameField;

    [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("Address", typeof(string), Form = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)]
    [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("City", typeof(string), Form = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)]
    [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("LocNum", typeof(string), Form = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)]
    [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("Longitude", typeof(decimal), Form = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)]
    [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("State", typeof(LocationTypeState), Form = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)]
    public object[] Items
        get { return this.itemsField; }
        set { this.itemsField = value; }

    public ItemsChoiceType[] ItemsElementName
        get { return this.itemsElementNameField; }
        set { this.itemsElementNameField = value; }

Since these all get generated to partial classes, I am free to add additional code. I need to be able to read/set the individual properties, such as Name, Address, City, etc.


I need to be able to serialize these objects to match the schema.


Is there a way in c# to create a public property that will read or set the value in the Items array at the proper sequence, etc.? ie:


public partial class LocationType
    public string Address
            // code here to return the correct Items[] element
            // code here to set the correct Items[] element

2 个解决方案



What that schema says is that if some outer type contains an element of type LocationType, one would expect to find inside either


1) A sub-element , OR

1)子元素 ,OR

2) These sub-elements in sequence: ,

, and .


Thus the data here is polymorphic, even though it isn't being explicitly modeled as such in the c# classes generated by xsd.exe. This sort of makes sense -- a location might be specified explicitly, or indirectly as a look-up in a table.

因此,这里的数据是多态的,即使它没有在xsd.exe生成的c#类中明确建模。这种情况很有意义 - 可以明确指定位置,也可以间接指定为表中的查找。

When deserializing a polymorphic sequence like this, XmlSerializer puts each element it finds in the array field corresponding to the elements in the sequence, in this case the array Items. In addition, there should be another corresponding array field identified by the XmlChoiceIdentifierAttribute attribute, in this case ItemsElementName. The entries in this array must needs be in 1-1 correspondence with the Items array. It records the name of the element that was deserialized in each index of the Items array, by way of the ItemsChoiceType enumeration, whose enum names must match the names in the XmlElementAttribute attributes decorating the Items array. This allows the specific choice of polymorphic data to be known.


Thus, to round out the implementation of your LocationType class, you will need to determine whether a given LocationType is direct or indirect; fetch various properties out; and for each type (direct or indirect), set all required data.


Here is a prototype of that. (You didn't include the definition for LocationTypeState in your question, so I'm just treating it as a string):

这是原型。 (你没有在你的问题中包含LocationTypeState的定义,所以我只是将它视为一个字符串):

public partial class LocationType
    public LocationType() { }

    public LocationType(string locNum)

    public LocationType(string name, string address, string city, string state)
        SetDirectLocation(name, address, city, state);

    public bool IsIndirectLocation
            return Array.IndexOf(ItemsElementName, ItemsChoiceType.LocNum) >= 0;

    public string Address { get { return (string)XmlPolymorphicArrayHelper.GetItem(Items, ItemsElementName, ItemsChoiceType.Address); } }

    public string LocNum { get { return (string)XmlPolymorphicArrayHelper.GetItem(Items, ItemsElementName, ItemsChoiceType.LocNum); } }

    // Other properties as desired.

    public void SetIndirectLocation(string locNum)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(locNum))
            throw new ArgumentException();
        object[] newItems = new object[] { locNum };
        ItemsChoiceType [] newItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType [] { ItemsChoiceType.LocNum };
        this.Items = newItems;
        this.ItemsElementName = newItemsElementName;

    public void SetDirectLocation(string name, string address, string city, string state)
        // In the schema, "City" is mandatory, others are optional.
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(city))
            throw new ArgumentException();
        List newItems = new List();
        List newItemsElementName = new List();
        if (name != null)
        if (address != null)
        if (state != null)
        this.Items = newItems.ToArray();
        this.ItemsElementName = newItemsElementName.ToArray();

public static class XmlPolymorphicArrayHelper
    public static TResult GetItem(TResult[] items, TIDentifier[] itemIdentifiers, TIDentifier itemIdentifier)
        if (itemIdentifiers == null)
            Debug.Assert(items == null);
            return default(TResult);
        Debug.Assert(items.Length == itemIdentifiers.Length);
        var i = Array.IndexOf(itemIdentifiers, itemIdentifier);
        if (i <0)
            return default(TResult);
        return items[i];



Here's the final solution we came up with that leverages when I learned from the original answer. This static class is used to get and set the appropriate properties.


public static class XmlPolymorphicArrayHelper
    public static TResult GetItem(TResult[] items, TIDentifier[] itemIdentifiers, TIDentifier itemIdentifier)
        if (itemIdentifiers == null)
            return default(TResult);
        var i = Array.IndexOf(itemIdentifiers, itemIdentifier);
        return i <0 ? default(TResult) : items[i];

    public static void SetItem(ref TResult[] items, ref TIDentifier[] itemIdentifiers, TIDentifier itemIdentifier, TResult value)
        if (itemIdentifiers == null)
            itemIdentifiers = new[] { itemIdentifier };
            items = new[] { value };


        var i = Array.IndexOf(itemIdentifiers, itemIdentifier);
        if (i <0)
            var newItemIdentifiers = itemIdentifiers.ToList();
            itemIdentifiers = newItemIdentifiers.ToArray();

            var newItems = items.ToList();
            items = newItems.ToArray();
            items[i] = value;


And then call them from the partial class like this:


public partial class LocationType
    public string Address
            return (string)XmlPolymorphicArrayHelper.GetItem(Items, ItemsElementName, ItemsChoiceType.Address);
            XmlPolymorphicArrayHelper.SetItem(ref this.itemsField, ref this.itemsElementNameField, ItemsChoiceType.Address, value);

This sets/creates the appropriate member on the Items array and I can use this for the multiple classes that implement this pattern.


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