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Once I had spent hours in debugging a simple SQL query using mysql_query() in PHP/MySQL only to realise that I had missed bactick around the table name. From then I had been always using it around table names.


But when I used the same in SQLite/C++, the symbol is not even recognized. It's confusing, whether to use this or not? What does standard say about usage of it?

但是,当我在SQLite/ c++中使用相同的符号时,这个符号甚至没有被识别。用不用这个很让人困惑?标准对它的使用有什么规定?

Also, it would be helpful if anyone could tell me when to use quotes and when not. I mean around values and field names.


1 个解决方案



The SQL standard (current version is ISO/IEC 9075:2011, in multiple parts) says nothing about the 'back-tick' or 'back-quote' symbol (Unicode U+0060 or GRAVE ACCENT); it doesn't recognize it as a character with special meaning that can appear in SQL.

SQL标准(目前的版本是ISO/IEC 9075:2011,有很多部分)没有提到“后勾”或“后引号”符号(Unicode U+0060或庄重的重音);它不承认它是一个具有特殊意义的字符,可以出现在SQL中。

The Standard SQL mechanism for quoting identifiers is with delimited identifiers enclosed in double quotes:


SELECT "select" FROM "from" WHERE "where" = "group by";

In MySQL, that might be written:


SELECT `select` FROM `from` WHERE `where` = `group by`;

In MS SQL Server, that might be written:

在MS SQL Server中,可以这样写:

SELECT [select] FROM [from] WHERE [where] = [group by];

The trouble with the SQL Standard notation is that C programmers are used to enclosing strings in double quotes, so most DBMS use double quotes as an alternative to the single quotes recognized by the standard. But that then leaves you with a problem when you want to enclose identifiers.


Microsoft took one approach; MySQL took another; Informix allows interchangeable use of single and double quotes, but if you want delimited identifiers, you set an environment variable and then you have to follow the standard (single quotes for strings, double quotes for identifiers); DB2 only follows the standard, AFAIK; SQLite appears to follow the standard; Oracle also appears to follow the standard; Sybase appears to allow either double quotes (standard) or square brackets (as with MS SQL Server — which means SQL Server might allow double quotes too). This page documents all these servers (and was helpful filling out the gaps in my knowledge), and notes whether the strings inside delimited identifiers are case-sensitive or not.

微软的一种方法;MySQL又;Informix允许使用单引号和双引号,但如果您想要分隔标识符,您需要设置一个环境变量,然后必须遵循标准(字符串的单引号、标识符的双引号);DB2只遵循标准AFAIK;SQLite似乎遵循标准;甲骨文似乎也遵循这一标准;Sybase似乎允许双引号(标准)或方括号(就像MS SQL Server一样——这意味着SQL Server也可能允许双引号)。这个页面记录了所有这些服务器(这有助于填补我所知道的空白),并注意分隔符内的字符串是否区分大小写。

As to when to use a quoting mechanism around identifiers, my attitude is 'never'. Well, not quite never, but only when absolutely forced into doing so.


Note that delimited identifiers are case-sensitive; that is, "from" and "FROM" refer to different columns (in most DBMS — see URL above). Most of SQL is not case-sensitive; it is a nuisance to know which case to use. (The SQL Standard has a mainframe orientation — it expects names to be converted to upper-case; most DBMS convert names to lower-case, though.)


In general, you must delimit identifiers which are keywords to the version of SQL you are using. That means most of the keywords in Standard SQL, plus any extras that are part of the particular implementation(s) that you are using.


One continuing source of trouble is upgrades, where a column name that was not a keyword in release N becomes a keyword in release N+1. Existing SQL that worked before the upgrade stops working afterwards. Then, at least as a short-term measure, you may be forced into quoting the name. But in the ordinary course of events, you should aim to avoid needing to quote identifiers.


Of course, my attitude is coloured by the fact that Informix (which is what I work with mostly) accepts this SQL verbatim, whereas most DBMS would choke on it:


    NOT     DATE    NOT NULL,

Of course, the person who produces such a ridiculous table for anything other than demonstration purposes should be hung, drawn, quartered and then the residue should be made to fix the mess they've created. But, within some limits which customers routinely manage to hit, keywords can be used as identifiers in many contexts. That is, of itself, a useful form of future-proofing. If a word becomes a keyword, there's a moderate chance that the existing code will continue to work unaffected by the change. However, the mechanism is not perfect; you can't create a table with a column called PRIMARY, but you can alter a table to add such a column. There is a reason for the idiosyncrasy, but it is hard to explain.


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