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I'm using the YUI DataTable in a Grails 1.1 project using the Grails UI plugin 1.0.2 (YUI being 2.6.1).

我使用Grails UI插件1.0.2(YUI为2.6.1)在Grails 1.1项目中使用YUI DataTable。

By default, the DataTable displays 2 paginators: one above and another one below the table. Looking up the YUI API documentation, I could see that I can pass an array of YUI containers as a config parameter but - what are the names of these containers?

默认情况下,DataTable显示2个分页器:一个在上面,另一个在表下面。查看YUI API文档,我可以看到我可以将一组YUI容器作为配置参数传递但是 - 这些容器的名称是什么?

I've tried loooking at the HTML of the page using Firebug. The ID of the divs containing the paginators are: yui-dt0-paginator0 (above) and yui-dt0-paginator1 (below). If I use them to configure the containers for the navigator, then the navigator is just not displayed at all. Here's the relevant extract of the GSP page containing the Datatable element.



This is the List of Control Accounts


Any help?



3 个解决方案


Ok, I have it now. Posting it here in case someone bumps into the same question.


So what you have to do is create a 'container' (a DIV will do) by whatever id, and reference it into the containers configuration item. Example:


This is the List of Control Accounts


You just have to make sure that the class associated to the div is yui-pg-container. As an added bonus, the style on that div will align the paginator to the right.




With YUI 2.8.0 (and maybe with 2.6 as well) there is an easier way. Just add the styles:

使用YUI 2.8.0(也可能是2.6),有一种更简单的方法。只需添加样式:

.yui-skin-sam .yui-dt-paginator {

#yui-dt0-paginator1 {

This has the advantage that the paginator is aligned to the tables right border. If you want to have the pagination at the bottom of the table, just change yui-dt0-paginator1 to yui-dt0-paginator0.



I have many tens of YUI datatables and didn't want to have to write a selector for each one so here is what I did. Create a 'container' div around each datatable then use the first-child selector to set the visibility to hidden like so:


.container_div .yui-dt-paginator:first-child {

note .container_div can be called what ever you like.


Thanks to both Rollo and jm for the inspiration, it's kind of a mashup of both ideas.


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