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vue petstore

vue petstore

Something interesting was said recently on the Blogs on to the recent uproar caused by the Middleware Company's PetStore whitepaper...I can't remember where, but I knew I should have just posted it when I saw it. 


The gist of it was that "Isn't it interesting that even most fervent .NET supporters when asked, will say that it is just as possible to do most any large project in Java as it is in .NET.  You don't here a lot of Java zealots saying that."


Let me know if you, or someone you know, posted a quote like this a few days back...


I wonder what that says about the mindset of the average Java Joe.  Myself, I worked at Nike for ayear on a Java project that did it all (at the time, in the old days) - JDBC, beta of RMI, talked to DB2, ran on Win95, MacOS 8, a Hot Java box, and Solaris.  I feel that I've been there, I've programmed entirely with VI because the Java tools weren't there.  (Actually I even cheated some and used VNC from Solaris to talk to a remote Windows box and used Visual Studio for HTML editing, but don't tell my boss). 

我不知道这对普通Java Joe的心态有何影响。 我自己,我在耐克工作了一年(在过去很久)就完成了所有的Java项目-JDBC,RMI的beta版本,与DB2进行了交谈,在Win95,MacOS 8,Hot Java盒和Solaris。 我觉得我去过那里,因为没有Java工具,所以我完全用VI编程。 (实际上,我什至欺骗了一些人,并使用Solaris中的VNC与远程Windows对话,并使用Visual Studio进行HTML编辑,但不要告诉老板)。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/something-interesting-was-said-recently-on-the-blogs-on-to-the-recent-uproar-caused-by-the-middleware-companys-petstore-whit

vue petstore

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