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swift 二进制读写

In this tutorial, we’ll be discussing Binary trees and the implement the various operations that can be performed using it in Swift.


二进制搜索树 (Binary Search Tree)

A Binary Search Tree in Swift is a Binary Tree which must follow the following rules:

Swift中的Binary Search Tree是必须遵循以下规则的Binary Tree:

All node in the right subtree must have greater value than the value in the root node.
Left and Right subtrees of root node should follow the above rules recursively.

They typically provide OLogN time for insertion and lookup.


Swift二进制搜索树实现 (Swift Binary Search Tree Implementation)

Let’s define the Node for a tree.


class Node {var data: Tvar leftNode: Node?var rightNode: Node?init(data: T,leftNode: Node? = nil,rightNode: Node? = nil) {self.data = dataself.leftNode = leftNodeself.rightNode = rightNode}}

Let’s define the BinarySearchTree class in Swift. Here we’ll define functions to insert Nodes into the tree taking care of the BST rules:

让我们在Swift中定义BinarySearchTree类。 在这里,我们将定义一些函数,以将BST规则的节点插入树中:

class BST {private var rootNode: Node?func addNode(_ value: T) {let node = Node(data: value)if let rootNode = self.rootNode {self.insert(rootNode, node)} else {self.rootNode = node}}private func insert(_ root: Node, _ node: Node) {if root.data > node.data {if let leftNode = root.leftNode {self.insert(leftNode, node)} else {root.leftNode = node}} else {if let rightNode = root.rightNode {self.insert(rightNode, node)} else {root.rightNode = node}}}func printTree() {self.inorder(self.rootNode)}private func inorder(_ node: Node?) {guard let _ = node else { return }self.inorder(node?.leftNode)print("\(node!.data)", terminator: " ")self.inorder(node?.rightNode)}

We’ve assigned the Comparable and CustomStringConvertible protocols in order to compare the values of the Nodes and print the formatted data respectively.


The inorder function prints the left subtree followed by the current node value, followed by right subtree


Now let’s add elements into the tree.


let numberList : Array = [8, 2, 10, 9, 11, 1, 7]
var root = BST()
for number in numberList {root.addNode(number)
//should print sorted tree

The output of the tree is:

swift binary search tree print


As you can see the values in the BST are set in a sorted order.


在树中搜索值 (Searching a value in the tree)

extension BST {func search(value: T) {self.search(self.rootNode, value)}private func search(_ root: Node?, _ element: T) {guard let rootNode = root else {print("NODE is Not available : \(element)")return}print("current root node \(rootNode.data)")if element > rootNode.data {self.search(rootNode.rightNode, element)} else if element }

We’ve created a search function in the extension.
In this, we simply check the node value and based on the comparison, search it recursively in the left or right subtree.


The output of two sample runs is:


删除节点 (Deleting a Node)

Implementation of Deleting a Node in a BST is a little more tricky.


After the node is deleted, we need to rearrange the BST so that it stays sorted.
Use the following rule for deletion:


After removing a node, we replace the node with either its biggest child on the left or its smallest child on the right subtree.

This means we need to first create functions in our Node class for the minimum and maximum node of the tree.
The following illustration contains the updated class Node.

swift binary search tree node class


And now we create another extension of the BST class for the deletion function which works recursively:


extension BST{func deleteKey(value: T){rootNode &#61; deleteRec(rootNode, value)}/* A recursive function to insert a new key in BST */func deleteRec(_ root: Node?, _ key: T) -> Node?{/* Base Case: If the tree is empty */if root &#61;&#61; nil{return root}if key <(root?.data)! {root?.leftNode &#61; deleteRec(root?.leftNode, key)}else if key > (root?.data)!{root?.rightNode &#61; deleteRec(root?.rightNode, key)}else{if root?.leftNode &#61;&#61; nil{return root?.rightNode}else if root?.rightNode &#61;&#61; nil{return root?.leftNode}root?.data &#61; (minValue(root?.rightNode))!root?.rightNode &#61; deleteRec(root?.rightNode, (root?.data)!)}return root;}public func minValue(_ node: Node?) -> T? {var tempNode &#61; nodewhile let next &#61; tempNode?.leftNode {tempNode &#61; next}return tempNode?.data}}

The output when deleting the first key is:

swift binary search tree delete node


That’s all for Swift Binary Search Tree implementation.

这就是Swift Binary Search Tree实现的全部内容。

翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/21454/swift-binary-search-tree

swift 二进制读写

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