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Possible Duplicate:
strtok wont accept: char *str

可能的副本:strtok不能接受:char *str

When using the strtok function, using a char * instead of a char [] results in a segmentation fault.

使用strtok函数时,使用char *而不是char[]会导致分割错误。

This runs properly:


char string[] = "hello world";
char *result = strtok(string, " ");

This causes a segmentation fault:


char *string = "hello world";
char *result = strtok(string, " ");

Can anyone explain what causes this difference in behaviour?


6 个解决方案



char string[] = "hello world";

This line initializes string to be a big-enough array of characters (in this case char[12]). It copies those characters into your local array as though you had written out


char string[] = { 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', '\0' };

The other line:


char* string = "hello world";

does not initialize a local array, it just initializes a local pointer. The compiler is allowed to set it to a pointer to an array which you're not allowed to change, as though the code were


const char literal_string[] = "hello world";
char* string = (char*) literal_string;

The reason C allows this without a cast is mainly to let ancient code continue compiling. You should pretend that the type of a string literal in your source code is const char[], which can convert to const char*, but never convert it to a char*.

C之所以允许这样的原因,主要是为了让古老的代码继续编译。您应该假定您的源代码中的字符串文字的类型是const char[],它可以转换为const char*,但永远不要将它转换为char*。



In the second example:


char *string = "hello world";
char *result = strtok(string, " ");

the pointer string is pointing to a string literal, which cannot be modified (as strtok() would like to do).


You could do something along the lines of:


char *string = strdup("hello world");
char *result = strtok(string, " ");

so that string is pointing to a modifiable copy of the literal.




strtok modifies the string you pass to it (or tries to anyway). In your first code, you're passing the address of an array that's been initialized to a particular value -- but since it's a normal array of char, modifying it is allowed.


In the second code, you're passing the address of a string literal. Attempting to modify a string literal gives undefined behavior.




In the second case (char *), the string is in read-only memory. The correct type of string constants is const char *, and if you used that type to declare the variable you would get warned by the compiler when you tried to modify it. For historical reasons, you're allowed to use string constants to initialize variables of type char * even though they can't be modified. (Some compilers let you turn this historic license off, e.g. with gcc's -Wwrite-strings.)

在第二种情况(char *)中,字符串位于只读内存中。字符串常量的正确类型是const char *,如果您使用该类型声明变量,那么当您试图修改它时,编译器将警告您。出于历史原因,您可以使用字符串常量来初始化类型char *的变量,即使它们不能被修改。(一些编译器允许您关闭这个历史许可证,例如使用gcc的-Wwrite-strings。)



The first case creates a (non const) char array that is big enough to hold the string and initializes it with the contents of the string. The second case creates a char pointer and initializes it to point at the string literal, which is probably stored in read only memory.

第一个案例创建了一个(非const) char数组,它足够大,可以容纳字符串并使用字符串的内容初始化它。第二种情况创建一个char指针并初始化它到指向字符串文字,它可能存储在只读内存中。

Since strtok wants to modify the memory pointed at by the argument you pass it, the latter case causes undefined behavior (you're passing in a pointer that points at a (const) string literal), so its unsuprising that it crashes




Because the second one declares a pointer (that can change) to a constant string...


So depending on your compiler / platform / OS / memory map... the "hello world" string will be stored as a constant (in an embedded system, it may be stored in ROM) and trying to modify it will cause that error.

所以取决于你的编译器/平台/操作系统/内存映射…“hello world”字符串将作为常量存储(在嵌入式系统中,它可能存储在ROM中),并试图修改它将导致错误。

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