作者:actthank90909 | 来源:互联网 | 2023-10-12 20:20
shawl.qiu Javascript 渐隐渐显类 Faded V1.0 说明: 嗯, 这个呢, 最近在了解色彩学, 所以陆续会弄一些与色彩相关的东西. 比如整理一些与色彩相关的资料汇编成册, 学习与色彩相关的心理感受, 调色技巧等. 目录: 1. 调用 1.1 调用 1 1.2 调用 2 2. 类 Faded shawl.qiu 2007-06-20 演示1: 演示2: 下载: 内容: 1. 调用 1.1 调用 1
W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> xmlns= ""> http-equiv= "Content-Type" content = "text/html; charset = utf-8" /> border= "0" align = "center" cellpadding = "4" cellspacing = "4"> align= "center" valign = "middle"> id= "FadeId1" style = "width:100px; height:100px; background-color:#cccccc; ">shawl.qiu
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id= "FadeId24" style = "width:100px; height:100px; background-color:#cccccc; ">shawl.qiu
id= "FadeId25" style = "width:100px; height:100px; background-color:#cccccc; ">shawl.qiu
1.2 调用 2
W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> xmlns= ""> http-equiv= "Content-Type" content = "text/html; charset = utf-8" /> border= "0" align = "center" cellpadding = "4" cellspacing = "4" id = "MainTable"> align= "center" valign = "middle"> style= "width:100px; height:100px; background-color:#cccccc; ">shawl.qiu
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align= "center" valign = "middle"> style= "width:100px; height:100px; background-color:#cccccc; ">shawl.qiu
style= "width:100px; height:100px; background-color:#cccccc; ">shawl.qiu
style= "width:100px; height:100px; background-color:#cccccc; ">shawl.qiu
style= "width:100px; height:100px; background-color:#cccccc; ">shawl.qiu
style= "width:100px; height:100px; background-color:#cccccc; ">shawl.qiu
align= "center" valign = "middle"> style= "width:100px; height:100px; background-color:#cccccc; ">shawl.qiu
style= "width:100px; height:100px; background-color:#cccccc; ">shawl.qiu
style= "width:100px; height:100px; background-color:#cccccc; ">shawl.qiu
style= "width:100px; height:100px; background-color:#cccccc; ">shawl.qiu
style= "width:100px; height:100px; background-color:#cccccc; ">shawl.qiu
align= "center" valign = "middle"> style= "width:100px; height:100px; background-color:#cccccc; ">shawl.qiu
style= "width:100px; height:100px; background-color:#cccccc; ">shawl.qiu
style= "width:100px; height:100px; background-color:#cccccc; ">shawl.qiu
style= "width:100px; height:100px; background-color:#cccccc; ">shawl.qiu
style= "width:100px; height:100px; background-color:#cccccc; ">shawl.qiu
2. 类 Faded
// shawl.qiu Javascript Document /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * shawl.qiu Javascript Faded class v1.0 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //---------------------------------begin class Faded()-------------------------------// function Faded() { // shawl.qiu code //------------------------------------begin public variable //---------------begin about = {} = "shawl.qiu Javascript Faded class"; = "v1.0"; = "shawl.qiu"; = ""; = ""; = "2007-6-19"; = {}; ["1"] = ""; //---------------end about this.Debug = false ; this.Element = {} this.Element.Set = []; this.Element.Add = fAddElement; //------------------------------------end public variable //------------------------------------begin private variable var Tl = this; //------------------------------------end private variable //------------------------------------begin public method this.Go = fGo; //------------------------------------end public method //------------------------------------begin private method function fAddElement (sId, sOriginColor, sOverColor, sOutColor, iTime, iIntervalMs, bCompColor, sClassName, sOverClassName) { var Obj = null ; if (typeof(sId)== "string") { Obj = document.getElementById(sId ) ; } else if (typeof(sId)== "object") { Obj = sId; } if (!Obj||Obj == null ) { alert ("对象不能为空!"); return ; } if (!bCompColor) bCompColor = false ; else bCompColor = true ; if (!sClassName) sClassName = ""; if (!sOverClassName) sOverClassName = ""; if (!sOriginColor) sOriginColor = "#ffffff"; if (!sOverColor) sOverColor = "#cccccc"; if (!sOutColor) sOutColor = sOriginColor; if (!iTime) iTime = 10; if (!iIntervalMs) iIntervalMs = 50; Obj["Extend"] = {}; Obj["Extend"]["OriginalColor"] = sOriginColor; Obj["Extend"]["MoveColor"] = sOverColor; Obj["Extend"]["OutColor"] = sOutColor; Obj["Extend"]["Time"] = iTime; Obj["Extend"]["IntervalMs"] = iIntervalMs; Obj["Extend"]["CompColor"] = bCompColor; Obj["Extend"]["ClassName"] = sClassName; Obj["Extend"]["OverClassName"] = sOverClassName; var iPos = Tl.Element.Set.length; Tl.Element.Set[iPos ] = Obj; } // end function fAddElement function fGo() { for (var i = 0, j = Tl.Element.Set.length; i { var TempObj = Tl.Element.Set[i ]; = TempObj["Extend" ]["OriginalColor" ]; TempObj["Interval"] = {} if (TempObj["Extend"]["CompColor"]) { = fGetCompColor(TempObj["Extend" ]["OriginalColor"] ); } if (TempObj["Extend"]["ClassName"] != "") { TempObj.className = TempObj["Extend" ]["ClassName" ]; } TempObj.onmouseover = function () { try { clearInterval(this["Interval"]["Out"]["Go"]); } catch (e) { } this["Interval"]["Over"] = {} this["Interval"]["Over"]["Count"] = 0; if (this["Extend"]["OverClassName"] != "") { this.className = this["Extend" ]["OverClassName" ]; } var BgColor = == ""?"#ffffff"; if (/rgb/(/i.test(BgColor )) { BgColor = fRgbToHex(BgColor ); } //function fGetCompColor(sInput, sOpt, bNoSharp, bDebug) this["Interval"]["Over"]["FadeArray"] = fFade ( BgColor, this["Extend"]["MoveColor"], this["Extend"]["Time"], false , true ); var me = this; this["Interval"]["Over"]["Go"] = setInterval ( function () { if (me["Interval"]["Over"]["Count"]>= me["Interval" ]["Over" ]["FadeArray"].length ) { clearInterval(me["Interval"]["Over"]["Go"]); me["Interval"]["Over"]["Count"] = null ; return ; } var sBgColor = me["Interval" ]["Over" ]["FadeArray" ][me["Interval" ]["Over" ]["Count"] ]; = sBgColor; if (me["Extend"]["CompColor"]) { = fGetCompColor(sBgColor ); } if (Tl.Debug) defaultStatus = me["Interval" ]["Over" ]["Count" ]; me["Interval"]["Over"]["Count"]++; } , me["Extend"]["IntervalMs"] ) // end setInterval } // end TempObj.onmouseover TempObj.onmouseout = function () { try { clearInterval(this["Interval"]["Over"]["Go"]); } catch (e) { } this["Interval"]["Out"] = {} this["Interval"]["Out"]["Count"] = 0; if (this["Extend"]["ClassName"] != "") { this.className = this["Extend" ]["ClassName" ]; } var BgColor = == ""?"#ffffff"; if (/rgb/(/i.test(BgColor )) { BgColor = fRgbToHex(BgColor ); } this["Interval"]["Out"]["FadeArray"] = fFade ( BgColor, this["Extend"]["OutColor"], this["Extend"]["Time"], false , true ); var me = this; this["Interval"]["Out"]["Go"] = setInterval ( function () { if (me["Interval"]["Out"]["Count"]>= me["Interval" ]["Out" ]["FadeArray"].length ) { clearInterval(me["Interval"]["Out"]["Go"]); me["Interval"]["Out"]["Count"] = null ; return ; } var sBgColor = me["Interval" ]["Out" ]["FadeArray" ][me["Interval" ]["Out" ]["Count"] ]; = sBgColor; if (me["Extend"]["CompColor"]) { = fGetCompColor(sBgColor ); } if (Tl.Debug) defaultStatus = me["Interval" ]["Out" ]["Count" ]; me["Interval"]["Out"]["Count"]++; } , me["Extend"]["IntervalMs"] ) // end setInterval } // end TempObj.onmouseover } // end for } // end function fGo function fFade(sOriginalColor, sFinalColor, iTime, sOpt/*positive|negative|auto */, bPadSharp) {// shawl.qiu script : return Array if (!sOriginalColor||sOriginalColor == "") { alert ("原色不能为空!"); return ; } if (!sFinalColor||sFinalColor == "") { alert ("最终色不能为空!"); return ; } if (!iTime||typeof(iTime)!= "number") iTime = 5; if (!sOpt) sOpt = "auto"; var sSharp = ""; if (bPadSharp) sSharp = "#"; var Debug = false ; var oAr = fSplitColor(sOriginalColor ); var oArInt = fHexArrayToInt(oAr ); var fAr = fSplitColor(sFinalColor ); var fArInt = fHexArrayToInt(fAr ); var ReturnAr = []; switch (sOpt) { default : var SubtractAr = []; var SpanAr = []; var ReturnArInt = []; for (var i = 0, j = oArInt.length; i { SubtractAr[i ] = fArInt[i ] - oArInt[i ]; SpanAr[i ] = SubtractAr[i ]/iTime; } for (var i = 0, j = iTime; i { ReturnArInt[i ] = []; ReturnArInt[i ][0 ] = parseInt(oArInt[0 ]+(SpanAr[0 ]*(i+1)) ); ReturnArInt[i ][1 ] = parseInt(oArInt[1 ]+(SpanAr[1 ]*(i+1)) ); ReturnArInt[i ][2 ] = parseInt(oArInt[2 ]+(SpanAr[2 ]*(i+1)) ); ReturnAr[i ] = "" +sSharp +fPadStr(ReturnArInt[i][0].toString(16)).toUpperCase() +fPadStr(ReturnArInt[i][1].toString(16)).toUpperCase() +fPadStr(ReturnArInt[i][2].toString(16)).toUpperCase() ; } sFinalColor = sFinalColor.replace(/^/#/, "" ) ; if (bPadSharp) sFinalColor = "#"+sFinalColor; ReturnAr[ReturnAr.length-1 ] = sFinalColor.toUpperCase( ) ; break ; } if (Debug) { alert ( " oAr: "+oAr +"/n oArInt: "+oArInt +"/n fAr: "+fAr +"/n fArInt: "+fArInt +"/n typeof(sOpt): "+typeof(sOpt) +"/n SubtractAr: "+SubtractAr +"/n SpanAr: "+SpanAr +"/n ReturnArInt: "+ReturnArInt +"/n ReturnAr: "+ReturnAr ); } // end if return ReturnAr.slice( ) ; } // end function fFade function fPadStr(sSrc, sPad, nLen) {// shawl.qiu script if (!sSrc)return false ; if (!sPad)sPad = '0'; if (!nLen)nLen = 2; sSrc+ = ''; if (sSrc.length>= nLen)return sSrc; sPad = new Array (nLen+1 ).join(sPad ); var re = new RegExp('.*(.{'+(nLen)+'})$' ); return (sPad+sSrc).replace(re,'$1'); } // end function fPadStr function fHexArrayToInt(ar) { // shawl.qiu script : return array var TempAr = []; for (var i = 0, j = ar.length; i { TempAr[i ] = parseInt(ar[i], 16 ); } return TempAr.slice( ) ; } // end function fHexArrayToInt function fSplitColor(sColor) { // shawl.qiu script : return array if (!sColor||sColor == "") { alert ("颜色不能为空!"); return ; } var Debug = true ; sColor = sColor.replace(/^/#/, "" ) ; if (sColor.length == 3) { var sTemp = ""; for (var i = 0, j = sColor.length; i { sTemp+ = ""+ sColor.charAt(i )+sColor.charAt(i ) ; } sColor = sTemp; } if (sColor.length != 6) { alert ("无法识别的颜色代码!") return ; } var arHex = []; arHex[0 ] = ""+ sColor.charAt(0 )+sColor.charAt(1 ) ; arHex[1 ] = ""+ sColor.charAt(2 )+sColor.charAt(3 ) ; arHex[2 ] = ""+ sColor.charAt(4 )+sColor.charAt(5 ) ; return arHex.slice( ) ; } // end function fSplitColor function fGetCompColor(sInput, sOpt, bNoSharp, bDebug) {// shawl.qiu script : return string if (!sInput) sInput = "#000000"; if (!sOpt) sOpt = 'hex'; sOpt = sOpt.toLowerCase( ) ; var arCell = []; var arHex = []; var arHexFinal = []; var arInt = []; var arIntFinal = []; var Debug = bDebug; if (Debug) { alert ( "sInput: "+sInput +" sOpt: "+sOpt ); } sInput = sInput.replace(/^/#/, "" ) ; switch (sOpt) { case "rgb": break ; default : if (sInput.length == 3) { var arTemp = fStringToArray(sInput ); sInput = ""+arTemp[0 ]+arTemp[0 ]+arTemp[1 ]+arTemp[1 ]+arTemp[2 ]+arTemp[2 ]; } if (sInput.length == 6) { arCell = fStringToArray(sInput ); arHex[0 ] = "0x"+arCell[0 ]+arCell[1 ]; arHex[1 ] = "0x"+arCell[2 ]+arCell[3 ]; arHex[2 ] = "0x"+arCell[4 ]+arCell[5 ]; arInt[0 ] = parseInt(arHex[0], 16 ); arInt[1 ] = parseInt(arHex[1], 16 ); arInt[2 ] = parseInt(arHex[2], 16 ); arIntFinal[0 ] = Math.abs(255-arInt[0 ]) ; arIntFinal[1 ] = Math.abs(255-arInt[1 ]) ; arIntFinal[2 ] = Math.abs(255-arInt[2 ]) ; arHexFinal[0 ] = fPadStr(arIntFinal[0 ].toString(16) ).toUpperCase(); arHexFinal[1 ] = fPadStr(arIntFinal[1 ].toString(16) ).toUpperCase(); arHexFinal[2 ] = fPadStr(arIntFinal[2 ].toString(16) ).toUpperCase(); if (Debug) { alert ("arCell: "+arCell); alert ("arHex: "+arHex); alert ("arInt: "+arInt); alert ("arIntFinal: "+arIntFinal); alert ("arHexFinal: "+arHexFinal); } if (bNoSharp) return arHexFinal.join("" ) ; return "#"+arHexFinal.join("" ) ; } else { alert ("无法识别的十六进制颜色代码!"); } break ; } return "000000"; function fStringToArray(sInput) {// shawl.qiu script var arCell = []; var iCount = 0; var iLen = sInput.length; while (iCount { arCell[iCount ] = sInput.charAt(iCount ) ; iCount++; } return arCell; } // end function fStringToArray function fPadStr(sSrc, sPad, nLen) {// shawl.qiu script if (!sSrc)return false ; if (!sPad)sPad = '0'; if (!nLen)nLen = 2; sSrc+ = ''; if (sSrc.length>= nLen)return sSrc; sPad = new Array (nLen+1 ).join(sPad ); var re = new RegExp('.*(.{'+(nLen)+'})$' ); return (sPad+sSrc).replace(re,'$1'); } // end function fPadStr } // end function fGetCompColor function fRgbToHex(sRgb, bNoSharp, bDebug) { // shawl.qiu script if (!sRgb||sRgb == "") { alert ("RGB颜色代码不正确!"); return ; } var Debug = bDebug; var sSharp = ""; if (!bNoSharp) sSharp = "#"; if (/rgb/(/i.test(sRgb )) { sRgb = sRgb.replace(/^[/s/S ]*?rgb/((.*? )/)[/s/S ]*/gi, "$1").replace(//s+/g, "" ) ; } var RgbAr = sRgb.split("," ) ; var sReturn = ""; sReturn = sSharp +(fPadStr((RgbAr[0]-0).toString(16)).toUpperCase()) +(fPadStr((RgbAr[1]-0).toString(16)).toUpperCase()) +(fPadStr((RgbAr[2]-0).toString(16)).toUpperCase()) ; if (Debug) { alert (sReturn); } return sReturn; function fPadStr(sSrc, sPad, nLen) {// shawl.qiu script if (!sSrc)return false ; if (!sPad)sPad = '0'; if (!nLen)nLen = 2; sSrc+ = ''; if (sSrc.length>= nLen)return sSrc; sPad = new Array (nLen+1 ).join(sPad ); var re = new RegExp('.*(.{'+(nLen)+'})$' ); return (sPad+sSrc).replace(re,'$1'); } // end function fPadStr } // end function fRgbToHex //------------------------------------end private method } // shawl.qiu code //---------------------------------end class Faded()---------------------------------//
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