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本文整理汇总了Python中torch.le方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python torch.le方法的具体用法?Python torch.le怎么用?Python torch.le使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在模块torch的用法示例。


示例1: preProc2

​点赞 6

# 需要导入模块: import torch [as 别名]

# 或者: from torch import le [as 别名]

def preProc2(x):

# Access the global variables

global P, expP, negExpP

P = P.type_as(x)

expP = expP.type_as(x)

negExpP = negExpP.type_as(x)

# Create a variable filled with -1. Second part of the condition

z = Variable(torch.zeros(x.size())).type_as(x)

absX = torch.abs(x)

cond1 = torch.gt(absX, negExpP)

cond2 = torch.le(absX, negExpP)

if (torch.sum(cond1) > 0).data.all():

x1 = torch.sign(x[cond1])

z[cond1] = x1

if (torch.sum(cond2) > 0).data.all():

x2 = x[cond2]*expP

z[cond2] = x2

return z


示例2: loss_per_level

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: import torch [as 别名]

# 或者: from torch import le [as 别名]

def loss_per_level(self, estDisp, gtDisp, label):

N, C, H, W = estDisp.shape

scaled_gtDisp = gtDisp

scale = 1.0

if gtDisp.shape[-2] != H or gtDisp.shape[-1] != W:

# compute scale per level and scale gtDisp

scale = gtDisp.shape[-1] / (W * 1.0)

scaled_gtDisp = gtDisp / scale

scaled_gtDisp = self.scale_func(scaled_gtDisp, (H, W))

# mask for valid disparity

# (start disparity, max disparity / scale)

# Attention: the invalid disparity of KITTI is set as 0, be sure to mask it out

mask &#61; (scaled_gtDisp > self.start_disp) & (scaled_gtDisp <(self.max_disp / scale))

if mask.sum() <1.0:

print(&#39;Relative loss: there is no point\&#39;s disparity is in ({},{})!&#39;.format(self.start_disp,

self.max_disp / scale))

loss &#61; (torch.abs(estDisp - scaled_gtDisp) * mask.float()).mean()

return loss

# relative loss

valid_pixel_number &#61; mask.float().sum()

diff &#61; scaled_gtDisp[mask] - estDisp[mask]

label &#61; label[mask]

# some value which is over large for torch.exp() is not suitable for soft margin loss

# get absolute value great than 66

over_large_mask &#61; torch.gt(torch.abs(diff), 66)

over_large_diff &#61; diff[over_large_mask]

# get absolute value smaller than 66

proper_mask &#61; torch.le(torch.abs(diff), 66)

proper_diff &#61; diff[proper_mask]

# generate lable for soft margin loss

label &#61; label[proper_mask]

loss &#61; F.soft_margin_loss(proper_diff, label, reduction&#61;&#39;sum&#39;) &#43; torch.abs(over_large_diff).sum()

loss &#61; loss / valid_pixel_number

return loss


示例3: pck

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: import torch [as 别名]

# 或者: from torch import le [as 别名]

def pck(source_points,warped_points,L_pck,alpha&#61;0.1):

# compute precentage of correct keypoints



for i in range(batch_size):

p_src &#61; source_points[i,:]

p_wrp &#61; warped_points[i,:]

N_pts &#61; torch.sum(torch.ne(p_src[0,:],-1)*torch.ne(p_src[1,:],-1))

point_distance &#61; torch.pow(torch.sum(torch.pow(p_src[:,:N_pts]-p_wrp[:,:N_pts],2),0),0.5)

L_pck_mat &#61; L_pck[i].expand_as(point_distance)

correct_points &#61; torch.le(point_distance,L_pck_mat*alpha)


return pck


示例4: distance_bin

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: import torch [as 别名]

# 或者: from torch import le [as 别名]

def distance_bin(self, mention_distance):

bins &#61; torch.zeros(mention_distance.size()).byte().to(self.device)

rg &#61; [[1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3], [4, 4], [5, 7], [8, 15], [16, 31], [32, 63], [64, 300]]

for t, k in enumerate(rg):

i, j &#61; k[0], k[1]

b &#61; torch.LongTensor([i]).unsqueeze(-1).expand(mention_distance.size()).to(self.device)

m1 &#61; torch.ge(mention_distance, b)

e &#61; torch.LongTensor([j]).unsqueeze(-1).expand(mention_distance.size()).to(self.device)

m2 &#61; torch.le(mention_distance, e)

bins &#61; bins &#43; (t &#43; 1) * (m1 & m2)

return bins.long()


示例5: _siamese_metrics

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: import torch [as 别名]

# 或者: from torch import le [as 别名]

def _siamese_metrics(output, label, margin&#61;1):

l2_dist_tensor &#61; torch.from_numpy(output.data.cpu().numpy())

label_tensor &#61; torch.from_numpy(label.data.cpu().numpy())

# Distance

is_pos &#61; torch.ByteTensor()

POS_LABEL &#61; 1

NEG_LABEL &#61; 0

torch.eq(label_tensor, POS_LABEL, out&#61;is_pos) # y&#61;&#61;1

pos_dist &#61; 0 if len(l2_dist_tensor[is_pos]) &#61;&#61; 0 else l2_dist_tensor[is_pos].mean()

neg_dist &#61; 0 if len(l2_dist_tensor[~is_pos]) &#61;&#61; 0 else l2_dist_tensor[~is_pos].mean()

# print(&#39;same dis : diff dis {} : {}&#39;.format(l2_dist_tensor[is_pos &#61;&#61; 0].mean(), l2_dist_tensor[is_pos].mean()))

# accuracy

pred_pos_flags &#61; torch.ByteTensor()

torch.le(l2_dist_tensor, margin, out&#61;pred_pos_flags) # y&#61;&#61;1&#39;s idx

cur_score &#61; torch.FloatTensor(label.size(0))


cur_score[pred_pos_flags] &#61; POS_LABEL

label_tensor_ &#61; label_tensor.type(torch.FloatTensor)

accuracy &#61; torch.eq(cur_score, label_tensor_).sum() / label_tensor.size(0)

metrics &#61; {

&#39;accuracy&#39;: accuracy,

&#39;pos_dist&#39;: pos_dist,

&#39;neg_dist&#39;: neg_dist,


return metrics


示例6: NegativeLogLoss

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: import torch [as 别名]

# 或者: from torch import le [as 别名]

def NegativeLogLoss(y_pred, y_true):



- y_pred: batch x time

- y_true: batch


y_true_onehot &#61; to_one_hot(y_true.unsqueeze(-1), y_pred.size(1))

P &#61; y_true_onehot.squeeze(-1) * y_pred # batch x time

P &#61; torch.sum(P, dim&#61;1) # batch

gt_zero &#61; torch.gt(P, 0.0).float() # batch

epsilon &#61; torch.le(P, 0.0).float() * 1e-8 # batch

log_P &#61; torch.log(P &#43; epsilon) * gt_zero # batch

output &#61; -log_P # batch

return output


示例7: forward

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: import torch [as 别名]

# 或者: from torch import le [as 别名]

def forward(self, y_pred, y_true):


P &#61; y_true.float() * y_pred # batch x time x class

P &#61; torch.sum(P, dim&#61;1) # batch x class

gt_zero &#61; torch.gt(P, 0.0).float() # batch x class

epsilon &#61; torch.le(P, 0.0).float() * _eps # batch x class

log_P &#61; torch.log(P &#43; epsilon) * gt_zero # batch x class

sum_log_P &#61; torch.sum(log_P, dim&#61;1) # n_b

return -sum_log_P


示例8: neg_log_obj

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: import torch [as 别名]

# 或者: from torch import le [as 别名]

def neg_log_obj(self, words, word_seq_lens, batch_context_emb, chars, char_seq_lens, adj_matrixs, adjs_in, adjs_out, graphs, dep_label_adj, batch_dep_heads, tags, batch_dep_label, trees&#61;None):

features &#61; self.neural_scoring(words, word_seq_lens, batch_context_emb, chars, char_seq_lens, adj_matrixs, adjs_in, adjs_out, graphs, dep_label_adj, batch_dep_heads, batch_dep_label, trees)

all_scores &#61; self.calculate_all_scores(features)

batch_size &#61; words.size(0)

sent_len &#61; words.size(1)

maskTemp &#61; torch.arange(1, sent_len &#43; 1, dtype&#61;torch.long).view(1, sent_len).expand(batch_size, sent_len).to(self.device)

mask &#61; torch.le(maskTemp, word_seq_lens.view(batch_size, 1).expand(batch_size, sent_len)).to(self.device)

unlabed_score &#61; self.forward_unlabeled(all_scores, word_seq_lens, mask)

labeled_score &#61; self.forward_labeled(all_scores, word_seq_lens, tags, mask)

return unlabed_score - labeled_score


示例9: _compute_loss

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: import torch [as 别名]

# 或者: from torch import le [as 别名]

def _compute_loss(self, prediction_tensor, target_tensor, weights&#61;None):

"""Compute loss function.


prediction_tensor: A float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors,

code_size] representing the (encoded) predicted locations of objects.

target_tensor: A float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors,

code_size] representing the regression targets

weights: a float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors]


loss: a float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors] tensor

representing the value of the loss function.


diff &#61; prediction_tensor - target_tensor

if self._code_weights is not None:

code_weights &#61; self._code_weights.type_as(prediction_tensor).to(target_tensor.device)

diff &#61; code_weights.view(1, 1, -1) * diff

abs_diff &#61; torch.abs(diff)

abs_diff_lt_1 &#61; torch.le(abs_diff, 1 / (self._sigma**2)).type_as(abs_diff)

loss &#61; abs_diff_lt_1 * 0.5 * torch.pow(abs_diff * self._sigma, 2) \

&#43; (abs_diff - 0.5 / (self._sigma**2)) * (1. - abs_diff_lt_1)

if self._codewise:

anchorwise_smooth_l1norm &#61; loss

if weights is not None:

anchorwise_smooth_l1norm *&#61; weights.unsqueeze(-1)


anchorwise_smooth_l1norm &#61; torch.sum(loss, 2)# * weights

if weights is not None:

anchorwise_smooth_l1norm *&#61; weights

return anchorwise_smooth_l1norm


示例10: le

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: import torch [as 别名]

# 或者: from torch import le [as 别名]

def le(t1, t2):


Element-wise rich less than or equal comparison between values from operand t1 with respect to values of

operand t2 (i.e. t1 <&#61; t2), not commutative.

Takes the first and second operand (scalar or tensor) whose elements are to be compared as argument.



t1: tensor or scalar

The first operand to be compared less than or equal to second operand

t2: tensor or scalar

The second operand to be compared greater than or equal to first operand



result: ht.DNDarray

A uint8-tensor holding 1 for all elements in which values of t1 are less than or equal to values of t2,

0 for all other elements



>>> import heat as ht

>>> T1 &#61; ht.float32([[1, 2],[3, 4]])

>>> ht.le(T1, 3.0)

tensor([[1, 1],

[1, 0]], dtype&#61;torch.uint8)

>>> T2 &#61; ht.float32([[2, 2], [2, 2]])

>>> ht.le(T1, T2)

tensor([[1, 1],

[0, 0]], dtype&#61;torch.uint8)


return operations.__binary_op(torch.le, t1, t2)


示例11: compute

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: import torch [as 别名]

# 或者: from torch import le [as 别名]

def compute(self, left, right) -> torch.Tensor:

return torch.le(left, right)


示例12: _bound_logvar_lookup

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: import torch [as 别名]

# 或者: from torch import le [as 别名]

def _bound_logvar_lookup(self):

self.logvar_lookup.weight.data[torch.le(self.logvar_lookup.weight, self.logvar_bound)] &#61; self.logvar_bound


示例13: test_random_uniform_boundaries

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: import torch [as 别名]

# 或者: from torch import le [as 别名]

def test_random_uniform_boundaries(dtype):

lb &#61; 1.2

ub &#61; 4.8

backend &#61; pytorch_backend.PyTorchBackend()

a &#61; backend.random_uniform((4, 4), seed&#61;10, dtype&#61;dtype)

b &#61; backend.random_uniform((4, 4), (lb, ub), seed&#61;10, dtype&#61;dtype)

assert (torch.ge(a, 0).byte().all() and torch.le(a, 1).byte().all() and

torch.ge(b, lb).byte().all() and torch.le(b, ub).byte().all())


示例14: stable_cosine_distance

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: import torch [as 别名]

# 或者: from torch import le [as 别名]

def stable_cosine_distance(a, b, squared&#61;True):

"""Computes the pairwise distance matrix with numerical stability."""

mat &#61; torch.cat([a, b])

pairwise_distances_squared &#61; torch.add(

mat.pow(2).sum(dim&#61;1, keepdim&#61;True).expand(mat.size(0), -1),

torch.t(mat).pow(2).sum(dim&#61;0, keepdim&#61;True).expand(mat.size(0), -1)

) - 2 * (torch.mm(mat, torch.t(mat)))

# Deal with numerical inaccuracies. Set small negatives to zero.

pairwise_distances_squared &#61; torch.clamp(pairwise_distances_squared, min&#61;0.0)

# Get the mask where the zero distances are at.

error_mask &#61; torch.le(pairwise_distances_squared, 0.0)

# Optionally take the sqrt.

if squared:

pairwise_distances &#61; pairwise_distances_squared


pairwise_distances &#61; torch.sqrt(pairwise_distances_squared &#43; error_mask.float() * 1e-16)

# Undo conditionally adding 1e-16.

pairwise_distances &#61; torch.mul(pairwise_distances, (error_mask &#61;&#61; False).float())

# Explicitly set diagonals to zero.

mask_offdiagonals &#61; 1 - torch.eye(*pairwise_distances.size(), device&#61;pairwise_distances.device)

pairwise_distances &#61; torch.mul(pairwise_distances, mask_offdiagonals)

return pairwise_distances[:a.shape[0], a.shape[0]:]


示例15: _pairwise_distance

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: import torch [as 别名]

# 或者: from torch import le [as 别名]

def _pairwise_distance(a, squared&#61;False):

"""Computes the pairwise distance matrix with numerical stability."""

pairwise_distances_squared &#61; torch.add(

a.pow(2).sum(dim&#61;1, keepdim&#61;True).expand(a.size(0), -1),

torch.t(a).pow(2).sum(dim&#61;0, keepdim&#61;True).expand(a.size(0), -1)

) - 2 * (torch.mm(a, torch.t(a)))

# Deal with numerical inaccuracies. Set small negatives to zero.

pairwise_distances_squared &#61; torch.clamp(pairwise_distances_squared, min&#61;0.0)

# Get the mask where the zero distances are at.

error_mask &#61; torch.le(pairwise_distances_squared, 0.0)

# Optionally take the sqrt.

if squared:

pairwise_distances &#61; pairwise_distances_squared


pairwise_distances &#61; torch.sqrt(pairwise_distances_squared &#43; error_mask.float() * 1e-16)

# Undo conditionally adding 1e-16.

pairwise_distances &#61; torch.mul(pairwise_distances, (error_mask &#61;&#61; False).float())

# Explicitly set diagonals to zero.

mask_offdiagonals &#61; 1 - torch.eye(*pairwise_distances.size(), device&#61;pairwise_distances.device)

pairwise_distances &#61; torch.mul(pairwise_distances, mask_offdiagonals)

return pairwise_distances


示例16: _compute_loss

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: import torch [as 别名]

# 或者: from torch import le [as 别名]

def _compute_loss(self, prediction_tensor, target_tensor, weights&#61;None):

"""Compute loss function.


prediction_tensor: A float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors,

code_size] representing the (encoded) predicted locations of objects.

target_tensor: A float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors,

code_size] representing the regression targets

weights: a float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors]


loss: a float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors] tensor

representing the value of the loss function.


diff &#61; prediction_tensor - target_tensor

if self._code_weights is not None:

code_weights &#61; self._code_weights.type_as(prediction_tensor)

diff &#61; code_weights.view(1, 1, -1) * diff

abs_diff &#61; torch.abs(diff)

abs_diff_lt_1 &#61; torch.le(abs_diff, 1 / (self._sigma**2)).type_as(abs_diff)

loss &#61; abs_diff_lt_1 * 0.5 * torch.pow(abs_diff * self._sigma, 2) \

&#43; (abs_diff - 0.5 / (self._sigma**2)) * (1. - abs_diff_lt_1)

if self._codewise:

anchorwise_smooth_l1norm &#61; loss

if weights is not None:

anchorwise_smooth_l1norm *&#61; weights.unsqueeze(-1)


anchorwise_smooth_l1norm &#61; torch.sum(loss, 2)# * weights

if weights is not None:

anchorwise_smooth_l1norm *&#61; weights

return anchorwise_smooth_l1norm


示例17: _compute_fake_acc

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: import torch [as 别名]

# 或者: from torch import le [as 别名]

def _compute_fake_acc(predictions):

predictions &#61; torch.le(predictions.data, 0.5)

if len(predictions.size()) &#61;&#61; 3:

predictions &#61; predictions.view(predictions.size(0) * predictions.size(1) * predictions.size(2))

acc &#61; (predictions &#61;&#61; 1).sum() / (1.0 * predictions.size(0))

return acc


示例18: forward

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: import torch [as 别名]

# 或者: from torch import le [as 别名]

def forward(self, prediction_tensor, target_tensor, weights&#61;None):

"""Compute loss function.


prediction_tensor: A float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors,

code_size] representing the (encoded) predicted locations of objects.

target_tensor: A float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors,

code_size] representing the regression targets

weights: a float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors]


loss: a float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors] tensor

representing the value of the loss function.


diff &#61; prediction_tensor - target_tensor

if self._code_weights is not None:

# code_weights &#61; self._code_weights.type_as(prediction_tensor).to(diff.device)

diff &#61; self._code_weights.view(1, 1, -1).to(diff.device) * diff

abs_diff &#61; torch.abs(diff)

abs_diff_lt_1 &#61; torch.le(abs_diff, 1 / (self._sigma ** 2)).type_as(abs_diff)

loss &#61; abs_diff_lt_1 * 0.5 * torch.pow(abs_diff * self._sigma, 2) &#43; (

abs_diff - 0.5 / (self._sigma ** 2)

) * (1.0 - abs_diff_lt_1)

if self._codewise:

anchorwise_smooth_l1norm &#61; loss

if weights is not None:

anchorwise_smooth_l1norm *&#61; weights.unsqueeze(-1)


anchorwise_smooth_l1norm &#61; torch.sum(loss, 2) # * weights

if weights is not None:

anchorwise_smooth_l1norm *&#61; weights

return anchorwise_smooth_l1norm


示例19: evaluateError

​点赞 4

# 需要导入模块: import torch [as 别名]

# 或者: from torch import le [as 别名]

def evaluateError(output, target):

# f &#61; open(&#39;./record.txt&#39;, &#39;w&#39;)

errors &#61; {&#39;MSE&#39;: 0, &#39;RMSE&#39;: 0, &#39;ABS_REL&#39;: 0, &#39;LG10&#39;: 0,

&#39;MAE&#39;: 0, &#39;DELTA1&#39;: 0, &#39;DELTA2&#39;: 0, &#39;DELTA3&#39;: 0}

_output, _target, nanMask, nValidElement &#61; setNanToZero(output, target)


if (nValidElement.data.cpu().numpy() > 0):

diffMatrix &#61; torch.abs(_output - _target)

errors[&#39;MSE&#39;] &#61; torch.sum(torch.pow(diffMatrix, 2)) / nValidElement

errors[&#39;RMSE&#39;] &#61; torch.sqrt(errors[&#39;MSE&#39;])

errors[&#39;MAE&#39;] &#61; torch.sum(diffMatrix) / nValidElement

realMatrix &#61; torch.div(diffMatrix, _target)

realMatrix[nanMask] &#61; 0

errors[&#39;ABS_REL&#39;] &#61; torch.sum(realMatrix) / nValidElement

#del realMatrix

#del diffMatrix

LG10Matrix &#61; torch.abs(lg10(_output) - lg10(_target))

LG10Matrix[nanMask] &#61; 0

errors[&#39;LG10&#39;] &#61; torch.sum(LG10Matrix) / nValidElement

#del LG10Matrix

yOverZ &#61; torch.div(_output, _target)

zOverY &#61; torch.div(_target, _output)

maxRatio &#61; maxOfTwo(yOverZ, zOverY)

errors[&#39;DELTA1&#39;] &#61; torch.sum(

torch.le(maxRatio, 1.25).float()) / nValidElement

errors[&#39;DELTA2&#39;] &#61; torch.sum(

torch.le(maxRatio, math.pow(1.25, 2)).float()) / nValidElement

errors[&#39;DELTA3&#39;] &#61; torch.sum(

torch.le(maxRatio, math.pow(1.25, 3)).float()) / nValidElement

errors[&#39;MSE&#39;] &#61; float(errors[&#39;MSE&#39;].data.cpu().numpy())

errors[&#39;RMSE&#39;] &#61; float(errors[&#39;RMSE&#39;].data.cpu().numpy())

errors[&#39;ABS_REL&#39;] &#61; float(errors[&#39;ABS_REL&#39;].data.cpu().numpy())

errors[&#39;LG10&#39;] &#61; float(errors[&#39;LG10&#39;].data.cpu().numpy())

errors[&#39;MAE&#39;] &#61; float(errors[&#39;MAE&#39;].data.cpu().numpy())

# errors[&#39;PERC&#39;] &#61; float(errors[&#39;PERC&#39;].data.cpu().numpy())

errors[&#39;DELTA1&#39;] &#61; float(errors[&#39;DELTA1&#39;].data.cpu().numpy())

errors[&#39;DELTA2&#39;] &#61; float(errors[&#39;DELTA2&#39;].data.cpu().numpy())

errors[&#39;DELTA3&#39;] &#61; float(errors[&#39;DELTA3&#39;].data.cpu().numpy())

#del yOverZ, zOverY, maxRatio

# f.write(&#39; nValidElement &#61; &#39; &#43; str(nValidElement) &#43; &#39; _output &#39; &#43; str(_output) &#43; &#39; _target &#39; &#43; str(_target) &#43; &#39;maxRatio &#39; &#43; str(maxRatio) &#43; &#39;torch.le(maxRatio, 1.25).float()&#39; &#43; str(torch.le(maxRatio, 1.25).float()) &#43; &#39;\n&#39;)


return errors


示例20: test_fss_class

​点赞 4

# 需要导入模块: import torch [as 别名]

# 或者: from torch import le [as 别名]

def test_fss_class(op):

class_ &#61; {"eq": DPF, "le": DIF}[op]

th_op &#61; {"eq": th.eq, "le": th.le}[op]

gather_op &#61; {"eq": "__add__", "le": "__xor__"}[op]

# single value

primitive &#61; class_.keygen(n_values&#61;1)

alpha, s_00, s_01, *CW &#61; primitive

mask &#61; th.randint(0, 2 ** n, alpha.shape)

k0, k1 &#61; [((alpha - mask) % 2 ** n, s_00, *CW), (mask, s_01, *CW)]

x &#61; th.tensor([0])

x_masked &#61; x &#43; k0[0] &#43; k1[0]

y0 &#61; class_.eval(0, x_masked, *k0[1:])

y1 &#61; class_.eval(1, x_masked, *k1[1:])

assert (getattr(y0, gather_op)(y1) &#61;&#61; th_op(x, 0)).all()

# 1D tensor

primitive &#61; class_.keygen(n_values&#61;3)

alpha, s_00, s_01, *CW &#61; primitive

mask &#61; th.randint(0, 2 ** n, alpha.shape)

k0, k1 &#61; [((alpha - mask) % 2 ** n, s_00, *CW), (mask, s_01, *CW)]

x &#61; th.tensor([0, 2, -2])

x_masked &#61; x &#43; k0[0] &#43; k1[0]

y0 &#61; class_.eval(0, x_masked, *k0[1:])

y1 &#61; class_.eval(1, x_masked, *k1[1:])

assert (getattr(y0, gather_op)(y1) &#61;&#61; th_op(x, 0)).all()

# 2D tensor

primitive &#61; class_.keygen(n_values&#61;4)

alpha, s_00, s_01, *CW &#61; primitive

mask &#61; th.randint(0, 2 ** n, alpha.shape)

k0, k1 &#61; [((alpha - mask) % 2 ** n, s_00, *CW), (mask, s_01, *CW)]

x &#61; th.tensor([[0, 2], [-2, 0]])

x_masked &#61; x &#43; k0[0].reshape(x.shape) &#43; k1[0].reshape(x.shape)

y0 &#61; class_.eval(0, x_masked, *k0[1:])

y1 &#61; class_.eval(1, x_masked, *k1[1:])

assert (getattr(y0, gather_op)(y1) &#61;&#61; th_op(x, 0)).all()

# 3D tensor

primitive &#61; class_.keygen(n_values&#61;8)

alpha, s_00, s_01, *CW &#61; primitive

mask &#61; th.randint(0, 2 ** n, alpha.shape)

k0, k1 &#61; [((alpha - mask) % 2 ** n, s_00, *CW), (mask, s_01, *CW)]

x &#61; th.tensor([[[0, 2], [-2, 0]], [[0, 2], [-2, 0]]])

x_masked &#61; x &#43; k0[0].reshape(x.shape) &#43; k1[0].reshape(x.shape)

y0 &#61; class_.eval(0, x_masked, *k0[1:])

y1 &#61; class_.eval(1, x_masked, *k1[1:])

assert (getattr(y0, gather_op)(y1) &#61;&#61; th_op(x, 0)).all()


示例21: pairwise_distance

​点赞 4

# 需要导入模块: import torch [as 别名]

# 或者: from torch import le [as 别名]

def pairwise_distance(a, squared&#61;False):

"""Computes the pairwise distance matrix with numerical stability.

output[i, j] &#61; || feature[i, :] - feature[j, :] ||_2


feature: 2-D Tensor of size [number of data, feature dimension].

squared: Boolean, whether or not to square the pairwise distances.


pairwise_distances: 2-D Tensor of size [number of data, number of data].


a &#61; torch.as_tensor(np.atleast_2d(a))

pairwise_distances_squared &#61; torch.add(

a.pow(2).sum(dim&#61;1, keepdim&#61;True).expand(a.size(0), -1),

torch.t(a).pow(2).sum(dim&#61;0, keepdim&#61;True).expand(a.size(0), -1)

) - 2 * (

torch.mm(a, torch.t(a))


# Deal with numerical inaccuracies. Set small negatives to zero.

pairwise_distances_squared &#61; torch.clamp(

pairwise_distances_squared, min&#61;0.0


# Get the mask where the zero distances are at.

error_mask &#61; torch.le(pairwise_distances_squared, 0.0)

# Optionally take the sqrt.

if squared:

pairwise_distances &#61; pairwise_distances_squared


pairwise_distances &#61; torch.sqrt(

pairwise_distances_squared &#43; error_mask.float() * 1e-16


# Undo conditionally adding 1e-16.

pairwise_distances &#61; torch.mul(


(error_mask &#61;&#61; False).float()


# Explicitly set diagonals to zero.

mask_offdiagonals &#61; 1 - torch.eye(




pairwise_distances &#61; torch.mul(pairwise_distances, mask_offdiagonals).data.cpu().numpy()

return pairwise_distances


示例22: class_balanced_cross_entropy_loss

​点赞 4

# 需要导入模块: import torch [as 别名]

# 或者: from torch import le [as 别名]

def class_balanced_cross_entropy_loss(output, label, size_average&#61;True, batch_average&#61;True, void_pixels&#61;None):

"""Define the class balanced cross entropy loss to train the network


output: Output of the network

label: Ground truth label

size_average: return per-element (pixel) average loss

batch_average: return per-batch average loss

void_pixels: pixels to ignore from the loss


Tensor that evaluates the loss


assert(output.size() &#61;&#61; label.size())

labels &#61; torch.ge(label, 0.5).float()

num_labels_pos &#61; torch.sum(labels)

num_labels_neg &#61; torch.sum(1.0 - labels)

num_total &#61; num_labels_pos &#43; num_labels_neg

output_gt_zero &#61; torch.ge(output, 0).float()

loss_val &#61; torch.mul(output, (labels - output_gt_zero)) - torch.log(

1 &#43; torch.exp(output - 2 * torch.mul(output, output_gt_zero)))

loss_pos_pix &#61; -torch.mul(labels, loss_val)

loss_neg_pix &#61; -torch.mul(1.0 - labels, loss_val)

if void_pixels is not None:

w_void &#61; torch.le(void_pixels, 0.5).float()

loss_pos_pix &#61; torch.mul(w_void, loss_pos_pix)

loss_neg_pix &#61; torch.mul(w_void, loss_neg_pix)

num_total &#61; num_total - torch.ge(void_pixels, 0.5).float().sum()

loss_pos &#61; torch.sum(loss_pos_pix)

loss_neg &#61; torch.sum(loss_neg_pix)

final_loss &#61; num_labels_neg / num_total * loss_pos &#43; num_labels_pos / num_total * loss_neg

if size_average:

final_loss /&#61; np.prod(label.size())

elif batch_average:

final_loss /&#61; label.size()[0]

return final_loss


示例23: calcScores

​点赞 4

# 需要导入模块: import torch [as 别名]

# 或者: from torch import le [as 别名]

def calcScores(network, data, thresholds):

# calculate labels

ind &#61; 0

meta &#61; []

for d in data:

meta &#43;&#61; [ind]*len(d)

ind &#43;&#61; 1

labels &#61; torch.LongTensor(meta)

# images have to be center cropped to right size from (288, 144) to (256, 128)

images &#61; []

transformation &#61; Compose([CenterCrop((256, 128)), ToTensor(),

Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225])])

for d in data:

tens &#61; []

for im in d:

im &#61; cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

im &#61; Image.fromarray(im)

im &#61; transformation(im)


images.append(torch.stack(tens, 0))

embeddings &#61; torch.cat([network(Variable(im.cuda(), volatile&#61;True)).data for im in images],0).cpu()

pos_mask &#61; _get_anchor_positive_triplet_mask(labels)

neg_mask &#61; _get_anchor_negative_triplet_mask(labels)

# compute pariwise square distance matrix

n &#61; embeddings.size(0)

m &#61; embeddings.size(0)

d &#61; embeddings.size(1)

x &#61; embeddings.unsqueeze(1).expand(n, m, d)

y &#61; embeddings.unsqueeze(0).expand(n, m, d)

dist &#61; torch.sqrt(torch.pow(x - y, 2).sum(2))

pos_distances &#61; dist * pos_mask.float()

neg_distances &#61; dist * neg_mask.float()

num_pos &#61; pos_mask.sum()

num_neg &#61; neg_mask.sum()

# calculate the right classifications

for t in thresholds:

# every 0 entry is also le t so filter with mask here

pos_right &#61; torch.le(pos_distances, t) * pos_mask

pos_right &#61; pos_right.sum()

neg_right &#61; torch.gt(neg_distances, t).sum()

print("[*] Threshold set to: {}".format(t))

print("Positive right classifications: {:.2f}% {}/{}".format(pos_right/num_pos*100, pos_right, num_pos))

print("Negative right classifications: {:.2f}% {}/{}".format(neg_right/num_neg*100, neg_right, num_neg))

print("All right classifications: {:.2f}% {}/{}".format((pos_right&#43;neg_right)/(num_pos&#43;num_neg)*100,

pos_right&#43;neg_right, num_pos&#43;num_neg))


示例24: infer

​点赞 4

# 需要导入模块: import torch [as 别名]

# 或者: from torch import le [as 别名]

def infer(self, memory, memory_lengths):

""" Decoder inference



memory: Encoder outputs



mel_outputs: mel outputs from the decoder

gate_outputs: gate outputs from the decoder

alignments: sequence of attention weights from the decoder


decoder_input &#61; self.get_go_frame(memory)

if memory.size(0) > 1:

mask &#61; ~get_mask_from_lengths(memory_lengths)


mask &#61; None

self.initialize_decoder_states(memory, mask&#61;mask)

mel_lengths &#61; torch.zeros([memory.size(0)], dtype&#61;torch.int32)

not_finished &#61; torch.ones([memory.size(0)], dtype&#61;torch.int32)

if torch.cuda.is_available():

mel_lengths &#61; mel_lengths.cuda()

not_finished &#61; not_finished.cuda()

mel_outputs, gate_outputs, alignments &#61; [], [], []

while True:

decoder_input &#61; self.prenet(decoder_input, inference&#61;True)

mel_output, gate_output, alignment &#61; self.decode(decoder_input)

dec &#61; torch.le(torch.sigmoid(gate_output.data), self.gate_threshold).to(torch.int32).squeeze(1)

not_finished &#61; not_finished * dec

mel_lengths &#43;&#61; not_finished

if self.early_stopping and torch.sum(not_finished) &#61;&#61; 0:


mel_outputs &#43;&#61; [mel_output.squeeze(1)]

gate_outputs &#43;&#61; [gate_output]

alignments &#43;&#61; [alignment]

if len(mel_outputs) &#61;&#61; self.max_decoder_steps:

logging.warning("Reached max decoder steps %d.", self.max_decoder_steps)


decoder_input &#61; mel_output

mel_outputs, gate_outputs, alignments &#61; self.parse_decoder_outputs(mel_outputs, gate_outputs, alignments)

return mel_outputs, gate_outputs, alignments, mel_lengths


示例25: forward

​点赞 4

# 需要导入模块: import torch [as 别名]

# 或者: from torch import le [as 别名]

def forward(self, heads, annotations):

alpha &#61; 0.25

gamma &#61; 2.0

if self.is_3D:

classifications, regressions, depthregressions &#61; heads


classifications, regressions &#61; heads

#classifications,scalar,mu &#61; classifications_tuple

batch_size &#61; classifications.shape[0]

classification_losses &#61; []

regression_losses &#61; []

anchor &#61; self.all_anchors # num_anchors(w*h*A) x 2

anchor_regression_loss_tuple &#61; []

for j in range(batch_size):

classification &#61; classifications[j, :, :] #N*(w*h*A)*P

regression &#61; regressions[j, :, :, :] #N*(w*h*A)*P*2

if self.is_3D:

depthregression &#61; depthregressions[j, :, :]#N*(w*h*A)*P

bbox_annotation &#61; annotations[j, :, :]#N*P*3&#61;>P*3

reg_weight &#61; F.softmax(classification,dim&#61;0) #(w*h*A)*P

reg_weight_xy &#61; torch.unsqueeze(reg_weight,2).expand(reg_weight.shape[0],reg_weight.shape[1],2)#(w*h*A)*P*2

gt_xy &#61; bbox_annotation[:,:2]#P*2

anchor_diff &#61; torch.abs(gt_xy-(reg_weight_xy*torch.unsqueeze(anchor,1)).sum(0)) #P*2

anchor_loss &#61; torch.where(

torch.le(anchor_diff, 1),

0.5 * 1 * torch.pow(anchor_diff, 2),

anchor_diff - 0.5 / 1


anchor_regression_loss &#61; anchor_loss.mean()


#######################regression 4 spatial###################

reg &#61; torch.unsqueeze(anchor,1) &#43; regression #(w*h*A)*P*2

regression_diff &#61; torch.abs(gt_xy-(reg_weight_xy*reg).sum(0)) #P*2

regression_loss &#61; torch.where(

torch.le(regression_diff, 1),

0.5 * 1 * torch.pow(regression_diff, 2),

regression_diff - 0.5 / 1


regression_loss &#61; regression_loss.mean()*self.spatialFactor

########################regression 4 depth###################

if self.is_3D:

gt_depth &#61; bbox_annotation[:,2] #P

regression_diff_depth &#61; torch.abs(gt_depth - (reg_weight*depthregression).sum(0))#(w*h*A)*P

regression_loss_depth &#61; torch.where(

torch.le(regression_diff_depth, 3),

0.5 * (1/3) * torch.pow(regression_diff_depth, 2),

regression_diff_depth - 0.5 / (1/3)


regression_loss &#43;&#61; regression_diff_depth.mean()



return torch.stack(anchor_regression_loss_tuple).mean(dim&#61;0, keepdim&#61;True), torch.stack(regression_losses).mean(dim&#61;0, keepdim&#61;True)



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