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Does anyone know about a fast OrderedSet implementation for python that:

remembers insertion order

has an index() method (like the one lists offer)

All implementations I found are missing the .index() method.


You can always add it in a subclass. Here is a basic implementation for the OrderedSet you linked in a comment:

class IndexOrderedSet(OrderedSet):

def index(self, elem):

if key in self.map:

return next(i for i, e in enumerate(self) if e == elem)


raise KeyError("That element isn't in the set")

You mentioned you only need add, index, and in-order iteration. You can get this by using an OrderedDict as storage. As a bonus, you can subclass the collections.Set abstract class to get the other set operations frozensets support:

from itertools import count, izip

from collections import OrderedDict, Set

class IndexOrderedSet(Set):

"""An OrderedFrozenSet-like object

Allows constant time 'index'ing

But doesn't allow you to remove elements"""

def __init__(self, iterable = ()):

self.num = count()

self.dict = OrderedDict(izip(iterable, self.num))

def add(self, elem):

if elem not in self:

self.dict[elem] = next(self.num)

def index(self, elem):

return self.dict[elem]

def __contains__(self, elem):

return elem in self.dict

def __len__(self):

return len(self.dict)

def __iter__(self):

return iter(self.dict)

def __repr__(self):

return 'IndexOrderedSet({})'.format(self.dict.keys())

You can't subclass collections.MutableSet because you can't support removing elements from the set and keep the indexes correct.

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