作者:亦涵Doris | 来源:互联网 | 2023-05-19 18:26
I've set my website to asp.net 4.6 runtime and the website was all ready only accessible in https so those two requirements are met. Also I visited the site with an HTTP2 supporting browser like Chrome or IE11. Also the website is hosted as a Microsoft Azure Website
我已经将我的网站设置为asp.net 4.6运行时,并且该网站只能通过https访问,因此满足了这两个要求。我也使用支持浏览器的浏览器访问了网站,例如Chrome或IE11。该网站也作为Microsoft Azure网站托管
I've used the following sites for reference https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Visual-Studio/Connect-event-2014/812 and http://www.dotnetcurry.com/aspnet/1127/aspnet-webforms-new-features
我使用以下网站作为参考https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Visual-Studio/Connect-event-2014/812和http://www.dotnetcurry.com/aspnet/1127/aspnet-webforms -新功能
Unfortunately I can't share the website with you because it's a client's and I guess he doesn't like that.
My question to you is, has anyone already used HTTP2 on Azure and maybe have some tips or input for me? Thanks!
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