0 [160, 161, 365, 386, 471]
1 [296, 306]
下面是我试图在SQL查询中插入的内容:listado = [None]*len(res)
# We store the hashtags that describes the best the groups
# We iterate on the people of a group to construct the WHERE condition
print "res : ", res
for i in (0,len(res)):
conn = psycopg2.connect(**params)
cur = conn.cursor()
listado = [None]*len(res)
for i in (0,len(res)):
print "res[i:p] : ", res.iloc[i]['ids']
cur.execute("""SELECT COUNT(swipe.eclipse_id), subscriber_hashtag.hashtag_id FROM subscriber_hashtag
-- join para que las publicidades/eclipses que gusta un usarios estan vinculadas con las de la tabla de correspondencia con los hashtag
INNER JOIN eclipse_hashtag ON eclipse_hashtag.hashtag_id = subscriber_hashtag.hashtag_id
-- join para que los usarios estan vinculados con los de la tabla de correspondencia con los hashtag
LEFT OUTER JOIN swipe ON subscriber_hashtag.subscriber_id = swipe.subscriber_id
-- recobremos los "me gusta"
WHERE subscriber_hastag.subscriber_id in (%s)
GROUP BY subscriber_hashtag.hashtag_id
ORDER BY COUNT(swipe.eclipse_id) DESC;""",(res.iloc[i]['ids']))
n = cur.fetchall()
listado[i] = [{"count": elem[0], "eclipse_id": elem[1]} for elem in n]
提供进一步的数据信息:subscriber_id hashtag_id
160 345
160 347
161 345
160 334
161 347
306 325
296 362
306 324
296 326
161 322
160 322
这里的输出应该是:{0:[324,1],[325,1],[326,1],[362,1], 1 : [345,2],[347,2],[334,1]}
错误消息是:('EOF in multi-line string',(1,50))---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
39 WHERE subscriber_hastag.subscriber_id in (%s)
40 GROUP BY subscriber_hashtag.hashtag_id
---> 41 ORDER BY COUNT(swipe.eclipse_id) DESC;""",(res.iloc[i]['ids']))
43 n = cur.fetchall()