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It is obviously possible to hide individual data points in an Excel line chart.


  • Select a data point.
  • 选择一个数据点。
  • Right click -> Format Data Point...
  • 右键单击 - >格式化数据点...
  • Select Patterns
  • 选择模式
  • Tab Set Line to None
  • 标签设置行为无

How do you accomplish the same thing in VBA? Intuition tells me there should be a property on the Point object Chart.SeriesCollection().Points( which deals with this...

你如何在VBA中完成同样的事情? Intuition告诉我在Point对象Chart.SeriesCollection( )上应该有一个属性。Points( 处理这个...

7 个解决方案



Actually if you are going to use SpyJournal's answer it has to be =IF(b2=0,NA(),b2), otherwise Excel just recognizes it as text, not as an 'official' #N/A

实际上如果你打算使用SpyJournal的答案,它必须是= IF(b2 = 0,NA(),b2),否则Excel只会将其识别为文本,而不是'官方'#N / A



"Describe it to the teddy bear" works almost every time...


You have to go to the Border child object of the Point object and set its LineStyle to xlNone.




As a general tip: If you know how to do something in excel, but don't know how to do it in VBA you could just record a macro and look at the recorded VBA-code (works at least most of the time)




There is a Non VBA solution as well that can also be controlled from the VBA code as well. In excel a data point represented by a #N/A will not display. Thus you can use a formula - the easiest is an IF function - that returns an #N/A as text in the graph data. This data point will then not display which means you don't need to try and manipulate the format for it.

还有一个非VBA解决方案,也可以通过VBA代码进行控制。在excel中,不会显示由#N / A表示的数据点。因此,您可以使用公式 - 最简单的IF函数 - 在图数据中返回#N / A作为文本。这个数据点将不会显示,这意味着您不需要尝试和操作它的格式。

An example is simply to generate your graph data in a table, and then replicate it below with a formula that simply does this



= IF(B2 = 0, “#N / A”,B2)

This works when you want to stop line charts from displaying 0 values for example.




This is probably too late to be of assistance but the answer by SpyJournal, whilst easy and elegant,is slightly incorrect as it is necessary to omit the quotes around #N/A

这可能为时已晚,无法提供帮助,但SpyJournal的答案虽然简单而优雅,但略微不正确,因为有必要省略#N / A周围的引号



Yes. It doesn't have to have the quotes to be a true not available cell content but for me N/A still plot as 0 in my charts.

是。它不必将引号设置为真正的不可用单元格内容,但对我来说,N / A仍然在我的图表中绘制为0。

The only way I can get it not to plot is to have the cell blank.




I tried "#N/A" with quotes in Excel 207 and as a result the data point is shown like a zero in the graph. It Works without the quotes.

我尝试在Excel 207中使用引号“#N / A”,结果数据点在图中显示为零。它没有引号。

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