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--enable-snapshot-build       Build a snapshot; turns on everything i and ignores build errors


--enable-one-shot             Optimize for fast build - best for rele  snapshot builders, not so hot for

edit-and-rebuild hacking

--with-cygwin                 Path to cygwin utilities on your system


--enable-object-out-dir       Alternate location for binary objects during build


--enable-debug                Compile with debugging symbols


--enable-debug-pack           Release binaries with external debug symbols

(--enable-debug must not be specified)

--disable-zts                 Thread safety

--with-prefix                 where PHP will be installed

--with-mp                     Tell VC9+ use up to [n,auto,disable] processes

for compilation


--with-php-build              Path to where you extracted the development libraries

(http://wiki.php.net/internals/windows/   Assumes that it is a sibling of this so

dir (..\deps) if not specified


--with-extra-includes         Extra include path to use when building  everything


--with-extra-libs             Extra library path to use when linking  everything


--disable-ipv6                Disable IPv6 support (default is turn it on if available)

--enable-fd-setsize           Set maximum number of sockets for selected(2)


--enable-zend-multibyte       Enable Zend multibyte encoding support

Fran?ois Laupretre came next, with a fix forhref="http://bugs.php.net/42396">bug

#42396 in PHP 5.He wrote that theconfiguration



auto-detection of Unicode encoded scripts. This is fine until a script

contains null bytes following a call to__HALT_COMPILER(),


execution results in ‘a

lot of ‘?’ garbage‘. Effectively, this renders

anything using__HALT_COMPILER()(read:

PHK or phar) incompatible


with the only workaround being the

unacceptable one of turning off thedetect_unicodeflag.

Fran?ois’ patch offered ‘a

small detection loop‘ to check for a

sequence of four0xffbytes;

if found, Unicode detection is

switched off and the script considered non-Unicode. His idea was that

deliberately setting the switch would make generated archives compatible with

the configuration option.

--with-snapshot-template      Path to snapshot builder template dir

--enable-security-flags       Enable the compiler security flags

--enable-static-analyze       Enable the VC compiler static analyze

intel static analyze中使用static analyze 检查安全漏洞

--with-aolserver              Build AOLserver support

--enable-apache               Build Apache 1.3.x version of PHP

--with-apache-includes        Where to find Apache 1.3 headers

--with-apache-libs            Where to find Apache 1.3 libraries

--enable-apache2filter        Build Apache 2.x filter

--enable-apache2-2filter      Build Apache 2.2.x filter

--enable-apache2handler       Build Apache 2.x handler

--enable-apache2-2handler     Build Apache 2.2.x handler

--with-apache-hooks           Build Apache 1.3.x (hooks) version of PHP

--disable-cgi                 Build CGI version of PHP

--disable-cli                 Build CLI version of PHP

--enable-crt-debug            Enable CRT memory dumps for debugging send to STDERR

检测内存泄漏的主要工具是调试器和 C 运行时库 (CRT) 调试堆函数。若要启用调试堆函数,请在程序中包括以下语句:




--enable-cli-win32            Build console-less CLI version of PHP

--enable-embed                Embedded SAPI library

--enable-isapi                Build ISAPI version of PHP

--enable-nsapi                Build NSAPI for Netscape/iPlanet/SunONE


--with-nsapi-includes         Where to find NSAPI headers

--with-nsapi-libs             Where to find NSAPI libraries

--with-pi3web                 Pi3Web

--disable-bcmath              bc style precision math functions

--with-bz2                    BZip2

--disable-calendar            calendar conversion support

--disable-com-dotnet          COM and .Net support

--disable-ctype               ctype

--with-curl                   cURL support

--with-dba                    DBA support

Database (dbm-style) Abstraction Layer

--with-enchant                Enchant Support

Enchant spelling library

--without-ereg                POSIX extended regular expressions

--enable-fileinfo             fileinfo support

--disable-filter              Filter Support


--disable-ftp                 ftp support

--without-gd                  Bundled GD support

--without-t1lib               t1lib support

--with-gettext                gettext support

--with-gmp                    Include GNU MP support.

--disable-hash                enable hash support

--with-mhash                  mhash support

--without-iconv               iconv support

--with-imap                   IMAP Support

--with-interbase              InterBase support

--enable-intl                 Enable internationalization support

使用ICU库提供软件Unicode 和 Globalization支持,http://site.icu-project.org/

--disable-json                Javascript Object Serialization support

--with-ldap                   LDAP support

--enable-mbstring             multibyte string functions

--enable-mbregex              multibyte regex support

--disable-mbregex-backtrack   check multibyte regex backtrack

--with-mcrypt                 mcrypt support

--with-mssql                  mssql support

--with-dblib                  mssql support with freetds

--without-mysqlnd             Mysql Native Client Driver

--with-oci8                   OCI8 support

--with-oci8-11g               OCI8 support using Oracle 11g Instant C

--disable-odbc                ODBC support

--with-openssl                OpenSSL support

--with-pgsql                  PostgreSQL support

--with-pspell                 pspell/aspell (whatever it's called thi

month) support

--disable-session             session support

--enable-shmop                shmop support

--with-snmp                   SNMP support

--enable-sockets              SOCKETS support

--with-sqlite3                SQLite 3 support

--with-config-file-scan-dir   Dir to check for additional php ini fil

--with-sybase-ct              SYBASE_CT support

--with-tidy                   TIDY support

--disable-tokenizer           tokenizer support

--disable-zip                 ZIP support

--disable-zlib                ZLIB support

--without-libxml              LibXML support

--without-dom                 DOM support

--enable-exif                 exif

--with-mysql                  MySQL support

--with-mysqli                 MySQLi support

--enable-pdo                  Enable PHP Data Objects support

--with-pdo-dblib              freetds dblib (Sybase, MS-SQL) support

--with-pdo-mssql              Native MS-SQL support for PDO

--with-pdo-firebird           Firebird support for PDO

--with-pdo-mysql              MySQL support for PDO

--with-pdo-oci                Oracle OCI support for PDO

--with-pdo-odbc               ODBC support for PDO

--with-pdo-pgsql              PostgreSQL support for PDO

--with-pdo-sqlite             for pdo_sqlite support

--with-pdo-sqlite-external    for pdo_sqlite support from an external

--disable-phar                disable phar support

--enable-phar-native-ssl      enable phar with native OpenSSL support

--without-simplexml           Simple XML support

--enable-soap                 SOAP support

--with-sqlite                 SQLite support

--without-wddx                WDDX support

--without-xml                 XML support

--disable-xmlreader           XMLReader support

--with-xmlrpc                 XMLRPC-EPI support

--disable-xmlwriter           XMLWriter support

--with-xsl                    xsl support

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