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代码示例来源:origin: apache/flink

public TaggedValue getInput2AsTaggedValue() {
final int[] groupedKeys;
if (keys2 != null) {
groupedKeys = keys2.computeLogicalKeyPositions();
else {
groupedKeys = null;
return convertTypeInfoToTaggedValue(Input.INPUT_2, in2Type, "", null, groupedKeys);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/flink

public static KeySelector getSelectorForKeys(Keys keys, TypeInformation typeInfo, ExecutionConfig executionConfig) {
if (!(typeInfo instanceof CompositeType)) {
throw new InvalidTypesException(
"This key operation requires a composite type such as Tuples, POJOs, or Case Classes.");
CompositeType compositeType = (CompositeType) typeInfo;
int[] logicalKeyPositiOns= keys.computeLogicalKeyPositions();
int numKeyFields = logicalKeyPositions.length;
TypeInformation[] typeInfos = keys.getKeyFieldTypes();
// use ascending order here, the code paths for that are usually a slight bit faster
boolean[] orders = new boolean[numKeyFields];
for (int i = 0; i orders[i] = true;
TypeComparator comparator = compositeType.createComparator(logicalKeyPositions, orders, 0, executionConfig);
return new ComparableKeySelector<>(comparator, numKeyFields, new TupleTypeInfo<>(typeInfos));

代码示例来源:origin: apache/flink

public static KeySelector getSelectorForOneKey(
Keys keys, Partitioner partitioner, TypeInformation typeInfo, ExecutionConfig executionConfig) {
if (!(typeInfo instanceof CompositeType)) {
throw new InvalidTypesException(
"This key operation requires a composite type such as Tuples, POJOs, case classes, etc");
if (partitioner != null) {
keys.validateCustomPartitioner(partitioner, null);
CompositeType compositeType = (CompositeType) typeInfo;
int[] logicalKeyPositiOns= keys.computeLogicalKeyPositions();
if (logicalKeyPositions.length != 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("There must be exactly 1 key specified");
TypeComparator comparator = compositeType.createComparator(
logicalKeyPositions, new boolean[] { true }, 0, executionConfig);
return new OneKeySelector<>(comparator);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/flink

private static Ordering computeOrdering(Keys pKeys, Order[] orders) {
Ordering ordering = new Ordering();
final int[] logicalKeyPositiOns= pKeys.computeLogicalKeyPositions();
if (orders == null) {
for (int key : logicalKeyPositions) {
ordering.appendOrdering(key, null, Order.ASCENDING);
} else {
final TypeInformation[] originalKeyFieldTypes = pKeys.getOriginalKeyFieldTypes();
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i final int typeTotalFields = originalKeyFieldTypes[i].getTotalFields();
for (int j = index; j ordering.appendOrdering(logicalKeyPositions[j], null, orders[i]);
index += typeTotalFields;
return ordering;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/flink


PartitionOperator(DataSet input, PartitionMethod pMethod, Keys pKeys, Partitioner


partitionerTypeInfo, DataDistribution distribution, String partitionLocationName) {
super(input, input.getType());
Preconditions.checkArgument(pKeys != null || pMethod == PartitionMethod.REBALANCE, "Partitioning requires keys");
Preconditions.checkArgument(pMethod != PartitionMethod.CUSTOM || customPartitioner != null, "Custom partioning requires a partitioner.");
Preconditions.checkArgument(distribution == null || pMethod == PartitionMethod.RANGE, "Customized data distribution is only neccessary for range partition.");
if (distribution != null) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(pKeys.getNumberOfKeyFields() <= distribution.getNumberOfFields(), "The distribution must provide at least as many fields as flat key fields are specified.");
Preconditions.checkArgument(Arrays.equals(pKeys.getKeyFieldTypes(), Arrays.copyOfRange(distribution.getKeyTypes(), 0, pKeys.getNumberOfKeyFields())),
"The types of the flat key fields must be equal to the types of the fields of the distribution.");
if (customPartitioner != null) {
pKeys.validateCustomPartitioner(customPartitioner, partitionerTypeInfo);
this.pMethod = pMethod;
this.pKeys = pKeys;
this.partitiOnLocationName= partitionLocationName;
this.customPartitiOner= customPartitioner;
this.distribution = distribution;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/flink

if (!keys1.areCompatible(keys2)) {
throw new InvalidProgramException("The types of the key fields do not match.");
int[] positiOns= keys1.computeLogicalKeyPositions();
((SolutionSetPlaceHolder) input1).checkJoinKeyFields(positions);
} else {
int[] positiOns= keys2.computeLogicalKeyPositions();
((SolutionSetPlaceHolder) input2).checkJoinKeyFields(positions);
} else {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/flink

* Sets a custom partitioner for the CoGroup operation. The partitioner will be called on the join keys to determine
* the partition a key should be assigned to. The partitioner is evaluated on both inputs in the
* same way.

NOTE: A custom partitioner can only be used with single-field CoGroup keys, not with composite CoGroup keys.
* @param partitioner The custom partitioner to be used.
* @return This CoGroup operator, to allow for function chaining.
public CoGroupOperator withPartitioner(Partitioner partitioner) {
if (partitioner != null) {
keys1.validateCustomPartitioner(partitioner, null);
keys2.validateCustomPartitioner(partitioner, null);
this.customPartitiOner= getInput1().clean(partitioner);
return this;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/flink

* Check if two sets of keys are compatible to each other (matching types, key counts)
public boolean areCompatible(Keys other) throws IncompatibleKeysException {
TypeInformation[] thisKeyFieldTypes = this.getKeyFieldTypes();
TypeInformation[] otherKeyFieldTypes = other.getKeyFieldTypes();
if (thisKeyFieldTypes.length != otherKeyFieldTypes.length) {
throw new IncompatibleKeysException(IncompatibleKeysException.SIZE_MISMATCH_MESSAGE);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i if (!thisKeyFieldTypes[i].equals(otherKeyFieldTypes[i])) {
throw new IncompatibleKeysException(thisKeyFieldTypes[i], otherKeyFieldTypes[i] );
return true;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/flink

public boolean isEmpty() {
return getNumberOfKeyFields() == 0;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/flink

* Sets the order of keys for range partitioning.
* NOTE: Only valid for {@link PartitionMethod#RANGE}.
* @param orders array of orders for each specified partition key
* @return The partitioneOperator with properly set orders for given keys
public PartitionOperator withOrders(Order... orders) {
Preconditions.checkState(pMethod == PartitionMethod.RANGE, "Orders cannot be applied for %s partition " +
"method", pMethod);
Preconditions.checkArgument(pKeys.getOriginalKeyFieldTypes().length == orders.length, "The number of key " +
"fields and orders should be the same.");
this.orders = orders;
return this;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/flink

public void testAreCompatible1() throws Keys.IncompatibleKeysException {
TypeInformation t1 = TypeExtractor.getForClass(Pojo2.class);
TypeInformation> t2 =
new TupleTypeInfo<>(BasicTypeInfo.INT_TYPE_INFO, BasicTypeInfo.STRING_TYPE_INFO);
Keys k1 = new Keys.SelectorFunctionKeys<>(
new KeySelector1(),
Keys> k2 = new Keys.SelectorFunctionKeys<>(
new KeySelector2(),

代码示例来源:origin: apache/flink

public Grouping(DataSet set, Keys keys) {
if (set == null || keys == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
if (keys.isEmpty()) {
throw new InvalidProgramException("The grouping keys must not be empty.");
this.inputDataSet = set;
this.keys = keys;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/flink

String name = getName() != null ? getName() : "CoGroup at " + defaultName;
try {
} catch (IncompatibleKeysException e) {
throw new InvalidProgramException("The types of the key fields do not match.", e);
} catch (IncompatibleKeysException e) {
throw new InvalidProgramException("The types of the key fields do not match.", e);
int[] logicalKeyPositions1 = keys1.computeLogicalKeyPositions();
int[] logicalKeyPositions2 = keys2.computeLogicalKeyPositions();

代码示例来源:origin: com.alibaba.blink/flink-java


PartitionOperator(DataSet input, PartitionMethod pMethod, Keys pKeys, Partitioner


partitionerTypeInfo, DataDistribution distribution, String partitionLocationName) {
super(input, input.getType());
Preconditions.checkArgument(pKeys != null || pMethod == PartitionMethod.REBALANCE, "Partitioning requires keys");
Preconditions.checkArgument(pMethod != PartitionMethod.CUSTOM || customPartitioner != null, "Custom partioning requires a partitioner.");
Preconditions.checkArgument(distribution == null || pMethod == PartitionMethod.RANGE, "Customized data distribution is only neccessary for range partition.");
if (distribution != null) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(pKeys.getNumberOfKeyFields() <= distribution.getNumberOfFields(), "The distribution must provide at least as many fields as flat key fields are specified.");
Preconditions.checkArgument(Arrays.equals(pKeys.getKeyFieldTypes(), Arrays.copyOfRange(distribution.getKeyTypes(), 0, pKeys.getNumberOfKeyFields())),
"The types of the flat key fields must be equal to the types of the fields of the distribution.");
if (customPartitioner != null) {
pKeys.validateCustomPartitioner(customPartitioner, partitionerTypeInfo);
this.pMethod = pMethod;
this.pKeys = pKeys;
this.partitiOnLocationName= partitionLocationName;
this.customPartitiOner= customPartitioner;
this.distribution = distribution;

代码示例来源:origin: com.alibaba.blink/flink-java

private static Ordering computeOrdering(Keys pKeys, Order[] orders) {
Ordering ordering = new Ordering();
final int[] logicalKeyPositiOns= pKeys.computeLogicalKeyPositions();
if (orders == null) {
for (int key : logicalKeyPositions) {
ordering.appendOrdering(key, null, Order.ASCENDING);
} else {
final TypeInformation[] originalKeyFieldTypes = pKeys.getOriginalKeyFieldTypes();
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i final int typeTotalFields = originalKeyFieldTypes[i].getTotalFields();
for (int j = index; j ordering.appendOrdering(logicalKeyPositions[j], null, orders[i]);
index += typeTotalFields;
return ordering;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/flink

* Sets a custom partitioner for this join. The partitioner will be called on the join keys to determine
* the partition a key should be assigned to. The partitioner is evaluated on both join inputs in the
* same way.

NOTE: A custom partitioner can only be used with single-field join keys, not with composite join keys.
* @param partitioner The custom partitioner to be used.
* @return This join operator, to allow for function chaining.
public JoinOperator withPartitioner(Partitioner partitioner) {
if (partitioner != null) {
keys1.validateCustomPartitioner(partitioner, null);
keys2.validateCustomPartitioner(partitioner, null);
this.customPartitiOner= getInput1().clean(partitioner);
return this;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.flink/flink-core

* Check if two sets of keys are compatible to each other (matching types, key counts)
public boolean areCompatible(Keys other) throws IncompatibleKeysException {
TypeInformation[] thisKeyFieldTypes = this.getKeyFieldTypes();
TypeInformation[] otherKeyFieldTypes = other.getKeyFieldTypes();
if (thisKeyFieldTypes.length != otherKeyFieldTypes.length) {
throw new IncompatibleKeysException(IncompatibleKeysException.SIZE_MISMATCH_MESSAGE);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i if (!thisKeyFieldTypes[i].equals(otherKeyFieldTypes[i])) {
throw new IncompatibleKeysException(thisKeyFieldTypes[i], otherKeyFieldTypes[i] );
return true;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/flink

public SortedGrouping(DataSet set, Keys keys, Keys.SelectorFunctionKeys keySelector, Order order) {
super(set, keys);
if (!(this.keys instanceof Keys.SelectorFunctionKeys)) {
throw new InvalidProgramException("Sorting on KeySelector keys only works with KeySelector grouping.");
TypeInformation sortKeyType = keySelector.getKeyType();
if (!sortKeyType.isSortKeyType()) {
throw new InvalidProgramException("Key type " + sortKeyType + " is not sortable.");
this.groupSortKeyPositiOns= keySelector.computeLogicalKeyPositions();
for (int i = 0; i groupSortKeyPositions[i] += this.keys.getNumberOfKeyFields();
this.groupSortSelectorFunctiOnKey= keySelector;
this.groupSortOrders = new Order[groupSortKeyPositions.length];
Arrays.fill(this.groupSortOrders, order);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/flink

public void testOriginalTypes1() throws Keys.IncompatibleKeysException {
TypeInformation> t2 = new TupleTypeInfo<>(
Keys> k = new Keys.SelectorFunctionKeys<>(
new KeySelector2(),
new TypeInformation[] { BasicTypeInfo.STRING_TYPE_INFO },

代码示例来源:origin: apache/flink

public void testAreCompatible3() throws Keys.IncompatibleKeysException {
TypeInformation t1 = BasicTypeInfo.STRING_TYPE_INFO;
TypeInformation t2 = TypeExtractor.getForClass(Pojo2.class);
Keys.ExpressionKeys ek1 = new Keys.ExpressionKeys<>("*", t1);
Keys sk2 = new Keys.SelectorFunctionKeys<>(
new KeySelector1(),

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