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[英]Sub-class of org.apache.calcite.rel.core.Sort not targeted at any particular engine or calling convention.


代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

case SORT:
final MutableSort sort = (MutableSort) node;
return LogicalSort.create(fromMutable(sort.input), sort.collation,
sort.offset, sort.fetch);
case UNION:

代码示例来源:origin: dremio/dremio-oss

public RelNode visit(LogicalSort sort) {
final RelNode input = sort.getInput().accept(this);
return new LogicalSort(

代码示例来源:origin: Qihoo360/Quicksql

@Override public Sort copy(RelTraitSet traitSet, RelNode newInput,
RelCollation newCollation, RexNode offset, RexNode fetch) {
return new LogicalSort(getCluster(), traitSet, newInput, newCollation,
offset, fetch);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.kylin/atopcalcite

rootSort = LogicalSort.create(rootPrj, newCollation, rootSort.offset, rootSort.fetch);
root = new RelRoot(rootSort == null ? rootPrj : rootSort, validRowType, root.kind, projFields, rootSort == null ? root.collation : rootSort.getCollation());

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.calcite/calcite-core

* Creates a LogicalSort.
* @param input Input relational expression
* @param collation array of sort specifications
* @param offset Expression for number of rows to discard before returning
* first row
* @param fetch Expression for number of rows to fetch
public static LogicalSort create(RelNode input, RelCollation collation,
RexNode offset, RexNode fetch) {
RelOptCluster cluster = input.getCluster();
collation = RelCollationTraitDef.INSTANCE.canonize(collation);
RelTraitSet traitSet =
return new LogicalSort(cluster, traitSet, input, collation, offset, fetch);

代码示例来源:origin: Qihoo360/Quicksql

public RelNode visit(LogicalSort sort) {
return sort.getInput().accept(this);

代码示例来源:origin: Qihoo360/Quicksql

* Creates a LogicalSort.
* @param input Input relational expression
* @param collation array of sort specifications
* @param offset Expression for number of rows to discard before returning
* first row
* @param fetch Expression for number of rows to fetch
public static LogicalSort create(RelNode input, RelCollation collation,
RexNode offset, RexNode fetch) {
RelOptCluster cluster = input.getCluster();
collation = RelCollationTraitDef.INSTANCE.canonize(collation);
RelTraitSet traitSet =
return new LogicalSort(cluster, traitSet, input, collation, offset, fetch);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.calcite/calcite-core

public RelNode createSort(RelNode input, RelCollation collation,
RexNode offset, RexNode fetch) {
return LogicalSort.create(input, collation, offset, fetch);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.calcite/calcite-core

@Override public Sort copy(RelTraitSet traitSet, RelNode newInput,
RelCollation newCollation, RexNode offset, RexNode fetch) {
return new LogicalSort(getCluster(), traitSet, newInput, newCollation,
offset, fetch);

代码示例来源:origin: Qihoo360/Quicksql

public RelNode createSort(RelNode input, RelCollation collation,
RexNode offset, RexNode fetch) {
return LogicalSort.create(input, collation, offset, fetch);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.drill.exec/drill-java-exec

private static RelNode createEmptyEmptyRelHelper(SingleRel input) {
return LogicalSort.create(input.getInput(), RelCollations.EMPTY,

代码示例来源:origin: Qihoo360/Quicksql

public RelNode convert(
RelOptPlanner planner,
RelNode rel,
RelCollation toCollation,
boolean allowInfiniteCostConverters) {
if (toCollation.getFieldCollations().isEmpty()) {
// An empty sort doesn't make sense.
return null;
// Create a logical sort, then ask the planner to convert its remaining
// traits (e.g. convert it to an EnumerableSortRel if rel is enumerable
// convention)
final Sort sort = LogicalSort.create(rel, toCollation, null, null);
RelNode newRel = planner.register(sort, rel);
final RelTraitSet newTraitSet = rel.getTraitSet().replace(toCollation);
if (!newRel.getTraitSet().equals(newTraitSet)) {
newRel = planner.changeTraits(newRel, newTraitSet);
return newRel;

代码示例来源:origin: Qihoo360/Quicksql

@Override public void onMatch(RelOptRuleCall call) {
final Delta delta = call.rel(0);
final Sort sort = call.rel(1);
final LogicalDelta newDelta =
final LogicalSort newSort =
LogicalSort.create(newDelta, sort.collation, sort.offset, sort.fetch);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.calcite/calcite-core

@Override public void onMatch(RelOptRuleCall call) {
final Delta delta = call.rel(0);
final Sort sort = call.rel(1);
final LogicalDelta newDelta =
final LogicalSort newSort =
LogicalSort.create(newDelta, sort.collation, sort.offset, sort.fetch);

代码示例来源:origin: Qihoo360/Quicksql

LogicalSort.create(bb.root, collation,
offset == null ? null : convertExpression(offset),
fetch == null ? null : convertExpression(fetch)),

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.calcite/calcite-core

public RelNode convert(
RelOptPlanner planner,
RelNode rel,
RelCollation toCollation,
boolean allowInfiniteCostConverters) {
if (toCollation.getFieldCollations().isEmpty()) {
// An empty sort doesn't make sense.
return null;
// Create a logical sort, then ask the planner to convert its remaining
// traits (e.g. convert it to an EnumerableSortRel if rel is enumerable
// convention)
final Sort sort = LogicalSort.create(rel, toCollation, null, null);
RelNode newRel = planner.register(sort, rel);
final RelTraitSet newTraitSet = rel.getTraitSet().replace(toCollation);
if (!newRel.getTraitSet().equals(newTraitSet)) {
newRel = planner.changeTraits(newRel, newTraitSet);
return newRel;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.flink/flink-table_2.10

LogicalSort.create(bb.root, collation,
offset == null ? null : convertExpression(offset),
fetch == null ? null : convertExpression(fetch)),

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.calcite/calcite-core

LogicalSort.create(bb.root, collation,
offset == null ? null : convertExpression(offset),
fetch == null ? null : convertExpression(fetch)),

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.kylin/atopcalcite

LogicalSort.create(bb.root, collation,
offset == null ? null : convertExpression(offset),
fetch == null ? null : convertExpression(fetch)),

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.calcite/calcite-core

LogicalSort.create(newInput, newCollation, rel.offset, rel.fetch);

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