[英]Return the string representations of the terms in a collection. For each element of the collection #toString(ATermAppl) function will be called to create the string representation.
代码示例来源:origin: Galigator/openllet
* Return a string representation of the term which might be representing a named term, literal, variable or a complex concept expression. The URIs used in
* the term will be shortened into local names. The concept expressions are printed in NNF format.
* @param term term whose string representation we are creating
* @return string representation of the term
public static String toString(final ATermAppl term)
return toString(term, true, true);
代码示例来源:origin: Galigator/openllet
public String toString()
return ATermUtils.toString(_name);
代码示例来源:origin: Galigator/openllet
public String toString()
return ATermUtils.toString(_name);
代码示例来源:origin: Galigator/openllet
public String toString()
return ATermUtils.toString(_predicate) + "(" + (_name == null ? "0" : _name) + ")";
代码示例来源:origin: Galigator/openllet
* Return a string representation of the term which might be representing a named term, literal, variable or a complex concept expression. The URIs used in
* the term will be shortened into local names. The concept expressions are printed in NNF format.
* @param term term whose string representation we are creating
* @return string representation of the term
public static String toString(final ATermAppl term)
return toString(term, true, true);
代码示例来源:origin: Galigator/openllet
public String toString()
return ATermUtils.toString(_type) + "(" + _subject + ")";
代码示例来源:origin: Galigator/openllet
public String toString()
return ATermUtils.toString(_name);
代码示例来源:origin: Galigator/openllet
public String toString()
return ATermUtils.toString(_type) + "(" + _subject + ")";
代码示例来源:origin: Galigator/openllet
public String toString()
return ATermUtils.toString(_role.getName()) + "(" + ATermUtils.toString(_name) + ", " + ATermUtils.toString(_objectName) + ")";
代码示例来源:origin: Galigator/openllet
public String toString()
return ATermUtils.toString(_role.getName()) + "(0, " + ATermUtils.toString(_name) + ")";
代码示例来源:origin: Galigator/openllet
public String toString()
return ATermUtils.toString(_role.getName()) + "(" + ATermUtils.toString(_name) + ", 1)";
代码示例来源:origin: Galigator/openllet
public String toString()
return ATermUtils.toString(_role.getName()) + "(" + ATermUtils.toString(_name) + ", 1)";
代码示例来源:origin: Galigator/openllet
public String invalidLiteralExplanation()
final ATermAppl literal = (ATermAppl) _args[0];
final ATermAppl datatype = (ATermAppl) literal.getArgument(2);
return "Literal value " + ATermUtils.toString(literal) + " is not valid for the rdatatype " + ATermUtils.toString(datatype);
代码示例来源:origin: Galigator/openllet
public String toString()
return ATermUtils.toString(_node.getName());
代码示例来源:origin: Galigator/openllet
public String toString()
return ATermUtils.toString(getValue());
代码示例来源:origin: Galigator/openllet
public String toString()
return ATermUtils.toString(ATermUtils.makeTermAppl(_name)) + Arrays.toString(_args);
代码示例来源:origin: Galigator/openllet
public String toString()
return ATermUtils.toString(_role.getName()) + "(0, 1)";
代码示例来源:origin: Galigator/openllet
public void add(final ATermAppl sub, final ATermAppl sup, final Set explanation)
List list = _unfoldings.get(sub);
if (list == null)
list = new ArrayList<>();
_unfoldings.put(sub, list);
_logger.fine(() -> "Add sub: " + ATermUtils.toString(sub) + " <" + ATermUtils.toString(sup));
list.add(Unfolding.create(ATermUtils.normalize(sup), explanation));
代码示例来源:origin: Galigator/openllet
public boolean existType(final List inds, final ATermAppl cParam)
final ATermAppl c = ATermUtils.normalize(cParam);
_logger.fine(() -> "Checking type " + ATermUtils.toString(c) + " for individuals " + inds.size());
final ATermAppl notC = ATermUtils.negate(c);
final boolean isType = !isConsistent(inds, notC, false);
_logger.fine(() -> "Type " + isType + " " + ATermUtils.toString(c) + " for individuals " + inds.size());
return isType;
代码示例来源:origin: Galigator/openllet
private void absorbSubClass(final ATermAppl sub, final ATermAppl sup, final Set explanation)
_logger.fine(() -> "Absorb: subClassOf(" + ATermUtils.toString(sub) + ", " + ATermUtils.toString(sup) + ")");
final Set terms = SetUtils.create();
absorbAxiom(terms, SetUtils.create(explanation));