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《mac 通知声音关闭_如何关闭烦人的Mac通知》

mac 通知声音关闭

《mac 通知声音关闭_如何关闭烦人的Mac通知》

Notifications are great when you need them, and terrible when you don’t. Here’s how to turn off all notifications temporarily, and configure which apps and websites can show them otherwise.

通知在您需要时很好,而在不需要时则很糟糕。 以下是暂时关闭所有通知,以及配置哪些应用程序和网站可以显示这些通知的方法。

使用请勿打扰暂时禁用所有通知 (Disable All Notifications Temporarily with Do Not Disturb)

The Do Not Disturb feature prevents you from seeing notifications or receiving phone calls while it’s active. To turn it on, open up the Notification Center by clicking the icon at top-left, then scroll up to reveal two hidden options. Like this:

“请勿打扰”功能可防止您在活动时看到通知或接听电话。 要打开它,请单击左上角的图标打开通知中心,然后向上滚动以显示两个隐藏的选项。 像这样:

《mac 通知声音关闭_如何关闭烦人的Mac通知》

Toggle the “Do Not Disturb” switch and you won’t see any notifications until tomorrow morning. That was easy, but what if you want to do this automatically most days? You can do that by setting Do Not Disturb to a schedule.

拨动“请勿打扰”开关,直到明天早晨您都不会看到任何通知。 那很容易,但是如果您想在大多数时候自动执行此操作怎么办? 您可以通过将“请勿打扰”设置为时间表来做到这一点。

Head to System Preferences > Notifications.


《mac 通知声音关闭_如何关闭烦人的Mac通知》

The first thing you’ll see are the Do Not Disturb settings. Select the “From” option, and then set the times you want Do Not Disturb to be active. The default times turn Do Not Disturb on overnight, but you can set any time period you want.

您会看到的第一件事是“请勿打扰”设置。 选择“从”选项,然后设置您希望“请勿打扰”的时间。 默认时间设置为“请勿打扰”,但您可以设置任意时间段。

《mac 通知声音关闭_如何关闭烦人的Mac通知》

You can set Do Not Disturb to turn on when your display is asleep, or when you’re mirroring to external displays like TVs or projectors. And, you can set your Mac to allow phone calls (or repeated calls from anyone during a three minute period) while Do Not Disturb is on. That way, you’re just disabling notifications.

您可以将“请勿打扰”设置为在显示器进入睡眠状态或镜像到电视或投影仪等外部显示器时打开。 并且,您可以将Mac设置为在“请勿打扰”开启时允许电话通话(或三分钟内任何人的重复通话)。 这样,您就是在禁用通知。

禁用任何应用程序的横幅通知 (Disable Banner Notifications For Any App)

Maybe you don’t want to disable all notifications, but only those from a specific app. You can do that, too!

也许您不想禁用所有通知,而只禁用来自特定应用的通知。 你也能做到!

Head to System Preferences > Notifications, but this time pay attention to the left panel. Every application that uses notifications is listed here.

转到“系统偏好设置”>“通知”,但是这次要注意左侧面板。 此处列出了使用通知的每个应用程序。

《mac 通知声音关闭_如何关闭烦人的Mac通知》

Find and select the application for which you’d like to disable notifications. Now, you can use the right panel to can configure how notifications how up. Let’s break this down, first looking at the alert style.

查找并选择您要为其禁用通知的应用程序。 现在,您可以使用右侧面板来配置通知的显示方式。 让我们分解一下,首先看一下警报样式。

The default alert style for most apps is Banners—these notifications pop-up at the top right of your display, and then disappear after a few seconds. Alerts, meanwhile, stick around until you do something with them. Set the option to “None” and you’ll see no notifications at all for that app.

大多数应用程序的默认警报样式是横幅广告-这些通知会弹出显示在屏幕的右上方,然后在几秒钟后消失。 同时,警报会一直存在,直到您对它们执行操作为止。 将选项设置为“无”,您将看不到该应用程序的任何通知。

《mac 通知声音关闭_如何关闭烦人的Mac通知》

But there’s more! Below these options you’ll find four check boxes:

但是还有更多! 在这些选项下,您将找到四个复选框:

《mac 通知声音关闭_如何关闭烦人的Mac通知》

The first lets notifications from this app show up when your screen is locked—disabling this can be useful from a security perspective. The second option decides whether the notifications show up in Notification Center, which we showed you how to access earlier. Leave this option enabled so that you can review notifications for app in the Notification Center, even if you’ve disabled alerts for that app.

第一个选项可让您在屏幕锁定时显示来自此应用的通知-从安全角度来看,禁用此功能很有用。 第二个选项决定通知是否显示在“通知中心”中,我们已向您展示了如何进行访问。 将此选项保持启用状态,以便即使您已禁用该应用程序的警报,也可以在“通知中心”中查看该应用程序的通知。

The third option—“Badge app icon”—lets you disable those red dots that show up on dock icons. And finally, the fourth option lets you disable notification sounds.

第三个选项“徽章应用程序图标”使您可以禁用出现在码头图标上的那些红点。 最后,第四个选项可让您禁用通知声音。

You can customize any application to your liking this way, so go ahead and disable notifications for any application you’d rather not see.


禁用Safari网站通知 (Disable Safari Website Notifications)

If you’re a Safari user, you’ve probably noticed that some sites ask you if they can show notifications. Maybe you’ve even accidentally allowed a couple, only to regret it. No problem: open Safari, and then click Safari > Preferences in the menu bar. Head to the “Websites” tab, and then click “Notifications” in the left panel.

如果您是Safari用户,则可能已经注意到某些站点询问您是否可以显示通知。 也许您甚至不小心允许了一对,只是后悔。 没问题:打开Safari,然后在菜单栏中单击Safari>首选项。 转到“网站”标签,然后在左侧面板中单击“通知”。

《mac 通知声音关闭_如何关闭烦人的Mac通知》

From here, you can disable notifications for any particular website. You can also stop websites from asking this question by disabling the “Allow websites to ask for permission to send push notifications” check box.

从这里,您可以禁用任何特定网站的通知。 您也可以通过禁用“允许网站请求发送推送通知的权限”复选框来阻止网站提出此问题。

Not a Safari user? Here’s how to disable website notifications in other browsers.

不是Safari用户? 以下是在其他浏览器中禁用网站通知的方法。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/344453/how-to-turn-off-annoying-mac-notfications/

mac 通知声音关闭

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