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I am new to Linux and I have installed some Linux distributions. I try to learn bash commands. I can shutdown my computer from Desktop manager easily. But How can I shutdown system from bash without a GUI. There are different ways to shutdown Linux system. Following commands will work most of the distributions like Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Kali, CentOS, RedHat, Fedora.

我是Linux新手,已经安装了一些Linux发行版。 我尝试学习bash命令。 我可以轻松地从桌面管理器关闭计算机。 但是,如何在没有GUI的情况下从bash关闭系统。 有多种方法可以关闭Linux系统。 以下命令将适用于大多数发行版,如Ubuntu,Debian,Mint,Kali,CentOS,RedHat,Fedora。

断电命令 (Poweroff Command)

We can shutdown a Linux system with poweroff command.  If we want to force the shutdown we can use -f parameter.

我们可以使用poweroff命令关闭Linux系统。 如果要强制关闭,可以使用-f参数。

$ sudo poweroff
使用关机命令关机后重新启动 (Reboot After Shutdown with Poweroff Command)

poweroff command provides the --reboot option which will start the Linux system after a shutdown.


$ sudo poweroff --reboot
停止 (Halt)

halt command change system run level by using systems service manager like systemd or service.


$ sudo halt
重启命令 (Reboot Command)

reboot command actually a synonym of the poweroff command with --reboot option. We can use--halt option in order to halt and do not restart the system like below.

reboot命令实际上是poweroff命令与--reboot选项的同义词。 我们可以使用--halt选项来停止并且不重新启动系统,如下所示。

$ sudo reboot --halt

  • To shutdown system –halt parameter should be provided.


关机命令 (Shutdown Command)

The most popular and well known command is shutdown command. This command automatically shutdown the current system.

最受欢迎的命令是shutdown命令。 该命令自动关闭当前系统。

$ sudo shutdown
给定时间后关闭系统 (Shutdown System After Given Time)

We can set timer to shutdown system. In this example we will shutdown the system after 5 minutes the command issued.

我们可以设置定时器来关闭系统。 在此示例中,我们将在发出命令5分钟后关闭系统。

$ sudo shutdown -h +5
关闭前向系统用户发送消息 (Send Message To The System Users Before Shutdown)

We can send message to the system users with shutdown command. This is useful is we give some time and send message to provide this information to the system users. In this example we will send the message System will be shutdown after 5 minutes

我们可以使用shutdown命令将消息发送给系统用户。 这在我们花一些时间并发送消息以将这些信息提供给系统用户时很有用。 在此示例中,我们将发送消息, System will be shutdown after 5 minutes

$ sudo shutdown -h +5 "System will be shutdown after 5 minutes"

LEARN MORE  Useful Linux Commands
如何关闭Linux系统信息(How To Shutdown Linux System Infografic)
How To Shutdown Linux System Infografic

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/shutdown-linux-system/


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