首先安装SUN ONE web server ,解压缩sun-webserver61-rh72.tar.gz这个软件包,到一个目录里,例如sun,然后运行安装程序
cd /sun tar -zxf sun-webserver61-rh72.tar.gz ./setup
过程如下,基本安默认安装就行 Would you like to continue with installation? [Yes]: 回车 Do you agree to the license terms? [No]:yes
Choose an installation type:
1. Express installation Allows you to quickly install the servers using the most common options and pre-defined defaults. Useful for quick evaluation of the products.
2. Typical installation Allows you to specify common defaults and options.
3. Custom installation Allows you to specify more advanced options. This is recommended for experienced server administrators only.
To accept the default shown in brackets, press the Enter key.
Choose an installation type [2]: 回车(建议安典型安装)
Install location [/opt/SUNWwbsvr]:回车(默认安装目录) Sun ONE Web Server components:
Components with a number in () contain additional subcomponents which you can select using subsequent screens.
1. Sun ONE Web Server, Enterprise Edition (2)
Specify the components you wish to install [All]:回车(安装Sun ONE Web Server, Enterprise Edition)
Components with a number in () contain additional subcomponents which you can select using subsequent screens.
1. Server Core 2. Java Development Kit
Specify the components you wish to install [1, 2]: 回车(安装代码和开发包)
To accept the default shown in brackets, press the Enter key.
Computer name [lee.(none)]:回车(设置域名,默认主机名)
System User [nobody]:回车(设置启动这个服务的用户) System Group [nobody]:回车(设置启动这个服务的用户组) Run Web Server Administration Server as [root]:回车(运行管理服务的用户) Web Server Admin Server User Name [admin]:回车(web管理员用户名) Web Server Admin Server Password:(密码) Web Server Admin Server Password (again):(确认密码) Web Server Admin Server Port [8888]:回车(web管理的端口) Web Server Port [80]:回车(运行web服务的端口一般是80,因为我的服务器装了apache,所以改成了88) Web Server Content Root [/opt/SUNWwbsvr/docs]:回车(网页根目录) Web Server Start On Boot [yes]:回车(引导时启动) 然后会拷贝安装文件,一切顺利,就会安装完毕。
因为sun one web server本身支持jsp,所以不用配置。 下面介绍如何,配置cgi和php
首先配置CGI cd /opt/SUNWwbsvr/https-lee/config 进入虚拟服务器的配置目录 vi obj.conf 打开配置文件,并加入如下内容 在的下面加入 Service fn=\"send-cgi\" type=\"magnus-internal/cgi\" user=\"$user\" group=\"$group\" dir=\"$dir\" chroot=\"$chroot\" nice=\"$nice\"
ObjectType fn=\"force-type\" type=\"magnus-internal/cgi\" Service fn=\"send-cgi\" user=\"$user\" group=\"$group\" dir=\"$dir\" chroot=\"$chroot\" nice=\"$nice\"
然后运行 cd /opt/SUNWwbsvr/https-lee ./restart重启动服务器。 这样在sun one web server就能运行cgi程序了,sun one web server本身是支持CGI的,这段配置是将CGI功能打开
配置php 首先加压缩软件包 tar -jxf php-4.3.6.tar.bz2 cd php-4.3.6 ./configure --with-nsapi=/opt/SUNWwbsvr --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql 第一个参数是创建一个sun one的nsapi插件第二个参数是让php在sun one支持mysql
make完毕后在php-4.3.6/libs中会有一个libphp4.so这个文件就是我们要的nsapi插件 将这个文件拷贝到/opt/SUNWwbsvr/bin cp libphp4.so /opt/SUNWwbsvr/bin 这样,插件已经制作完成 最后将php-4.3.6目录下的php.ini-dist拷贝到/etc下并改名php.ini cp php-4.3.6/php.ini-dist /etc/php.ini 下面开始配置sun one web server
cd /opt/SUNWwbsvr/https-lee/config vi obj.conf 在的下面加入 Service fn=\"php4_execute\" type=\"magnus-internal/x-httpd-php\"
ObjectType fn=\"force-type\" type=\"magnus-internal/x-httpd-php\" Service fn=\"php4_execute\" [inikey=\"value\" inikey=\"value\" 4=\"...]\"
然后打开 magnus.conf
vi magnus.conf 在文件末尾加入 Init fn=\"load-modules\" funcs=\"php4_init,php4_execute,php4_auth_trans\" shlib=\"/opt/SUNWwbsvr/bin/libphp4.so\" Init fn=\"php4_init\" errorString=\"Failed to initialize PHP!\" [php_ini=\"/etc/php.ini\"] 保存文件
打开mime.types vi mime.types 在文件末尾加入 type=magnus-internal/x-httpd-php exts=php,php3 保存文件