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  通过过滤ip_conntrack表得到ESTABLISHED状态过多的ip, 然后用iptabels封掉一段时间,同时用hping工具将这些ip从表中清理掉,最后将被封的ip和一些其他信息写到一个html页中,做简单的发布


  下载: http://www.hping.org/download.html
  安装: ./configure;make;make install
  相关联接: http://chinaunix.net/jh/4/367999.html


  1, 当一个ip在ip_conntrack表中的ESTABLISHED状态在30-50之间时, 此ip被封10分钟,同时在ip_conntrack表中的记录被清除;50-100之间封15分钟,同时清表;100以上封30分钟,同时清表,

  2, 然后生成web页
  /var/www/html/wwy/drop/index.html --- 显示被封的ip, 和cpu状态等信息
  /var/www/html/wwy/all/index.html --- 每一个ip的连接情况

  3, 生成简单的日志

  1, 需要安装hping

  2, 建议将脚本放到计划任务中

建议安装并开启apache, 为支持简单的web发布,默认为




#!/bin/bash # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Scrip name: killip, base on ip_conntrack, write by wwy. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpu=`sar -u 1 1 | awk '{print $7}' | tail -1`% # while [ "`pidof sleep`" ];do echo "she is running, sorry" exit 1 done if [ ! "`lsmod | grep ip_conntrack`" ]; then modprobe ip_conntrack fi #################################### ##---------------------- functions -----------------------------## #################################### function make_clr { while read clr33;do cat /tmp/tmp111.txt | grep $clr33 >> /tmp/tmp33-3-clr.txt done > /tmp/tmp33-2-clr.txt done > /tmp/tmp33-1-clr.txt done /dev/null 2>/dev/null & } function kill() { SLEEP_TIME=$1 CLR_LIST=$2 BLACK_LIST=$3 while read blackip;do iptables -I FORWARD 2 -i eth0 -s $blackip/32 -j DROP done <$BLACK_LIST sleep $SLEEP_TIME #-----------------------------------# while read clr3;do clr_conns $clr3 done <$CLR_LIST #-----------------------------------# sleep 1 while read reblackip;do iptables -D FORWARD -i eth0 -s $reblackip/32 -j DROP done <$BLACK_LIST } ##################################### ##--------------- To make a "black list" ----------------------## ##################################### echo > /tmp/tmp11.txt echo > /tmp/tmp111.txt echo > /tmp/ip_conntrack.tmp echo > /tmp/tmp33-3-clr.txt echo > /tmp/tmp33-2-clr.txt echo > /tmp/tmp33-1-clr.txt echo > /tmp/tmp22-3.txt echo > /tmp/tmp22-2.txt echo > /tmp/tmp22-1.txt echo > /tmp/tmp33-3.txt echo > /tmp/tmp33-2.txt echo > /tmp/tmp33-1.txt if [ ! -e /var/www/html/wwy/index.html ];then mkdir /var/www/html/wwy/ mkdir /var/www/html/wwy/all mkdir /var/www/html/wwy/drop 5B touch /var/www/html/wwy/index.html fi #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# echo -e "cp /proc/net/ip_conntrack /tmp/ip_conntrack.tmp ......\c" cp /proc/net/ip_conntrack /tmp/ip_conntrack.tmp echo -e "done!\n" sleep 1 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# wc=`cat /tmp/ip_conntrack.tmp|grep ESTABLISHED|awk -F= '{print $2,$3,$4,$5}'|grep ^172. |sort|awk '{print $1,$3,$5,$7}'|tee /tmp/tmp111.txt|awk '{print $1}'|uniq -c|tee /tmp/tmp11.txt|wc -l` date=`date '+%m/%d %H:%M'` cpu2=`sar -u 1 1 | awk '{print $7}' | tail -1`% date2=`date '+%H'` #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# sleep 1 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# #if [ "$wc" -gt 2500 ] && [ "$date2" -gt 10 ] if [ "$wc" -ge 0 ] then #------------------------------ awk '{$1}{if ($1>30 && $1<50) print $2}' /tmp/tmp11.txt > /tmp/tmp22-1.txt awk '{$1}{if ($1>=50 && $1<100) print $2}' /tmp/tmp11.txt > /tmp/tmp22-2.txt awk '{$1}{if ($1>=100) print $2}' /tmp/tmp11.txt > /tmp/tmp22-3.txt cut -c1-15 /tmp/tmp22-1.txt > /tmp/tmp33-1.txt cut -c1-15 /tmp/tmp22-2.txt > /tmp/tmp33-2.txt cut -c1-15 /tmp/tmp22-3.txt > /tmp/tmp33-3.txt wcblackip1=`cat /tmp/tmp33-1.txt | wc -l` wcblackip2=`cat /tmp/tmp33-2.txt | wc -l` wcblackip3=`cat /tmp/tmp33-3.txt | wc -l` ###################################### ##---------------- To make a index.html -----------------------## ###################################### echo "If the total IPs >2500 (total $wc at $date) AND if:" > /var/www/html/wwy/drop/index.html echo "

you connect \">100\", you ip will be killed in 30min.

" >>/var/www/html/wwy/drop/index.html echo "

you connect \"50-100\", you ip will be killed in 15min.

" >>/var/www/html/wwy/drop/index.html echo "

you connect \"30-50\", you ip will be killed in 10min.

" >>/var/www/html/wwy/drop/index.html echo "
" >> /var/www/html/wwy/drop/index.html echo "

These IPs (total $wcblackip3 + $wcblackip2 + $wcblackip1) were killed, at $date (look-up all IPs)

" >> /var/www/html/wwy/drop/index.html awk '{$1}{if ($1>=100) print $1, $2}' /tmp/tmp11.txt|sort -nr|awk '{print "

"""$1"""\t",""$2"""\t""kill 30min""

"}' >> /var/www/html/wwy/drop/index.html awk '{$1}{if ($1>=50 && $1<100) print $1, $2}' /tmp/tmp11.txt|sort -nr|awk '{print "

"$1"\t",""$2"""\t""kill 15min""

"}' >> /var/www/html/wwy/drop/index.html awk '{$1}{if ($1>30 && $1<50) print $1, $2}' /tmp/tmp11.txt|sort -nr|awk '{print "

"$1"\t",""$2"""\t""kill 10min""

"}' >> /var/www/html/wwy/drop/index.html echo "

You can \"ctrl + F\" to find your ip's connects.(total $wc IPs at $date)

" > /var/www/html/wwy/all/index.html echo "

<-- back

" >> /var/www/html/wwy/all/index.html cat /tmp/tmp11.txt | sort -nr | awk '{print "


"}' >> /var/www/html/wwy/all/index.html ##################################### ##----------------- Use iptables to DROP ---------------------## ##################################### make_clr if [ -s /tmp/tmp33-3.txt ];then kill 30m /tmp/tmp33-3-clr.txt /tmp/tmp33-3.txt & sleep 1s fi if [ -s /tmp/tmp33-2.txt ];then kill 15m /tmp/tmp33-2-clr.txt /tmp/tmp33-2.txt & sleep 1s fi if [ -s /tmp/tmp33-1.txt ];then kill 10m /tmp/tmp33-1-clr.txt /tmp/tmp33-1.txt & sleep 1s fi #------------------------------- elif [ "$date2" -lt 5 ] && [ "$date2" -gt 3 ] then while read clrall;do clr_conns $clrall done > /tmp/killip/tmp.log.txt fi ##################################### ##------------------- make system log ------------------------## ##################################### if [ ! -e /tmp/killip/tmp.log.txt ]; then mkdir /tmp/killip touch /tmp/killip/tmp.log.txt fi echo "$wc $date $cpu $cpu2 $wcblackip3 + $wcblackip2 + $wcblackip1" >> /tmp/killip/tmp.log.txt

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