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篇首语:本文由编程笔记#小编为大家整理,主要介绍了json Swagger for Data At Work Skills API相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

"swagger" : "2.0",
"info" : {
"version" : "1.0",
"title" : "Open Skills API",
"description" : "A complete and standard data store for canonical and emerging skills, knowledge, abilities, tools, technolgies, and how they relate to jobs.",
"contact" : {
"name" : "Work Data Initiative",
"url" : "http://www.dataatwork.org"
"host" : "api.dataatwork.org",
"schemes" : [ "http" ],
"basePath" : "/v1",
"produces" : [ "application/json" ],
"consumes" : [ "application/json" ],
"paths" : {
"/jobs" : {
"get" : {
"summary" : "Job Titles and Descriptions",
"description" : "Retrieves the names, descriptions, and UUIDs of all job titles.",
"parameters" : [ {
"name" : "offset",
"in" : "query",
"description" : "Pagination offset. Default is 0.",
"type" : "integer"
}, {
"name" : "limit",
"in" : "query",
"description" : "Maximum number of items per page. Default is 20 and cannot exceed 500.",
"type" : "integer"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"description" : "A collection of jobs",
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/Jobs"
"default" : {
"description" : "Unexpected error",
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/Error"
"/jobs/{id}" : {
"get" : {
"summary" : "Job Title and Description",
"description" : "Retrieves the name, description, and UUID of a job by specifying its O*NET SOC Code or UUID.",
"parameters" : [ {
"name" : "id",
"in" : "path",
"description" : "The O*NET SOC Code or UUID of the job title to retrieve",
"required" : true,
"type" : "string"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"description" : "A job",
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/Job"
"default" : {
"description" : "Unexpected error",
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/Error"
"/jobs/{id}/related_skills" : {
"get" : {
"summary" : "Skills Associated with a Job",
"description" : "Retrieves a collection of skills associated with a specified job.",
"parameters" : [ {
"name" : "id",
"in" : "path",
"description" : "The UUID of the job to retrieve skills for",
"required" : true,
"type" : "string"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"description" : "A job and its related skills",
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/JobSkills"
"default" : {
"description" : "Unexpected error",
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/Error"
"/jobs/{id}/related_jobs" : {
"get" : {
"summary" : "Jobs Associated with a Job",
"description" : "Retrieves a collection of jobs associated with a specified job.",
"parameters" : [ {
"name" : "id",
"in" : "path",
"description" : "The UUID of the job to retrieve related jobs for",
"required" : true,
"type" : "string"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"description" : "A job and its related jobs",
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/JobRelatedJobs"
"default" : {
"description" : "Unexpected error",
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/Error"
"/jobs/autocomplete" : {
"get" : {
"summary" : "Job Title Autocomplete",
"description" : "Retrieves the names, descriptions, and UUIDs of all job titles matching a given search criteria.",
"parameters" : [ {
"name" : "begins_with",
"in" : "query",
"description" : "Find job titles beginning with the given text fragment",
"required" : false,
"type" : "string"
}, {
"name" : "contains",
"in" : "query",
"description" : "Find job titles containing the given text fragment",
"required" : false,
"type" : "string"
}, {
"name" : "ends_with",
"in" : "query",
"description" : "Find job titles ending with the given text fragment",
"required" : false,
"type" : "string"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"description" : "A collection of jobs",
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/Jobs"
"default" : {
"description" : "Unexpected error",
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/Error"
"/jobs/normalize" : {
"get" : {
"summary" : "Job Title Normalization",
"description" : "Retrieves the canonical job title for a synonymous job title",
"parameters" : [ {
"name" : "job_title",
"in" : "query",
"description" : "Find the canonical job title(s) for jobs matching the given text fragment",
"required" : true,
"type" : "string"
}, {
"name" : "limit",
"in" : "query",
"description" : "Maximumn number of job title synonyms to return. Default is 1 and cannot exceed 10.",
"required" : false,
"type" : "integer"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"description" : "A collection of normalized jobs",
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/NormalizedJobs"
"/jobs/unusual_titles" : {
"get" : {
"summary" : "Unusual Job Titles",
"description" : "Retrieves a list of unusual job titles and the UUIDs of their canonical jobs.",
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"description" : "A collection of normalized jobs",
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/NormalizedJobs"
"/skills" : {
"get" : {
"summary" : "Skill Names and Descriptions",
"description" : "Retrieve the names, descriptions, and UUIDs of all skills.",
"parameters" : [ {
"name" : "offset",
"in" : "query",
"description" : "Pagination offset. Default is 0.",
"type" : "integer"
}, {
"name" : "limit",
"in" : "query",
"description" : "Maximum number of items per page. Default is 20 and cannot exceed 500.",
"type" : "integer"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"description" : "A collection of skills",
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/Skills"
"default" : {
"description" : "Unexpected error",
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/Error"
"/skills/{id}" : {
"get" : {
"summary" : "Skill Name and Description",
"description" : "Retrieves the name, description, and UUID of a job by specifying its UUID.",
"parameters" : [ {
"name" : "id",
"in" : "path",
"description" : "The UUID of the skill name to retrieve",
"required" : true,
"type" : "string"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"description" : "A skill",
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/Skill"
"default" : {
"description" : "Unexpected error",
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/Error"
"/skills/{id}/related_jobs" : {
"get" : {
"summary" : "Jobs Associated with a Skill",
"description" : "Retrieves a collection of jobs associated with a specified skill.",
"parameters" : [ {
"name" : "id",
"in" : "path",
"description" : "The UUID of the skill to retrieve jobs for",
"required" : true,
"type" : "string"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"description" : "A skill and its related jobs",
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/SkillJobs"
"default" : {
"description" : "Unexpected error",
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/Error"
"/skills/{id}/related_skills" : {
"get" : {
"summary" : "Skills Associated with a Skill",
"description" : "Retrieves a collection of skills associated with a specified skill.",
"parameters" : [ {
"name" : "id",
"in" : "path",
"description" : "The UUID of the skill to retrieve related skills for",
"required" : true,
"type" : "string"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"description" : "A skill and its related skills",
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/SkillRelatedSkills"
"default" : {
"description" : "Unexpected error",
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/Error"
"/skills/autocomplete" : {
"get" : {
"summary" : "Skill Name Autocomplete",
"description" : "Retrieves the names, descriptions, and UUIDs of all skills matching a given search criteria.",
"parameters" : [ {
"name" : "begins_with",
"in" : "query",
"description" : "Find skill names beginning with the given text fragment",
"required" : false,
"type" : "string"
}, {
"name" : "contains",
"in" : "query",
"description" : "Find skill names containing the given text fragment",
"required" : false,
"type" : "string"
}, {
"name" : "ends_with",
"in" : "query",
"description" : "Find skill names ending with the given text fragment",
"required" : false,
"type" : "string"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"description" : "A collection of skills",
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/SkillJobs"
"default" : {
"description" : "Unexpected error",
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/Error"
"/skills/normalize" : {
"get" : {
"summary" : "Skill Name Normalization",
"description" : "Retrieves the canonical skill name for a synonymous skill name",
"parameters" : [ {
"name" : "skill_name",
"in" : "query",
"description" : "Find the canonical skill name(s) for skills matching the given text fragment",
"required" : true,
"type" : "string"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"description" : "A collection of normalized skills",
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/NormalizedSkills"
"definitions" : {
"Jobs" : {
"type" : "array",
"items" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/Job"
"properties" : {
"links" : {
"type" : "array",
"items" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/PageLink"
"Job" : {
"properties" : {
"uuid" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Universally Unique Identifier for the job"
"title" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Job title"
"normalized_job_title" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Normalized job title"
"parent_uuid" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "UUID for the job's parent job category"
"NormalizedJobs" : {
"type" : "array",
"items" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/NormalizedJob"
"JobSkills" : {
"properties" : {
"job_uuid" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Universally Unique Identifier for the job"
"job_title" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Title of the job associated with the UUID"
"normalized_job_title" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Normalized title of the job associated with the UUID"
"skills" : {
"type" : "array",
"items" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/SkillJob"
"NormalizedJob" : {
"properties" : {
"uuid" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Universally Unique Identifier for the synonymous job title"
"title" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Job title for the synonymous job title"
"relevance_score" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Relevance score for job title."
"parent_uuid" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Universal Unique Identifier for the canonical job title"
"JobSkill" : {
"properties" : {
"job_uuid" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Universally Unique Identifier for the job"
"job_title" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Job title"
"normalized_job_title" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Normalized job title"
"importance" : {
"type" : "number",
"description" : "O*NET importance score indicating how important skill is to job."
"level" : {
"type" : "number",
"description" : "O*NET level score indicating the skill level required for the job."
"JobRelatedJobs" : {
"properties" : {
"uuid" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Universally Unique Identifier for the job"
"related_job_titles" : {
"type" : "array",
"items" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/JobRelatedJob"
"JobRelatedJob" : {
"properties" : {
"uuid" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Universally Unique Identifier for the job"
"title" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Job title"
"parent_uuid" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Universally Unique Identifier for the job's canonical job title"
"Skills" : {
"type" : "array",
"items" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/Skill"
"properties" : {
"links" : {
"type" : "array",
"items" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/PageLink"
"Skill" : {
"properties" : {
"uuid" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Universally Unique Identifier for the skill"
"name" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Skill name"
"onet_element_id" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "O*NET Element Identifier"
"normalized_skill_name" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Normalized skill name"
"NormalizedSkills" : {
"type" : "array",
"items" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/NormalizedSkill"
"NormalizedSkill" : {
"properties" : {
"uuid" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Universally Unique Identifier for the canonical skill name"
"skill_name" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Canonical skill name"
"SkillJobs" : {
"properties" : {
"skill_uuid" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Universally Unique Identifier for the job"
"skill_name" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Title of the job associated with the UUID"
"normalized_job_title" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Normalized title of the job associated with the UUID"
"jobs" : {
"type" : "array",
"items" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/JobSkill"
"SkillJob" : {
"properties" : {
"skill_uuid" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Universally Unique Identifier for the skill"
"skill_name" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Name of the skill"
"description" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Description of the skill"
"normalized_skill_name" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Normalized skill name"
"importance" : {
"type" : "number",
"description" : "O*NET importance score"
"level" : {
"type" : "number",
"description" : "O*NET level score"
"SkillRelatedSkills" : {
"properties" : {
"uuid" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Universally Unique Identifier for the skills"
"related_skill_name" : {
"type" : "array",
"items" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/SkillRelatedSkill"
"SkillRelatedSkill" : {
"properties" : {
"uuid" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Universally Unique Identifier for the skill"
"skill_name" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Skill name"
"PageLink" : {
"properties" : {
"rel" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Link descriptor (e.g. self, first, prev, next, last)"
"href" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Link URI"
"Error" : {
"properties" : {
"code" : {
"type" : "integer",
"format" : "int32"
"message" : {
"type" : "string"

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