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[英]Use the MimeType class to extract the MIME type/subtype, ignoring the parameters. The type is cached.


代码示例来源:origin: javax.activation/activation

* Return all the commands for this type of data.
* This method returns an array containing all commands
* for the type of data represented by this DataHandler. The
* MIME type for the underlying data represented by this DataHandler
* is used to call through to the getAllCommands method
* of the CommandMap associated with this DataHandler.
* @return the CommandInfo objects representing all the commands
* @see javax.activation.CommandMap#getAllCommands
public CommandInfo[] getAllCommands() {
if (dataSource != null)
return getCommandMap().getAllCommands(getBaseType(), dataSource);
return getCommandMap().getAllCommands(getBaseType());

代码示例来源:origin: javax.activation/activation

* Get the command cmdName. Use the search semantics as
* defined by the CommandMap installed in this DataHandler. The
* MIME type for the underlying data represented by this DataHandler
* is used to call through to the getCommand method
* of the CommandMap associated with this DataHandler.
* @param cmdName the command name
* @return the CommandInfo corresponding to the command
* @see javax.activation.CommandMap#getCommand
public CommandInfo getCommand(String cmdName) {
if (dataSource != null)
return getCommandMap().getCommand(getBaseType(), cmdName,
return getCommandMap().getCommand(getBaseType(), cmdName);

代码示例来源:origin: javax.activation/activation

* Return the preferred commands for this type of data.
* This method calls the getPreferredCommands method
* in the CommandMap associated with this instance of DataHandler.
* This method returns an array that represents a subset of
* available commands. In cases where multiple commands for the
* MIME type represented by this DataHandler are present, the
* installed CommandMap chooses the appropriate commands.
* @return the CommandInfo objects representing the preferred commands
* @see javax.activation.CommandMap#getPreferredCommands
public CommandInfo[] getPreferredCommands() {
if (dataSource != null)
return getCommandMap().getPreferredCommands(getBaseType(),
return getCommandMap().getPreferredCommands(getBaseType());

代码示例来源:origin: javax.activation/activation

"no DCH for MIME type " + getBaseType());
"no object DCH for MIME type " + getBaseType());

代码示例来源:origin: javax.activation/activation

return dataContentHandler;
String simpleMT = getBaseType();

代码示例来源:origin: camunda/camunda-bpm-platform

* Return all the commands for this type of data.
* This method returns an array containing all commands
* for the type of data represented by this DataHandler. The
* MIME type for the underlying data represented by this DataHandler
* is used to call through to the getAllCommands method
* of the CommandMap associated with this DataHandler.
* @return the CommandInfo objects representing all the commands
* @see javax.activation.CommandMap#getAllCommands
public CommandInfo[] getAllCommands() {
if (dataSource != null)
return getCommandMap().getAllCommands(getBaseType(), dataSource);
return getCommandMap().getAllCommands(getBaseType());

代码示例来源:origin: camunda/camunda-bpm-platform

* Get the command cmdName. Use the search semantics as
* defined by the CommandMap installed in this DataHandler. The
* MIME type for the underlying data represented by this DataHandler
* is used to call through to the getCommand method
* of the CommandMap associated with this DataHandler.
* @param cmdName the command name
* @return the CommandInfo corresponding to the command
* @see javax.activation.CommandMap#getCommand
public CommandInfo getCommand(String cmdName) {
if (dataSource != null)
return getCommandMap().getCommand(getBaseType(), cmdName,
return getCommandMap().getCommand(getBaseType(), cmdName);

代码示例来源:origin: camunda/camunda-bpm-platform

* Return the preferred commands for this type of data.
* This method calls the getPreferredCommands method
* in the CommandMap associated with this instance of DataHandler.
* This method returns an array that represents a subset of
* available commands. In cases where multiple commands for the
* MIME type represented by this DataHandler are present, the
* installed CommandMap chooses the appropriate commands.
* @return the CommandInfo objects representing the preferred commands
* @see javax.activation.CommandMap#getPreferredCommands
public CommandInfo[] getPreferredCommands() {
if (dataSource != null)
return getCommandMap().getPreferredCommands(getBaseType(),
return getCommandMap().getPreferredCommands(getBaseType());

代码示例来源:origin: camunda/camunda-bpm-platform

"no DCH for MIME type " + getBaseType());
"no object DCH for MIME type " + getBaseType());

代码示例来源:origin: camunda/camunda-bpm-platform

return dataContentHandler;
String simpleMT = getBaseType();

代码示例来源:origin: javax.activation/javax.activation-api

* Get the command cmdName. Use the search semantics as
* defined by the CommandMap installed in this DataHandler. The
* MIME type for the underlying data represented by this DataHandler
* is used to call through to the getCommand method
* of the CommandMap associated with this DataHandler.
* @param cmdName the command name
* @return the CommandInfo corresponding to the command
* @see javax.activation.CommandMap#getCommand
public CommandInfo getCommand(String cmdName) {
if (dataSource != null)
return getCommandMap().getCommand(getBaseType(), cmdName,
return getCommandMap().getCommand(getBaseType(), cmdName);

代码示例来源:origin: javax.activation/javax.activation-api

* Return all the commands for this type of data.
* This method returns an array containing all commands
* for the type of data represented by this DataHandler. The
* MIME type for the underlying data represented by this DataHandler
* is used to call through to the getAllCommands method
* of the CommandMap associated with this DataHandler.
* @return the CommandInfo objects representing all the commands
* @see javax.activation.CommandMap#getAllCommands
public CommandInfo[] getAllCommands() {
if (dataSource != null)
return getCommandMap().getAllCommands(getBaseType(), dataSource);
return getCommandMap().getAllCommands(getBaseType());

代码示例来源:origin: org.jvnet.hudson/activation

* Get the command cmdName. Use the search semantics as
* defined by the CommandMap installed in this DataHandler. The
* MIME type for the underlying data represented by this DataHandler
* is used to call through to the getCommand method
* of the CommandMap associated with this DataHandler.
* @param cmdName the command name
* @return the CommandInfo corresponding to the command
* @see javax.activation.CommandMap#getCommand
public CommandInfo getCommand(String cmdName) {
if (dataSource != null)
return getCommandMap().getCommand(getBaseType(), cmdName,
return getCommandMap().getCommand(getBaseType(), cmdName);

代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.metro/webservices-api

* Return all the commands for this type of data.
* This method returns an array containing all commands
* for the type of data represented by this DataHandler. The
* MIME type for the underlying data represented by this DataHandler
* is used to call through to the getAllCommands method
* of the CommandMap associated with this DataHandler.
* @return the CommandInfo objects representing all the commands
* @see javax.activation.CommandMap#getAllCommands
public CommandInfo[] getAllCommands() {
if (dataSource != null)
return getCommandMap().getAllCommands(getBaseType(), dataSource);
return getCommandMap().getAllCommands(getBaseType());

代码示例来源:origin: jakarta.activation/jakarta.activation-api

* Return all the commands for this type of data.
* This method returns an array containing all commands
* for the type of data represented by this DataHandler. The
* MIME type for the underlying data represented by this DataHandler
* is used to call through to the getAllCommands method
* of the CommandMap associated with this DataHandler.
* @return the CommandInfo objects representing all the commands
* @see javax.activation.CommandMap#getAllCommands
public CommandInfo[] getAllCommands() {
if (dataSource != null)
return getCommandMap().getAllCommands(getBaseType(), dataSource);
return getCommandMap().getAllCommands(getBaseType());

代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.activation/jakarta.activation

* Return all the commands for this type of data.
* This method returns an array containing all commands
* for the type of data represented by this DataHandler. The
* MIME type for the underlying data represented by this DataHandler
* is used to call through to the getAllCommands method
* of the CommandMap associated with this DataHandler.
* @return the CommandInfo objects representing all the commands
* @see javax.activation.CommandMap#getAllCommands
public CommandInfo[] getAllCommands() {
if (dataSource != null)
return getCommandMap().getAllCommands(getBaseType(), dataSource);
return getCommandMap().getAllCommands(getBaseType());

代码示例来源:origin: org.jvnet.hudson/activation

* Return all the commands for this type of data.
* This method returns an array containing all commands
* for the type of data represented by this DataHandler. The
* MIME type for the underlying data represented by this DataHandler
* is used to call through to the getAllCommands method
* of the CommandMap associated with this DataHandler.
* @return the CommandInfo objects representing all the commands
* @see javax.activation.CommandMap#getAllCommands
public CommandInfo[] getAllCommands() {
if (dataSource != null)
return getCommandMap().getAllCommands(getBaseType(), dataSource);
return getCommandMap().getAllCommands(getBaseType());

代码示例来源:origin: jakarta.activation/jakarta.activation-api

* Get the command cmdName. Use the search semantics as
* defined by the CommandMap installed in this DataHandler. The
* MIME type for the underlying data represented by this DataHandler
* is used to call through to the getCommand method
* of the CommandMap associated with this DataHandler.
* @param cmdName the command name
* @return the CommandInfo corresponding to the command
* @see javax.activation.CommandMap#getCommand
public CommandInfo getCommand(String cmdName) {
if (dataSource != null)
return getCommandMap().getCommand(getBaseType(), cmdName,
return getCommandMap().getCommand(getBaseType(), cmdName);

代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.metro/webservices-api

* Get the command cmdName. Use the search semantics as
* defined by the CommandMap installed in this DataHandler. The
* MIME type for the underlying data represented by this DataHandler
* is used to call through to the getCommand method
* of the CommandMap associated with this DataHandler.
* @param cmdName the command name
* @return the CommandInfo corresponding to the command
* @see javax.activation.CommandMap#getCommand
public CommandInfo getCommand(String cmdName) {
if (dataSource != null)
return getCommandMap().getCommand(getBaseType(), cmdName,
return getCommandMap().getCommand(getBaseType(), cmdName);

代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.activation/jakarta.activation

* Get the command cmdName. Use the search semantics as
* defined by the CommandMap installed in this DataHandler. The
* MIME type for the underlying data represented by this DataHandler
* is used to call through to the getCommand method
* of the CommandMap associated with this DataHandler.
* @param cmdName the command name
* @return the CommandInfo corresponding to the command
* @see javax.activation.CommandMap#getCommand
public CommandInfo getCommand(String cmdName) {
if (dataSource != null)
return getCommandMap().getCommand(getBaseType(), cmdName,
return getCommandMap().getCommand(getBaseType(), cmdName);

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