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package com.example.genpojodemo.entity;

import javax.persistence.*;


* 用户表



@Table(name = "user")

public class User {


* id

* default value: null



@Column(name = "id", nullable = false, length = 20)

private Long id;


* 用户名

* default value: 'a'


@Column(name = "username", nullable = true, length = 255)

private String username;


* 密码

* default value: 'b'


@Column(name = "password", nullable = true, length = 255)

private String password;


* 盐

* default value: 'b'


@Column(name = "salt", nullable = true, length = 255)

private String salt;


* 生成时间

* default value: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(6)


@Column(name = "create_time", nullable = true, length = 6)

private java.util.Date createTime;

public Long getId() {

return this.id;


public void setId(Long id) {

this.id = id;


public String getUsername() {

return this.username;


public void setUsername(String username) {

this.username = username;


public String getPassword() {

return this.password;


public void setPassword(String password) {

this.password = password;


public String getSalt() {

return this.salt;


public void setSalt(String salt) {

this.salt = salt;


public java.util.Date getCreateTime() {

return this.createTime;


public void setCreateTime(java.util.Date createTime) {

this.createTime = createTime;




package com.example.genpojodemo.entity;

import lombok.Data;

import javax.persistence.*;


* 用户表




@Table(name = "user")

public class User {


* id

* default value: null



@Column(name = "id", nullable = false, length = 20)

private Long id;


* 用户名

* default value: 'a'


@Column(name = "username", nullable = true, length = 255)

private String username;


* 密码

* default value: 'b'


@Column(name = "password", nullable = true, length = 255)

private String password;


* 盐

* default value: 'b'


@Column(name = "salt", nullable = true, length = 255)

private String salt;


* 生成时间

* default value: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(6)


@Column(name = "create_time", nullable = true, length = 6)

private java.util.Date createTime;



import com.intellij.database.model.DasTable

import com.intellij.database.model.ObjectKind

import com.intellij.database.util.Case

import com.intellij.database.util.DasUtil

config = [

impSerializable : false,

extendBaseEntity : false,

extendBaseService: false,

useLombok : true, // 不使用会生成get、set方法

// 不生成哪个就注释哪个

generateItem : [


// "Service",

// "Repository",

// "RepositoryCustom",

// "RepositoryImpl",



baseEntityPackage = "com.yija.project.framework.base.BaseEntity"

baseServicePackage = "com.yija.project.framework.base.BaseService"

baseEntityProperties = ["id", "createDate", "lastModifiedDate", "version"]

typeMapping = [

(~/(?i)bool|boolean|tinyint/) : "Boolean",

(~/(?i)bigint/) : "Long",

(~/int/) : "Integer",

(~/(?i)float|double|decimal|real/): "Double",

(~/(?i)datetime|timestamp/) : "java.util.Date",

(~/(?i)date/) : "java.sql.Date",

(~/(?i)time/) : "java.sql.Time",

(~/(?i)/) : "String"


FILES.chooseDirectoryAndSave("Choose directory", "Choose where to store generated files") { dir ->

SELECTION.filter {

it instanceof DasTable && it.getKind() == ObjectKind.TABLE

}.each {

generate(it, dir)



// 生成对应的文件

def generate(table, dir) {

def entityPath = "${dir.toString()}\\entity",

servicePath = "${dir.toString()}\\service",

repPath = "${dir.toString()}\\repository",

repImpPath = "${dir.toString()}\\repository\\impl",

controllerPath = "${dir.toString()}\\controller"

mkdirs([entityPath, servicePath, repPath, repImpPath, controllerPath])


def entityName = javaName(table.getName(), true)

def fields = calcFields(table)

def basePackage = clacBasePackage(dir)

if (isGenerate("Entity")) {

genUTF8File(entityPath, "${entityName}.java").withPrintWriter { out -> genEntity(out, table, entityName, fields, basePackage) }


if (isGenerate("Service")) {

genUTF8File(servicePath, "${entityName}Service.java").withPrintWriter { out -> genService(out, table, entityName, fields, basePackage) }


if (isGenerate("Repository")) {

genUTF8File(repPath, "${entityName}Repository.java").withPrintWriter { out -> genRepository(out, table, entityName, fields, basePackage) }


if (isGenerate("RepositoryCustom")) {

genUTF8File(repPath, "${entityName}RepositoryCustom.java").withPrintWriter { out -> genRepositoryCustom(out, entityName, basePackage) }


if (isGenerate("RepositoryImpl")) {

genUTF8File(repImpPath, "${entityName}RepositoryImpl.java").withPrintWriter { out -> genRepositoryImpl(out, table, entityName, fields, basePackage) }



// 是否需要被生成

def isGenerate(itemName) {



// 指定文件编码方式,防止中文注释乱码

def genUTF8File(dir, fileName) {

new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(new File(dir, fileName)), "utf-8"))


// 生成每个字段

def genProperty(out, field) {

out.println ""

out.println "\t/**"

out.println "\t * ${field.comment}"

out.println "\t * default value: ${field.default}"

out.println "\t */"

// 默认表的第一个字段为主键

if (field.position == 1) {

out.println "\t@Id"


out.println "\t@Column(name = \"${field.colum}\", nullable = ${!field.isNotNull}, length = ${field.len})"

out.println "\tprivate ${field.type} ${field.name};"


// 生成get、get方法

def genGetSet(out, field) {

// get

out.println "\t"

out.println "\tpublic ${field.type} get${field.name.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()}${field.name.substring(1)}() {"

out.println "\t\treturn this.${field.name};"

out.println "\t}"

// set

out.println "\t"

out.println "\tpublic void set${field.name.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()}${field.name.substring(1)}(${field.type} ${field.name}) {"

out.println "\t\tthis.${field.name} = ${field.name};"

out.println "\t}"


// 生成实体类

def genEntity(out, table, entityName, fields, basePackage) {

out.println "package ${basePackage}.entity;"

out.println ""

if (config.extendBaseEntity) {

out.println "import $baseEntityPackage;"


if (config.useLombok) {

out.println "import lombok.Data;"

out.println ""


if (config.impSerializable) {

out.println "import java.io.Serializable;"

out.println ""


out.println "import javax.persistence.*;"

out.println ""

out.println "/**"

out.println " * ${table.getComment()}"

out.println " */"

if (config.useLombok) {

out.println "@Data"


out.println "@Entity"

out.println "@Table(name = \"${table.getName()}\")"

out.println "public class $entityName${config.extendBaseEntity ? " extends BaseEntity" : ""}${config.impSerializable ? " implements Serializable" : ""} {"

if (config.extendBaseEntity) {

fields = fields.findAll { it ->

!baseEntityProperties.any { it1 -> it1 == it.name }



fields.each() {

genProperty(out, it)


if (!config.useLombok) {

fields.each() {

genGetSet(out, it)



out.println "}"


// 生成Service

def genService(out, table, entityName, fields, basePackage) {

out.println "package ${basePackage}.service;"

out.println ""

out.println "import ${basePackage}.repository.${entityName}Repository;"

if (config.extendBaseService) {

out.println "import $baseServicePackage;"

out.println "import ${basePackage}.entity.$entityName;"


out.println "import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;"

out.println ""

out.println "import javax.annotation.Resource;"

out.println ""

out.println "@Service"

out.println "public class ${entityName}Service${config.extendBaseService ? " extends BaseService" : ""} {"

out.println ""

out.println "\t@Resource"

out.println "\tprivate ${entityName}Repository rep;"

out.println "}"


// 生成Repository

def genRepository(out, table, entityName, fields, basePackage) {

out.println "package ${basePackage}.repository;"

out.println ""

out.println "import ${basePackage}.entity.$entityName;"

out.println "import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.JpaRepository;"

out.println ""

out.println "public interface ${entityName}Repository extends JpaRepository, ${entityName}RepositoryCustom {"

out.println ""

out.println "}"


// 生成RepositoryCustom

def genRepositoryCustom(out, entityName, basePackage) {

out.println "package ${basePackage}.repository;"

out.println ""

out.println "public interface ${entityName}RepositoryCustom {"

out.println ""

out.println "}"


// 生成RepositoryImpl

def genRepositoryImpl(out, table, entityName, fields, basePackage) {

out.println "package ${basePackage}.repository.impl;"

out.println ""

out.println "import ${basePackage}.repository.${entityName}RepositoryCustom;"

out.println "import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;"

out.println ""

out.println "import javax.persistence.EntityManager;"

out.println "import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;"

out.println ""

out.println "@Repository"

out.println "public class ${entityName}RepositoryImpl implements ${entityName}RepositoryCustom {"

out.println ""

out.println "\t@PersistenceContext"

out.println "\tprivate EntityManager em;"

out.println "}"


// 生成文件夹

def mkdirs(dirs) {

dirs.forEach {

def f = new File(it)

if (!f.exists()) {





def clacBasePackage(dir) {


.replaceAll("^.+\\\\src\\\\main\\\\java\\\\", "")

.replaceAll("\\\\", ".")


def isBaseEntityProperty(property) {

baseEntityProperties.find { it == property } != null


// 转换类型

def calcFields(table) {

DasUtil.getColumns(table).reduce([]) { fields, col ->

def spec = Case.LOWER.apply(col.getDataType().getSpecification())

def typeStr = typeMapping.find { p, t -> p.matcher(spec).find() }.value

fields += [[

name : javaName(col.getName(), false),

colum : col.getName(),

type : typeStr,

len : col.getDataType().toString().replaceAll("[^\\d]", ""),

default : col.getDefault(),

comment : col.getComment(),

isNotNull: col.isNotNull(),

position : col.getPosition(),

// getDefault : col.getDefault(),

// getParent : col.getParent(),

// getTable : col.getTable(),

// getDataType : col.getDataType(),

// isNotNull : col.isNotNull(),

// getWeight : col.getWeight(),

// getDocumentation : col.getDocumentation(),

// getTableName : col.getTableName(),

// getName : col.getName(),

// getLanguage : col.getLanguage(),

// getTypeName : col.getTypeName(),

// isDirectory : col.isDirectory(),

// isValid : col.isValid(),

// getComment : col.getComment(),

// getText : col.getText(),

// getDeclaration : col.getDeclaration(),

// getPosition : col.getPosition(),

// canNavigate : col.canNavigate(),

// isWritable : col.isWritable(),

// getIcon : col.getIcon(),

// getManager : col.getManager(),

// getDelegate : col.getDelegate(),

// getChildren : col.getChildren(),

// getKind : col.getKind(),

// isCaseSensitive : col.isCaseSensitive(),

// getProject : col.getProject(),

// getDataSource : col.getDataSource(),

// getVirtualFile : col.getVirtualFile(),

// getMetaData : col.getMetaData(),

// canNavigateToSource : col.canNavigateToSource(),

// getDisplayOrder : col.getDisplayOrder(),

// getDasParent : col.getDasParent(),

// getLocationString : col.getLocationString(),

// getDependences : col.getDependences(),

// getBaseIcon : col.getBaseIcon(),

// getNode : col.getNode(),

// getTextLength : col.getTextLength(),

// getFirstChild : col.getFirstChild(),

// getLastChild : col.getLastChild(),

// getNextSibling : col.getNextSibling(),

// getTextOffset : col.getTextOffset(),

// getPrevSibling : col.getPrevSibling(),

// getPresentation : col.getPresentation(),

// isPhysical : col.isPhysical(),

// getTextRange : col.getTextRange(),

// getPresentableText : col.getPresentableText(),

// textToCharArray : col.textToCharArray(),

// getStartOffsetInParent: col.getStartOffsetInParent(),

// getContext : col.getContext(),

// getUseScope : col.getUseScope(),

// getResolveScope : col.getResolveScope(),

// getReferences : col.getReferences(),

// getReference : col.getReference(),

// getContainingFile : col.getContainingFile(),

// getOriginalElement : col.getOriginalElement(),

// getNavigationElement : col.getNavigationElement(),

// getUserDataString : col.getUserDataString(),

// isUserDataEmpty : col.isUserDataEmpty(),

// getDbParent : col.getDbParent(),




def javaName(str, capitalize) {

def s &#61; str.split(/(?<&#61;[^\p{IsLetter}])/).collect { Case.LOWER.apply(it).capitalize() }

.join("").replaceAll(/[^\p{javaJavaIdentifierPart}]/, "_").replaceAll(/_/, "")

capitalize || s.length() &#61;&#61; 1 ? s : Case.LOWER.apply(s[0]) &#43; s[1..-1]




import com.intellij.database.model.DasTable

import com.intellij.database.model.ObjectKind

import com.intellij.database.util.Case

import com.intellij.database.util.DasUtil

config &#61; [

impSerializable : true,

extendBaseEntity : true,

extendBaseService: true,

useLombok : true, // 不使用会生成get、set方法

// 不生成哪个就注释哪个

generateItem : [


// "Service",

// "Repository",

// "RepositoryCustom",

// "RepositoryImpl",



baseEntityPackage &#61; "com.yija.project.framework.base.BaseEntity"

baseServicePackage &#61; "com.yija.project.framework.base.BaseService"

baseEntityProperties &#61; ["id", "createDate", "lastModifiedDate", "version"]

typeMapping &#61; [

(~/(?i)bool|boolean|tinyint/) : "Boolean",

(~/(?i)bigint/) : "Long",

(~/int/) : "Integer",

(~/(?i)float|double|decimal|real/): "Double",

(~/(?i)datetime|timestamp/) : "java.util.Date",

(~/(?i)date/) : "java.sql.Date",

(~/(?i)time/) : "java.sql.Time",

(~/(?i)/) : "String"


FILES.chooseDirectoryAndSave("Choose directory", "Choose where to store generated files") { dir ->

SELECTION.filter {

it instanceof DasTable && it.getKind() &#61;&#61; ObjectKind.TABLE

}.each {

generate(it, dir)



// 生成对应的文件

def generate(table, dir) {

def entityPath &#61; "${dir.toString()}\\entity",

servicePath &#61; "${dir.toString()}\\service",

repPath &#61; "${dir.toString()}\\repository",

repImpPath &#61; "${dir.toString()}\\repository\\impl",

controllerPath &#61; "${dir.toString()}\\controller"

mkdirs([entityPath, servicePath, repPath, repImpPath, controllerPath])


def entityName &#61; javaName(table.getName(), true)

def fields &#61; calcFields(table)

def basePackage &#61; clacBasePackage(dir)

if (isGenerate("Entity")) {

genUTF8File(entityPath, "${entityName}.java").withPrintWriter { out -> genEntity(out, table, entityName, fields, basePackage) }


if (isGenerate("Service")) {

genUTF8File(servicePath, "${entityName}Service.java").withPrintWriter { out -> genService(out, table, entityName, fields, basePackage) }


if (isGenerate("Repository")) {

genUTF8File(repPath, "${entityName}Repository.java").withPrintWriter { out -> genRepository(out, table, entityName, fields, basePackage) }


if (isGenerate("RepositoryCustom")) {

genUTF8File(repPath, "${entityName}RepositoryCustom.java").withPrintWriter { out -> genRepositoryCustom(out, entityName, basePackage) }


if (isGenerate("RepositoryImpl")) {

genUTF8File(repImpPath, "${entityName}RepositoryImpl.java").withPrintWriter { out -> genRepositoryImpl(out, table, entityName, fields, basePackage) }



// 是否需要被生成

def isGenerate(itemName) {



// 指定文件编码方式&#xff0c;防止中文注释乱码

def genUTF8File(dir, fileName) {

new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(new File(dir, fileName)), "utf-8"))


// 生成每个字段

def genProperty(out, field) {

out.println ""

out.println "\t/**"

out.println "\t * ${field.comment}"

out.println "\t * default value: ${field.default}"

out.println "\t */"

// 默认表的第一个字段为主键

if (field.position &#61;&#61; 1) {

out.println "\t&#64;Id"


// 枚举不需要长度

out.println "\t&#64;Column(name &#61; \"${field.colum}\", nullable &#61; ${!field.isNotNull}${field.dataType &#61;&#61; "enum" ? "" : ", length &#61; $field.len"})"

out.println "\tprivate ${field.type} ${field.name};"


// 生成get、get方法

def genGetSet(out, field) {

// get

out.println "\t"

out.println "\tpublic ${field.type} get${field.name.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()}${field.name.substring(1)}() {"

out.println "\t\treturn this.${field.name};"

out.println "\t}"

// set

out.println "\t"

out.println "\tpublic void set${field.name.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()}${field.name.substring(1)}(${field.type} ${field.name}) {"

out.println "\t\tthis.${field.name} &#61; ${field.name};"

out.println "\t}"


// 生成实体类

def genEntity(out, table, entityName, fields, basePackage) {

out.println "package ${basePackage}.entity;"

out.println ""

if (config.extendBaseEntity) {

out.println "import $baseEntityPackage;"


if (config.useLombok) {

out.println "import lombok.Data;"

out.println ""


if (config.impSerializable) {

out.println "import java.io.Serializable;"

out.println ""


out.println "import javax.persistence.*;"

out.println ""

out.println "/**"

out.println " * ${table.getComment()}"

out.println " */"

if (config.useLombok) {

out.println "&#64;Data"


out.println "&#64;Entity"

out.println "&#64;Table(name &#61; \"${table.getName()}\")"

out.println "public class $entityName${config.extendBaseEntity ? " extends BaseEntity" : ""}${config.impSerializable ? " implements Serializable" : ""} {"

if (config.extendBaseEntity) {

fields &#61; fields.findAll { it ->

!baseEntityProperties.any { it1 -> it1 &#61;&#61; it.name }



fields.each() {

genProperty(out, it)


if (!config.useLombok) {

fields.each() {

genGetSet(out, it)



out.println "}"


// 生成Service

def genService(out, table, entityName, fields, basePackage) {

out.println "package ${basePackage}.service;"

out.println ""

out.println "import ${basePackage}.repository.${entityName}Repository;"

if (config.extendBaseService) {

out.println "import $baseServicePackage;"

out.println "import ${basePackage}.entity.$entityName;"


out.println "import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;"

out.println ""

out.println "import javax.annotation.Resource;"

out.println ""

out.println "&#64;Service"

out.println "public class ${entityName}Service${config.extendBaseService ? " extends BaseService" : ""} {"

out.println ""

out.println "\t&#64;Resource"

out.println "\tprivate ${entityName}Repository rep;"

out.println "}"


// 生成Repository

def genRepository(out, table, entityName, fields, basePackage) {

out.println "package ${basePackage}.repository;"

out.println ""

out.println "import ${basePackage}.entity.$entityName;"

out.println "import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.JpaRepository;"

out.println ""

out.println "public interface ${entityName}Repository extends JpaRepository, ${entityName}RepositoryCustom {"

out.println ""

out.println "}"


// 生成RepositoryCustom

def genRepositoryCustom(out, entityName, basePackage) {

out.println "package ${basePackage}.repository;"

out.println ""

out.println "public interface ${entityName}RepositoryCustom {"

out.println ""

out.println "}"


// 生成RepositoryImpl

def genRepositoryImpl(out, table, entityName, fields, basePackage) {

out.println "package ${basePackage}.repository.impl;"

out.println ""

out.println "import ${basePackage}.repository.${entityName}RepositoryCustom;"

out.println "import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;"

out.println ""

out.println "import javax.persistence.EntityManager;"

out.println "import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;"

out.println ""

out.println "&#64;Repository"

out.println "public class ${entityName}RepositoryImpl implements ${entityName}RepositoryCustom {"

out.println ""

out.println "\t&#64;PersistenceContext"

out.println "\tprivate EntityManager em;"

out.println "}"


// 生成文件夹

def mkdirs(dirs) {

dirs.forEach {

def f &#61; new File(it)

if (!f.exists()) {





def clacBasePackage(dir) {


.replaceAll("^.&#43;\\\\src\\\\main\\\\java\\\\", "")

.replaceAll("\\\\", ".")


def isBaseEntityProperty(property) {

baseEntityProperties.find { it &#61;&#61; property } !&#61; null


// 转换类型

def calcFields(table) {

DasUtil.getColumns(table).reduce([]) { fields, col ->

def spec &#61; Case.LOWER.apply(col.getDataType().getSpecification())

def typeStr &#61; typeMapping.find { p, t -> p.matcher(spec).find() }.value

fields &#43;&#61; [[

name : javaName(col.getName(), false),

colum : col.getName(),

type : typeStr,

dataType : col.getDataType().toString().replaceAll(/\(.*\)/, "").toLowerCase(),

len : col.getDataType().toString().replaceAll(/[^\d]/, ""),

default : col.getDefault(),

comment : col.getComment(),

isNotNull: col.isNotNull(),

position : col.getPosition(),

// getDefault : col.getDefault(),

// getParent : col.getParent(),

// getTable : col.getTable(),

// getDataType : col.getDataType(),

// isNotNull : col.isNotNull(),

// getWeight : col.getWeight(),

// getDocumentation : col.getDocumentation(),

// getTableName : col.getTableName(),

// getName : col.getName(),

// getLanguage : col.getLanguage(),

// getTypeName : col.getTypeName(),

// isDirectory : col.isDirectory(),

// isValid : col.isValid(),

// getComment : col.getComment(),

// getText : col.getText(),

// getDeclaration : col.getDeclaration(),

// getPosition : col.getPosition(),

// canNavigate : col.canNavigate(),

// isWritable : col.isWritable(),

// getIcon : col.getIcon(),

// getManager : col.getManager(),

// getDelegate : col.getDelegate(),

// getChildren : col.getChildren(),

// getKind : col.getKind(),

// isCaseSensitive : col.isCaseSensitive(),

// getProject : col.getProject(),

// getDataSource : col.getDataSource(),

// getVirtualFile : col.getVirtualFile(),

// getMetaData : col.getMetaData(),

// canNavigateToSource : col.canNavigateToSource(),

// getDisplayOrder : col.getDisplayOrder(),

// getDasParent : col.getDasParent(),

// getLocationString : col.getLocationString(),

// getDependences : col.getDependences(),

// getBaseIcon : col.getBaseIcon(),

// getNode : col.getNode(),

// getTextLength : col.getTextLength(),

// getFirstChild : col.getFirstChild(),

// getLastChild : col.getLastChild(),

// getNextSibling : col.getNextSibling(),

// getTextOffset : col.getTextOffset(),

// getPrevSibling : col.getPrevSibling(),

// getPresentation : col.getPresentation(),

// isPhysical : col.isPhysical(),

// getTextRange : col.getTextRange(),

// getPresentableText : col.getPresentableText(),

// textToCharArray : col.textToCharArray(),

// getStartOffsetInParent: col.getStartOffsetInParent(),

// getContext : col.getContext(),

// getUseScope : col.getUseScope(),

// getResolveScope : col.getResolveScope(),

// getReferences : col.getReferences(),

// getReference : col.getReference(),

// getContainingFile : col.getContainingFile(),

// getOriginalElement : col.getOriginalElement(),

// getNavigationElement : col.getNavigationElement(),

// getUserDataString : col.getUserDataString(),

// isUserDataEmpty : col.isUserDataEmpty(),

// getDbParent : col.getDbParent(),




def javaName(str, capitalize) {

def s &#61; str.split(/(?<&#61;[^\p{IsLetter}])/).collect { Case.LOWER.apply(it).capitalize() }

.join("").replaceAll(/[^\p{javaJavaIdentifierPart}]/, "_").replaceAll(/_/, "")

capitalize || s.length() &#61;&#61; 1 ? s : Case.LOWER.apply(s[0]) &#43; s[1..-1]


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  • 本文详细介绍了Akka中的BackoffSupervisor机制,探讨其在处理持久化失败和Actor重启时的应用。通过具体示例,展示了如何配置和使用BackoffSupervisor以实现更细粒度的异常处理。 ... [详细]
  • 本文详细介绍了Java编程语言中的核心概念和常见面试问题,包括集合类、数据结构、线程处理、Java虚拟机(JVM)、HTTP协议以及Git操作等方面的内容。通过深入分析每个主题,帮助读者更好地理解Java的关键特性和最佳实践。 ... [详细]
  • DNN Community 和 Professional 版本的主要差异
    本文详细解析了 DotNetNuke (DNN) 的两种主要版本:Community 和 Professional。通过对比两者的功能和附加组件,帮助用户选择最适合其需求的版本。 ... [详细]
  • 本文详细介绍了如何构建一个高效的UI管理系统,集中处理UI页面的打开、关闭、层级管理和页面跳转等问题。通过UIManager统一管理外部切换逻辑,实现功能逻辑分散化和代码复用,支持多人协作开发。 ... [详细]
  • 从 .NET 转 Java 的自学之路:IO 流基础篇
    本文详细介绍了 Java 中的 IO 流,包括字节流和字符流的基本概念及其操作方式。探讨了如何处理不同类型的文件数据,并结合编码机制确保字符数据的正确读写。同时,文中还涵盖了装饰设计模式的应用,以及多种常见的 IO 操作实例。 ... [详细]
  • 本文介绍如何使用阿里云的fastjson库解析包含时间戳、IP地址和参数等信息的JSON格式文本,并进行数据处理和保存。 ... [详细]
  • 图数据库中的知识表示与推理机制
    本文探讨了图数据库及其技术生态系统在知识表示和推理问题上的应用。通过理解图数据结构,尤其是属性图的特性,可以为复杂的数据关系提供高效且优雅的解决方案。我们将详细介绍属性图的基本概念、对象建模、概念建模以及自动推理的过程,并结合实际代码示例进行说明。 ... [详细]
  • Java编程实践:深入理解方法重载
    本文介绍了Java中方法重载的概念及其应用。通过多个示例,详细讲解了如何在同一类中定义具有相同名称但不同参数列表的方法,以实现更灵活的功能调用。 ... [详细]
  • ASP.NET MVC中Area机制的实现与优化
    本文探讨了在ASP.NET MVC框架中,如何通过Area机制有效地组织和管理大规模应用程序的不同功能模块。通过合理的文件夹结构和命名规则,开发人员可以更高效地管理和扩展项目。 ... [详细]
  • Codeforces Round #566 (Div. 2) A~F个人题解
    Dashboard-CodeforcesRound#566(Div.2)-CodeforcesA.FillingShapes题意:给你一个的表格,你 ... [详细]
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