视频(mp4)从Android摄像头录制并发送到后端,这里我使用ffmpeg包装器压缩视频[44mb视频到5.76mb] . 压缩效果很好,但是当我在android(exo播放器)发送视频播放时,开始时间太长 .
FFmpegBuilder builder = new FFmpegBuilder()
.setInput("D:/dummyVideos/myvideo.mp4") // Filename, or a FFmpegProbeResult
.overrideOutputFiles(true) // Override the output if it exists
.addOutput("D:/dummyVideos/myvideo_ffmpeg.mp4") // Filename for the destination
.setFormat("mp4") // Format is inferred from filename, or can be set
.disableSubtitle() // No subtiles
.setAudioChannels(1) // Mono audio
.setAudioCodec("aac") // using the aac codec
.setAudioSampleRate(48_000) // at 48KHz
.setAudioBitRate(32768) // at 32 kbit/s
.setVideoCodec("libx264") // Video using x264
.setVideoFrameRate(24, 1) // at 24 frames per second
.setVideoResolution(1280, 720) // at 640x480 resolution
.setStrict(FFmpegBuilder.Strict.EXPERIMENTAL) // Allow FFmpeg to use experimental specs