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[英]Constructs an instance of ErrorManager.


代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm

* Constructs a {@code Handler} object with a default error manager instance
* {@code ErrorManager}, the default encoding, and the default logging
* level {@code Level.ALL}. It has no filter and no formatter.
protected Handler() {
this.errorMan = new ErrorManager();
this.level = DEFAULT_LEVEL;
this.encoding = null;
this.filter = null;
this.formatter = null;
this.prefix = this.getClass().getName();

代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.mail/javax.mail

* Used to get or create the default ErrorManager used before init.
* @return the super error manager or a new ErrorManager.
* @since JavaMail 1.5.3
private ErrorManager defaultErrorManager() {
ErrorManager em;
try { //Try to share the super error manager.
em = super.getErrorManager();
} catch (RuntimeException | LinkageError ignore) {
em = null;
//Don't assume that the super call is not null.
if (em == null) {
em = new ErrorManager();
return em;

代码示例来源:origin: camunda/camunda-bpm-platform

* Used to get or create the default ErrorManager used before init.
* @return the super error manager or a new ErrorManager.
* @since JavaMail 1.5.3
private ErrorManager defaultErrorManager() {
ErrorManager em;
try { //Try to share the super error manager.
em = super.getErrorManager();
} catch (final RuntimeException ignore) {
em = null;
} catch (final LinkageError ignore) {
em = null;
//Don't assume that the super call is not null.
if (em == null) {
em = new ErrorManager();
return em;

代码示例来源:origin: camunda/camunda-bpm-platform

setErrorManager(new ErrorManager());

代码示例来源:origin: jboss/jboss-common-logging-jdk

* No argument constructor.
public DOMConfigurator()
this(new ErrorManager());

代码示例来源:origin: jboss/jboss-logging-jdk

* No argument constructor.
public DOMConfigurator()
this(new ErrorManager());

代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.logging/jboss-logging-jdk

* No argument constructor.
public DOMConfigurator()
this(new ErrorManager());

代码示例来源:origin: ibinti/bugvm

* Constructs a {@code Handler} object with a default error manager instance
* {@code ErrorManager}, the default encoding, and the default logging
* level {@code Level.ALL}. It has no filter and no formatter.
protected Handler() {
this.errorMan = new ErrorManager();
this.level = DEFAULT_LEVEL;
this.encoding = null;
this.filter = null;
this.formatter = null;
this.prefix = this.getClass().getName();

代码示例来源:origin: com.jtransc/jtransc-rt

protected Handler() {
this.errorMan = new ErrorManager();
this.level = DEFAULT_LEVEL;
this.encoding = null;
this.filter = null;
this.formatter = null;
this.prefix = this.getClass().getName();

代码示例来源:origin: MobiVM/robovm

* Constructs a {@code Handler} object with a default error manager instance
* {@code ErrorManager}, the default encoding, and the default logging
* level {@code Level.ALL}. It has no filter and no formatter.
protected Handler() {
this.errorMan = new ErrorManager();
this.level = DEFAULT_LEVEL;
this.encoding = null;
this.filter = null;
this.formatter = null;
this.prefix = this.getClass().getName();

代码示例来源:origin: FlexoVM/flexovm

* Constructs a {@code Handler} object with a default error manager instance
* {@code ErrorManager}, the default encoding, and the default logging
* level {@code Level.ALL}. It has no filter and no formatter.
protected Handler() {
this.errorMan = new ErrorManager();
this.level = DEFAULT_LEVEL;
this.encoding = null;
this.filter = null;
this.formatter = null;
this.prefix = this.getClass().getName();

代码示例来源:origin: com.mobidevelop.robovm/robovm-rt

* Constructs a {@code Handler} object with a default error manager instance
* {@code ErrorManager}, the default encoding, and the default logging
* level {@code Level.ALL}. It has no filter and no formatter.
protected Handler() {
this.errorMan = new ErrorManager();
this.level = DEFAULT_LEVEL;
this.encoding = null;
this.filter = null;
this.formatter = null;
this.prefix = this.getClass().getName();

代码示例来源:origin: com.bugvm/bugvm-rt

* Constructs a {@code Handler} object with a default error manager instance
* {@code ErrorManager}, the default encoding, and the default logging
* level {@code Level.ALL}. It has no filter and no formatter.
protected Handler() {
this.errorMan = new ErrorManager();
this.level = DEFAULT_LEVEL;
this.encoding = null;
this.filter = null;
this.formatter = null;
this.prefix = this.getClass().getName();

代码示例来源:origin: com.gluonhq/robovm-rt

* Constructs a {@code Handler} object with a default error manager instance
* {@code ErrorManager}, the default encoding, and the default logging
* level {@code Level.ALL}. It has no filter and no formatter.
protected Handler() {
this.errorMan = new ErrorManager();
this.level = DEFAULT_LEVEL;
this.encoding = null;
this.filter = null;
this.formatter = null;
this.prefix = this.getClass().getName();

代码示例来源:origin: xap/xap

private static Properties getVersionPropertiesFromFile(String path) {
Properties properties = new Properties();
try {
InputStream inputStream = PlatformVersion.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(path);
if (inputStream != null) {
} catch (Throwable t) {
ErrorManager errorManager = new ErrorManager();
errorManager.error("Failed to load version properties from " + path, new Exception(t), ErrorManager.OPEN_FAILURE);
return properties;

代码示例来源:origin: jboss/jboss-javaee-specs

* Used to get or create the default ErrorManager used before init.
* @return the super error manager or a new ErrorManager.
* @since JavaMail 1.5.3
private ErrorManager defaultErrorManager() {
ErrorManager em;
try { //Try to share the super error manager.
em = super.getErrorManager();
} catch (RuntimeException | LinkageError ignore) {
em = null;
//Don't assume that the super call is not null.
if (em == null) {
em = new ErrorManager();
return em;

代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.mail/jakarta.mail

* Used to get or create the default ErrorManager used before init.
* @return the super error manager or a new ErrorManager.
* @since JavaMail 1.5.3
private ErrorManager defaultErrorManager() {
ErrorManager em;
try { //Try to share the super error manager.
em = super.getErrorManager();
} catch (RuntimeException | LinkageError ignore) {
em = null;
//Don't assume that the super call is not null.
if (em == null) {
em = new ErrorManager();
return em;

代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.metro/webservices-extra

* Used to get or create the default ErrorManager used before init.
* @return the super error manager or a new ErrorManager.
* @since JavaMail 1.5.3
private ErrorManager defaultErrorManager() {
ErrorManager em;
try { //Try to share the super error manager.
em = super.getErrorManager();
} catch (RuntimeException | LinkageError ignore) {
em = null;
//Don't assume that the super call is not null.
if (em == null) {
em = new ErrorManager();
return em;

代码示例来源:origin: stackoverflow.com

Options optiOns= new Options("nashorn");
options.set("anon.functions", true);
options.set("parse.only", true);
options.set("scripting", true);
ErrorManager errors = new ErrorManager();
Context cOntext= new Context(options, errors, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
Source source = new Source("test", "var a = 10; var b = a + 1;" +
"function someFunction() { return b + 1; } ");
Parser parser = new Parser(context.getEnv(), source, errors);
FunctionNode functiOnNode= parser.parse();
Block block = functionNode.getBody();
List statements = block.getStatements();

代码示例来源:origin: stackoverflow.com

public class LogFilter implements Filter {
private final ErrorManager error = new ErrorManager();
public boolean isLoggable(LogRecord record) {
try {
//Insert code.
return false;
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
error.error(new SimpleFormatter().format(record),
re, ErrorManager.GENERIC_FAILURE);
return true;

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