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iphone 启动图

iphone 启动图

Person launching actions by tapping on the back of the iPhone

Every year, Apple adds new and interesting accessibility features. As long as you’re running iOS 14 or higher, you have the ability to control the device and launch actions or shortcuts by double- or triple-tapping the back of your iPhone. Here’s how it works.

苹果每年都会增加有趣的新辅助功能。 只要您运行的是iOS 14或更高版本,就可以通过双击iPhone的背面来控制设备并启动操作或快捷方式。 运作方式如下。

Back Tap is a powerful accessibility feature that can come in handy for all iPhone users. If you’re using an iPhone X and newer, simply tapping the middle part of the back of your iPhone twice or thrice will launch a preconfigured action.

Back Tap是一项强大的辅助功能 ,可以对所有iPhone用户派上用场。 如果您使用的是iPhone X及更高版本,只需轻按两次iPhone背面的中间部分或三次,即可启动预配置的操作。

You can use Back Tap to quickly open Notification Center, Control Center, Siri, and more. You can even launch shortcuts with this feature. And thanks to background shortcuts also introduced in iOS 14, they’ll be initiated instantly, without jumping into the Shortcuts app.

您可以使用Back Tap快速打开通知中心,控制中心, Siri等。 您甚至可以使用此功能启动快捷方式 。 并且由于iOS 14中还引入了背景快捷方式,因此可以立即启动它们,而无需跳入“快捷方式”应用程序。

One of the most popular use cases we have seen so far is to bring up the Google Assistant (via a custom shortcut) using a double-tap gesture.

到目前为止,我们看到的最流行的用例之一是使用双击手势打开Google Assistant (通过自定义快捷方式)。

You can set Back Tap up by first opening the “Settings” app. From there, go to the “Accessibility” section.

您可以先打开“设置”应用程序来设置Back Tap up。 从那里转到“辅助功能”部分。

Select Accessibility from Settings

Here, tap the “Touch” option.


Select Touch from Accessibility

Scroll all of the way to the bottom of the page and choose the “Back Tap” option.


Tap Back Tap

You’ll now see two different options for customizing the “Double Tap” or “Triple Tap” feature.


Select Double Tap or Triple Tap options

Choose one to see a list of all available actions. At the top, you’ll find system actions like Notification Center, Screenshot, Siri, and more. Scroll down to find accessibility options like AssistiveTouch, Smart Invert, and more.

选择一个以查看所有可用操作的列表。 在顶部,您将找到系统操作,例如通知中心,屏幕截图,Siri等。 向下滚动以查找辅助功能选项,例如AssistiveTouch,Smart Invert等。

Choose a Double Tap action

At the bottom of this screen, you’ll find a section dedicated to the Shortcuts app. Here, choose a shortcut to associate it with one of the Back Tap gestures.

在此屏幕的底部,您将找到专门用于“快捷方式”应用程序的部分。 在这里,选择一种快捷方式将其与“后轻击”手势之一相关联。

Choose A Shortcut as Back Tap Gesture

Once you go back to the previous screen, the Back Tap gesture will be activated. Now you can double-tap or triple-tap the back of your iPhone at any time to initiate the selected action.

返回上一个屏幕后,将激活Back Tap手势。 现在,您可以随时点按两次或三按iPhone的背面以启动选定的操作。

Want to more about widgets on your iPhone? Learn how iOS 14 transformed the Home screen by adding brand-new customizable widgets.

想进一步了解iPhone上的小部件吗? 了解iOS 14如何通过添加全新的可自定义小部件来 改变主屏幕。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/681816/how-to-launch-actions-by-tapping-on-the-back-of-your-iphone/

iphone 启动图

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