作者:没有结果的爱请你收好 | 来源:互联网 | 2023-05-17 15:54
I've looked around Stack Overflow for an answer to this, but nowhere seems to give the correct answer or direction...
我已经浏览了Stack Overflow以获得答案,但似乎没有给出正确的答案或方向......
My project will allow a user to upload a WAV, which ultimately will be converted to a low quality MP3 using FFmpeg on the server and it'll all be stored and served on Amazon S3. The next obstacle is working out how to extract a reliable waveform visualisation from this uploaded sound. I'm using Python and Django on Linux Ubuntu 10 on a VPS for this project...
我的项目将允许用户上传WAV,最终将使用服务器上的FFmpeg将其转换为低质量的MP3,并且它将全部存储并在Amazon S3上提供。下一个障碍是如何从这个上传的声音中提取可靠的波形可视化。我在这个项目的VPS上使用Linux和Ubuntu 10上的Python和Django ......
I'm, at the vert least, needing some sort of direction... I'm at a lost of where to start to look for such a tool?
3 个解决方案