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I have just uploaded my first app to iTunes Connect and noticed that my list of supported devices is appearing as follows...

我刚刚将我的第一个应用程序上传到iTunes Connect,并注意到我支持的设备列表如下所示......

Device Requirements : Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.

设备要求:与iPhone,iPod touch和iPad兼容。

I've developed specifically for the iPhone and iPod Touch and have not yet done any testing on the iPad simulator. I therefore don't want the app submission testers to try running my app on an iPad and rejecting it because of some minor issue.

我专门为iPhone和iPod Touch开发,还没有在iPad模拟器上进行任何测试。因此,我不希望应用程序提交测试人员尝试在iPad上运行我的应用程序并因为一些小问题而拒绝它。

I've looked at setting the required device capabilities in my info.plist, but that doesn't appear to allow me to restrict at a device level.


Is this a by-product of building using the 3.1.3 SDK? Are apps built using this SDK automatically upscaled to work on the iPad?

这是使用3.1.3 SDK构建的副产品吗?使用此SDK构建的应用程序是否会自动升级为在iPad上运行?

3 个解决方案



You can't restrict the app to not work on the iPad. Backwards compatibility with all iPhone apps is a feature of the iPad. Your app will run in a 100% frame or in an optional 2x mode depending on user preference.


iPhone OS apps that link against the 2.x or 3.x framework and test clean on the iPhone and iPod touch should work w/o any trouble on the iPad.

连接到2.x或3.x框架并在iPhone和iPod touch上测试干净的iPhone OS应用程序应该可以在iPad上无任何问题。

If you tested on the iPod, taking into account the lack of cell radio, camera, etc..., you should be totally fine.




I don't see a good reason to exclude iPad since iPhone apps will run in emulated mode in iPad after all. It's the same situation as a 3.x firmware running apps compiled from 2.x SDK.

我没有看到排除iPad的充分理由,因为iPhone应用程序毕竟会在iPad中以模拟模式运行。这与运行从2.x SDK编译的应用程序的3.x固件的情况相同。

To restrict at device level, you add the UIDeviceFamily key, but this doesn't support excluding iPad (just excluding iPhone).




The way to indicate that an application should only run on iPhone is to specify your application as an iPhone type application, rather than universal. Open your project (in XCode), click on the project name at the top of the Project Navigator sidebar, select the target, go to the summary tab, and change "Devices" to iPhone.

指示应用程序应仅在iPhone上运行的方式是将应用程序指定为iPhone类型应用程序,而不是通用。打开项目(在XCode中),单击Project Navigator侧栏顶部的项目名称,选择目标,转到摘要选项卡,然后将“Devices”更改为iPhone。

When you submit it, it will only be run in emulator mode on iPads, thus getting around any issues.


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