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Alright this is probably a newbie question but it is very much frustrating me. I clearly say in the style tags that the top blue bar needs to be snug against the top and the two side panels need to be snug against the sides.


Yet for some reason it has taken the liberty of inserting a blank white space around my html.


Here is the link: http://popularn.com/nate/error.html


See that white space on the left and at the top?


Even when I say top:0% and left:0%, it still doesn't work. It's like it's laughing at me and I've had enough. It's like it is starting the document at top:2% and left:2% and there's nothing I can do...


3 个解决方案



remove margin from the body, set top left to 0, and off course don't forget the position attribute


 html,body{padding:0; margin:0;}
 #someElement{position: absolute; top:0; left:0}

also - putting position:absolute; top:0; left:0; to the body is like doing nothing and the position of the #top_menu should be position: fixed and not fixes which has no meaning

也 - 放置位置:绝对;顶部:0;左:0;身体就像什么都不做,#top_menu的位置应该是位置:固定而不是没有意义的修复



Browsers have a set of default styles which are known as 'User-agent styles'. These are a generic set of CSS rules that it applies to elements. You know when you put a H1 in a page, and it appears big, and in bold? These are those styles.


The base elements in your pages are all styled with these UA rules. Body, HTML, div, etc - they all have a small amount of padding on them, which is where this is coming from.

页面中的基本元素都使用这些UA规则进行样式设置。正文,HTML,div等 - 它们都有少量的填充,这就是它的来源。

Consequently, it's good practice to always use a CSS reset, when you are developing beyond basic styles. There's a couple of good ones I'd recommend. As CSS is hierarchical (hence cascading!) you need to include resets first.


Firstly is Eric Meyer's CSS reset. This applies generally to everything, and is invisible for most purposes. You include the file, everything gets reset to base.

首先是Eric Meyer的CSS重置。这通常适用于所有事物,并且对于大多数目的而言是不可见的。您包含该文件,所有内容都将重置为base。

Secondly is Yahoo UI 3 (YUI) reset, which takes a slightly different approach. They let you selectively apply a reset to different areas of a page by including a class. This is useful for some things, but for almost every small/medium sized project I'd recommend Eric's reset linked above - but it's useful for comparison and learning.

其次是Yahoo UI 3(YUI)重置,这需要稍微不同的方法。它们允许您通过包含类来有选择地将重置应用于页面的不同区域。这对某些事情很有用,但对于几乎所有中小型项目,我都建议将Eric重置在上面 - 但它对比较和学习很有用。

Instead of trying to tune out inconsistencies as you go along - using a CSS reset will give you a baseline for all elements which is the same on every browser. Believe me - you want this. When you get further into html, forms for example or fun stuff like that, then this kind of thing is an absolute life saver.

而不是试图在你进行时调整不一致性 - 使用CSS重置将为每个浏览器上的所有元素提供相同的基线。相信我 - 你想要这个。当你进一步进入html,例如表格或类似的有趣的东西,那么这种事情是绝对的生命保护。

Hope that helps!




You need to reset the default padding and margin on any browser. I usually use this:



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