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As you may recall, grease is the word. This is also the time, place and action. It also keeps your air compressor running smoothly.

Your air compressor motor needs lubrication to run – but not too much! The difficulty is that for each brand or model of compressor, there may be different requirements when lubricating the bearings on the motor.

Even before considering lubricating the bearings, contact the manufacturer to determine what is needed. Be very careful, as over-lubricating the bearings can also cause problems. Discuss it later.

Determine the amount of grease used in the bearing and even determine if the bearing is accessible. Adding grease to a sealed motor can damage the bearings and the motor.

See if you can determine the type of grease currently in use in the motor. Try to match it. Believe it or not, all the oil is not equal. Mixing one type of grease with an incompatible type of grease can result in downtime.

Try to determine how much grease is already in the motor. Excessive grease can cause the compressor motor to overwork, pushing excess grease around the bearing and increasing energy consumption. This is not good.

What is the RPM of the motor and how long does it actually run? You may find that the amount of grease in the motor will continue for a long time.

Because you feel that the motor must require more lubricant, it is dangerous to operate freely and can cause expensive downtime for a long time.

If you have any questions about lubricants, greases and air compressors, please contact the Air Compressor Manufacturers  -  Linsheng  : https://www.linsheng.com



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