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Close up of the Google Chrome logo.

Chrome 76 hits the stable channel today, July 30. This latest release brings some serious changes to the web. Flash is now disabled by default, and websites won’t be able to detect whether you’re using incognito mode.

Chrome 76将于7月30日稳定发布。此最新版本对网络进行了一些重大更改。 现在默认情况下已禁用Flash,网站将无法检测到您是否使用隐身模式。

As usual, Google Chrome will install this update automatically. You can perform an immediate update by clicking menu > Help > About Google Chrome. Chrome will check for any available updates and install them.

和往常一样,Chrome浏览器会自动安装此更新。 您可以通过单击菜单>帮助>关于Google Chrome执行立即更新。 Chrome会检查是否有可用的更新并进行安装。

默认情况下禁用闪光灯 (Flash Is Disabled by Default)

Google Chrome now blocks Adobe Flash by default on all websites. You can re-enable Flash, but you can only use Flash in click-to-play mode. You’ll also see a warning that Chrome won’t support the Flash Player after December 2020.

默认情况下,Google Chrome现在会在所有网站上阻止Adobe Flash。 您可以重新启用Flash ,但只能在点击播放模式下使用Flash。 您还将看到一条警告,指出2020年12月之后Chrome将不再支持Flash Player。

Adobe will also stop supporting Flash starting in 2021, so it’s a sensible move for Google. Until then, you can still use Flash—but Google is making it extra annoying to encourage websites to upgrade and move away from Flash.

Adobe也将从2021年开始停止支持Flash,因此对Google来说是明智之举。 在此之前,您仍然可以使用Flash,但是Google鼓励网站升级并脱离Flash变得格外烦人。

网站无法检测到隐身模式 (Websites Can’t Detect Incognito Mode)

Sites could detect you’re in incognito mode by making a FIleSystem API request, which is disabled in incognito mode. Some websites use this trick to block visitors who are in incognito mode, as incognito mode is a common way of bypassing paywalls on the web. But Google is closing this loophole.

网站可以通过发出FIleSystem API请求来检测您是否处于隐身模式,该请求在隐身模式下被禁用。 一些网站使用此技巧来阻止处于隐身模式的访问者,因为隐身模式是绕过网络付费墙的一种常见方法。 但是谷歌正在弥补这一漏洞。

For example, some news sites like The New York Times limit the number of articles you read and block you from reading in incognito mode to prevent you from getting around that. Websites will no longer be able to detect and block incognito mode specifically.

例如,某些新闻网站(例如《纽约时报》)限制了您阅读的文章数量,并阻止您以隐身模式阅读,以防止您绕开它。 网站将不再能够特定地检测和阻止隐身模式。

Google says it’s fine with websites offering a limited number of articles, but recommends they require readers to log in. Blocking incognito mode is off the table, and Google won’t let it happen.


Some researchers have already found a way around the block, so the game of cat and mouse is well underway. But Google will keep on stamping out loopholes.

一些研究人员已经找到绕过障碍物的方法,因此猫和老鼠的游戏正在进行之中。 但是谷歌将继续消除漏洞。

Chrome Incognito mode has been detectable for years, due to the FileSystem API implementation. As of Chrome 76, this is fixed. Apologies to the "detect private mode" scripts out there. 💐 pic.twitter.com/3LWFXQyy7w

由于实施FileSystem API,Chrome隐身模式已经可以检测多年了。 从Chrome 76开始,此问题已修复。 道歉“检测私有模式”脚本在那里。 💐 pic.twitter.com/3LWFXQyy7w

— Paul Irish (@paul_irish) June 11, 2019

-Paul Irish(@paul_irish) 2019年6月11日

自动暗模式进入网站(Automatic Dark Mode is Coming to Websites)

Starting with Chrome 76, websites can detect whether you’ve chosen dark mode on your operating system. If you’ve enabled dark mode, the site can automatically enable a dark mode theme for you. Web developers can take advantage of this with the “prefers-color-scheme” media query in CSS.

从Chrome 76开始,网站可以检测您是否在操作系统上选择了暗模式。 如果您启用了暗模式,则站点可以自动为您启用暗模式主题。 Web开发人员可以通过CSS中的“ preferreds-color-scheme ”媒体查询来利用这一优势。

Websites will have to enable this feature, but many sites that have offered dark themes—including YouTube and Twitter—could plug into this feature and automatically enable them for you rather than requiring you hit a switch.


网站无法劫持您的转义密钥 (Websites Can’t Hijack Your Escape Key)

Let’s face it; you’ve never had a reason to use the Escape Key while interacting with a website. And realistically you never will. If anything, you may use the Escape Key to stop a site loading. The Escape key will also let you close full-screen videos and dialog boxes.

面对现实吧; 您从来没有理由在与网站交互时使用退出键。 实际上,您永远不会。 如果有的话,您可以使用Escape键停止网站加载。 使用Escape键也可以关闭全屏视频和对话框。

Unfortunately, some malicious websites hijacked the Escape key to force popups in Chrome, preventing it from working in the normal way. That won’t work anymore. The Escape button belongs to the browser.

不幸的是,一些恶意网站劫持了Escape键以强制在Chrome中弹出窗口,从而阻止了它以正常方式工作。 那将不再起作用。 退出按钮属于浏览器。

Chrome会让您监视扩展程序 (Chrome Will Let You Spy on Your Extensions)

Chrome extension activity log history tab

Google is cracking down on browser extensions and requiring them to request only as much data as they need to function. Some extensions track your browsing habits without adequately warning you. Thanks to a new logging page, you’ll be able to see what an extension is doing on your system. Knowledge is power.

Google严厉打击浏览器扩展,要求它们仅请求功能所需的数据。 某些扩展程序会跟踪您的浏览习惯,而不会充分警告您。 由于有了新的日志记录页面,您将能够看到扩展在系统上正在做什么。 知识就是力量。

For now, this feature is hidden behind a command-line switch. Once enabled the --enable-extension-activity-logging flag, you can select any extension on the Extensions settings page, click on details and then View Activity log to see what an extension is doing.

目前,此功能隐藏在命令行开关后面。 启用--enable-extension-activity-logging标志后,您可以在扩展设置页面上选择任何扩展,单击详细信息,然后查看活动日志以查看扩展正在执行的操作。

渐进式Web应用程序更易于安装 (Progressive Web Apps Are Easier to Install)

Google Chrome Omnibox, showing Progressive Web App install button.

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are essentially websites turned into a local app for you to use. If a site supports PWAs, they may be able to bypass creating a dedicated mobile app, saving on time and effort for development.

渐进式Web应用程序(PWA)本质上是将网站转变为供您使用的本地应用程序。 如果站点支持PWA,则它们可以绕过创建专用的移动应用程序,从而节省了开发时间和精力。

Until now, installing a PWA has been too difficult. Starting in Chrome 76, if a site supports PWAs, you’ll see an install button at the right side of the Omnibox.

到目前为止,安装PWA仍然很困难。 从Chrome 76开始,如果网站支持PWA,您将在多功能框的右侧看到一个安装按钮。

Chromebook为Linux应用获得GPU加速 (Chromebooks Get GPU Acceleration for Linux Apps)

Installing Linux dialog for Chromebooks.

A little under a year ago, Google brought Linux apps to Chromebooks. Those Linux applications didn’t have access to GPU acceleration, which meant graphically intensive apps like games didn’t run smoothly. Now Chrome 76 aims to solve that with GPU acceleration.

不到一年前,Google将Linux应用程序引入了Chromebooks 。 这些Linux应用程序无法访问GPU加速,这意味着图形密集型应用程序(例如游戏)无法顺利运行。 现在,Chrome 76旨在通过GPU加速来解决该问题。

This could mean Steam for Linux would perform well on an Intel Chromebook, unlocking a whole world of PC games.

这可能意味着适用于Linux的Steam可以在Intel Chromebook上运行良好,从而解锁整个PC游戏。

在Chrome操作系统上更容易清除通知 (Notifications Are Easier to Clear on Chrome OS)

Clear All button for notifications on Chrome OS

If you hate clearing notifications in Chrome OS, you aren’t alone. The more notifications you have, the harder it is to get to the Clear All button, which Google tucked at the bottom of the list.

如果您讨厌在Chrome操作系统中清除通知,那么您并不孤单。 您收到的通知越多,进入“清除所有”按钮的难度就越大,该按钮被Google塞在列表的底部。

The latest update solves that in the best way possible, moving the Clear All button to the top. No more scrolling forever; just click and move on.

最新更新以最佳方式解决了此问题,将“全部清除”按钮移到顶部。 不再永远滚动; 只需单击并继续。

As usual, Chrome 76 also has a lot of changes for web developers, including improvements to the Web Payments API. Some web features have been removed or deprecated, and the developer tools have some new functionality.

与往常一样,Chrome 76对Web开发人员也进行了很多更改,包括对Web Payments API的改进。 某些Web功能已被删除或弃用,并且开发人员工具具有一些新功能。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/434592/what’s-new-in-chrome-76-arriving-july-30th/

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