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I am using the httr v0.2 package to use the github api as well now. But I am struggling to get past the oauth2.0(...) part in which I get to the browser page for my app, click on 'Allow' and then get redirected to the callback URL page.

我现在也在使用httr v0.2包来使用github api。但是,我正在努力克服oauth2.0(…)的部分,我在其中找到了我的应用程序的浏览器页面,点击“允许”,然后被重定向到回调URL页面。

The httr github demo suggests using the callback URL as http://localhost:1410 but when I get redirected to that page, google chrome suggests that it could not connect to the page and the page it is getting re-directed to is http://localhost:1410/?error=redirect_uri_mismatch&state=DZNFcm8tnq...so I tried a bunch of other ports and overall URLS to no success...

httr github演示程序建议使用回调URL作为http://localhost:1410,但是当我被重定向到该页面时,谷歌chrome建议它不能连接到该页面,它正在被重定向到的页面是http://localhost:1410/?error=redirect_uri_mismatch&state= dznfcm8q…所以我尝试了一些其他的端口和url,但没有成功。

What would be another callback URL and URL that would work?


below is the code I used


## Loading required package: httr
github.app <- oauth_app("github","xxxxx", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")
github.urls <- oauth_endpoint(NULL, "authorize", "access_token",base_url = "https://github.com/login/oauth")
github.token <- oauth2.0_token(github.urls,github.app)
## Loading required package: Rook
## Loading required package: tools
## Loading required package: brew
## starting httpd help server ... done
## Waiting for authentication in browser...

which is when I get directed to a page that has the 'Allow' button whichIi click after which I get redirected to the page in google chrome that cannot connect to localhost :1410


4 个解决方案



You should update httr package to latest version (now it's 0.3 - available in CRAN). I found the relevant example from httr (version 0.3) demos:



# 1. Find OAuth settings for github:
#    http://developer.github.com/v3/oauth/

# 2. Register an application at https://github.com/settings/applications
#    Insert your values below - if secret is omitted, it will look it up in
#    the GITHUB_CONSUMER_SECRET environmental variable.
#    Use http://localhost:1410 as the callback url
myapp <- oauth_app("github", "56b637a5baffac62cad9")

# 3. Get OAuth credentials
github_token <- oauth2.0_token(oauth_endpoints("github"), myapp)

# 4. Use API
req <- GET("https://api.github.com/rate_limit", config(token = github_token))

You can get it with demo("oauth2-github", package = "httr", ask = FALSE) command.

您可以使用demo(“oauth2-github”,package =“httr”,ask = FALSE)命令获得它。



Are you serving this from a web app or is it an extension/plugin? The redirect url has to be from the same host as the callback url you specified when you set up the github application. See here for more. If you are using the API in an extension then I won't be of much help. That's what I was looking for when I came across your question.




I had the same error and problem exactly and the problem was solved by modifying the Homepage URL to the correct one as per the demo : http://github.com so eventually the problem was not in the callback URL it was in the Homepage URL, you might also use the cache=F argument in the oauth2.0_token() function.

我有完全相同的错误和问题,解决了这个问题通过修改主页URL重定向到正确的页面按照演示:http://github.com最终回调URL的问题不是在主页URL,您也可以使用缓存= F参数在oauth2.0_token()函数。

good luck.




I had the same error. But after I installed httpuv package it worked fine. Once you install httpuv package, upon running this code,


github_token <- oauth2.0_token(oauth_endpoints("github"), myapp)

github_token <- oauth2.0_token(oauth_endpoints(“github”),myapp)

you should be able to see 'authentication complete'.


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