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Website: Classifieds website (users may put ads, search ads etc)


I plan to use SOLR for searching and then return results as ID nr:s only, and then use those ID nr:s and query mysql, and then lastly display the results with those ID:s.

我打算使用SOLR进行搜索,然后将结果作为ID nr:s返回,然后使用那些ID nr:s并查询mysql,最后用这些ID显示结果:s。

Currently I have around 30 tables in MySQL, one for each category.


1- Do you think I should do it differently than above?


2- Should I use only one SOLR document, or multiple documents? Also, is document the same as a SOLR index?


3- Would it be better to Only use SOLR and skip MySQL knowing that I have alot of columns in each table? Personally I am much better at using MySQL than SOLR.


4- Say the user wants to search for cars in a specific region, how is this type of querying performed/done in SOLR? Ex: q=cars®ion=washington possible?

4-假设用户想要搜索特定区域的汽车,在SOLR中如何执行/完成此类查询?例如:q =汽车和地区=华盛顿可能吗?

You may think there is alot of info about SOLR out there, but there isn't, and especially not about using PHP with SOLR and a SOLR php client... Maybe I will write something when I have learned all this... Or maybe one of you could write something up!

您可能认为有很多关于SOLR的信息,但是没有,特别是没有使用PHP与SOLR和SOLR php客户端...也许我会在我学会了这些之后写些东西...或者也许你们其中一个人可以写点东西!

Thanks again for all help...


4 个解决方案



First, the definitions: a Solr/Lucene document is roughly the equivalent of a database row. An index is roughly the same as a database table.

首先,定义:Solr / Lucene文档大致相当于数据库行。索引与数据库表大致相同。

I recommend trying to store all the classified-related information in Solr. Querying Solr and then the database is inefficient and very likely unnecessary.


Querying in a specific region would be something like q=cars+region:washington assuming you have a region field in Solr.

在特定区域查询将类似q = cars + region:washington假设您在Solr中有一个区域字段。

The Solr wiki has tons of good information and a pretty good basic tutorial. Of course this can always be improved, so if you find anything that isn't clear please let the Solr team know about it.

Solr wiki拥有大量优秀的信息和非常好的基础教程。当然这可以随时改进,所以如果你发现任何不清楚的地方,请让Solr团队了解它。

I can't comment on the PHP client since I don't use PHP.




Solr is going to return it's results in a syntax easily parsible using SimpleXml. You could also use the SolPHP client library: http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolPHP.


Solr is really quite efficient. I suggest putting as much data into your Solr index as necessary to retrieve everything in one hit from Solr. This could mean much less database traffic for you.


If you've installed the example Solr application (comes with Jetty), then you can develop Solr queries using the admin interface. The URI of the result is pretty much what you'd be constructing in PHP.


The most difficult part when beginning with Solr is getting the solrconfig.xml and the schema.xml files correct. I suggest starting with a very basic config, and restart your web app each time you add a field. Starting off with the whole schema.xml can be confusing.




2- Should I use only one SOLR document, or multiple documents? Also, is document the same as a SOLR index?


3- Would it be better to Only use SOLR and skip MySQL knowing that I have alot of columns in each table? Personally I am much better at using MySQL than SOLR.


A document is "an instance" of solr index. Take into account that you can build only one solr index per solr Core. A core acts as an independent solr Server into the same solr insallation.

文档是solr索引的“实例”。考虑到每个solr Core只能构建一个solr索引。核心作为独立的solr Server充当相同的solr insallation。


Yo can build one index merging some table contents and some other indexes to perform second level searches...


would you give more details about your architecture and data??




As suggested by others you can store and index your mysql data and can run query in solr index, thus making mysql unnecessary to use. You don't need to just store and index ids and query and get ids and then run mysql query to get additional data against that id. You can just store other data corresponding to ids in solr itself.


Regarding solr PHP client, then you don't need to use and it is recommended to directly use REST like Solr Web API. You can use PHP function like file_get_contents("http://IP:port/solr/#/core/select?q=query&start=0&rows=100&wt=json") or use curl with PHP if you need to. Both ways are almost same and efficient. This will return data in json as wt=json. Then use PHP function json_decode($returned_data) to get that data in object.

关于so​​lr PHP客户端,那么你不需要使用,建议直接使用像Solr Web API这样的REST。您可以使用PHP函数,如file_get_contents(“http:// IP:port / solr /#/ core / select?q = query&start = 0&rows = 100&wt = json”),或者如果需要,可以使用curl和PHP。两种方式几乎相同且有效。这将返回json中的数据为wt = json。然后使用PHP函数json_decode($ returned_data)在对象中获取该数据。

If you need to ask anything just reply.


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