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android p 牛轧糖

android p 牛轧糖


It’s amazing it’s taken this long, but Android 7.0 Nougat finally has the ability to run two apps on the screen at the same time.

花费了这么长时间,真是太神奇了,但是Android 7.0 Nougat终于可以同时在屏幕上运行两个应用程序了。

Sure, the ability to use two apps at the same time on Android isn’t a new idea—in fact, Samsung and LG have been doing it for quite some time. The thing is, the third-party options are generally limited to a handful of apps that have been modified to forcefully work with split-screen. So, basically, it’s a hackjob. But now, Google has a native way to run two apps on the screen at one time. That means better compatibility for all 7.0-enabled phones–basically any app should work at this point.

当然,在Android上同时使用两个应用程序的能力并不是一个新主意-实际上,三星和LG已经进行了相当长的时间。 关键是,第三方选项通常仅限于少数经过修改以强制使用分屏的应用程序。 因此,基本上,这是一个hackjob。 但是现在,Google提供了一种原生方式,可以一次在屏幕上运行两个应用程序。 这意味着,所有支持7.0的手机都具有更好的兼容性-基本上任何应用程序现在都可以正常工作。

It’s stupid easy to use, too. In fact, there isn’t even toggle for it. No button needs to be ticked, no slider slid. It’s just on, and it just works. I love features like this.

它也很容易使用。 实际上,甚至没有切换。 无需勾选任何按钮,无需滑动滑块。 它只是开着,而且可以正常工作。 我喜欢这样的功能。

So, let’s say you need to look at your browser and a Google Doc at the same time. First, launch the browser—in this case, we’re using Chrome (of course).

因此,假设您需要同时查看浏览器和Google文档。 首先,启动浏览器-在这种情况下,我们使用的是Chrome(当然)。

With Chrome in the foreground, hit the “recent apps” button. I’m using a Pixel C for this demo (so the button is off to the far right), but the process is the same on all Nougat devices.

将Chrome置于前台,点击“最新应用”按钮。 我为此演示使用了Pixel C(因此该按钮位于最右边),但是在所有Nougat设备上的过程都是相同的。


When the recent apps cards load, long-press on Chrome. Two highlighted areas will show up on either the sides or top and bottom of the screen (depending on what kind of device and orientation you’re using). Go ahead and drag Chrome to one of those boxes. This will push Chrome to that area of the display, and load the recent apps menu on the other half.

加载最新的应用卡后,请在Chrome上长按。 屏幕的侧面或顶部和底部将显示两个突出显示的区域(取决于您使用的设备类型和方向)。 继续,然后将Chrome拖到其中一个框中。 这会将Chrome浏览器推到显示屏的该区域,并在另一半加载最近的应用程序菜单。


From here, you can do one of two things: either load another recent app, or load a new app. If you want to load something that you’ve already been looking at, just tap that window—it’ll automatically load on the other half of the display. Bam.

在这里,您可以执行以下两项操作之一:加载另一个最新的应用程序,或加载一个新的应用程序。 如果要加载您一直在查看的内容,请点击该窗口,它将自动加载到显示屏的另一半。 am


But let’s say you want to load Docs, which you haven’t yet opened. With Chrome pushed to one side, just hit the Home button. This will close the recent apps menu and slide Chrome off to the very edge of the display—you’ll see just a sliver of the window (note the far right edge of the screenshot below). From here, you can load something from the home screen or the app drawer on the unused half of the screen.

但是,假设您要加载尚未打开的文档。 将Chrome推到一侧,只需按“主页”按钮。 这将关闭最近使用的应用程序菜单,并将Chrome滑到显示屏的最边缘-您只会看到一小部分窗口(请注意以下屏幕截图的最右边)。 在这里,您可以从主屏幕或应用程序抽屉中未使用的一半上加载内容。


As soon as you tap an icon to load a new app, it will automatically open on the unused portion of the screen and slide Chrome back into place. And there you go—two things at once. There’s nothing to it.

点击图标以加载新应用后,它将自动在屏幕上未使用的部分打开,并将Chrome重新滑回原位。 然后您就可以了-马上完成两件事。 没什么


You can grab the black bar in the center and move it back and forth (or up and down, again depending on orientation), which will resize both windows. So if you want more Chrome and less Docs, you can have that. Or more Docs and less Chrome. You know, whatever you need.

您可以抓住中间的黑条,然后来回移动(或再次移动,取决于方向),这将调整两个窗口的大小。 因此,如果您想要更多的Chrome浏览器和更少的文档,则可以拥有。 或更多文档,而更少的Chrome。 您知道,无论您需要什么。


To close one app or the other, simply move the slider all the way across the display, effectively forcing the app to take up the entire display. This will automatically “minimize” the other window, pushing it back into the recent apps menu. If you want to bring it back, just follow the same steps outlined above.

要关闭一个应用程序或另一个应用程序,只需将滑块一直移动到整个显示屏即可,从而有效地迫使该应用程序占用整个显示屏。 这将自动“最小化”另一个窗口,将其推回到最近的应用程序菜单中。 如果要恢复原样,只需遵循上面概述的相同步骤。

This is an excellent solution that many Android users have wanted for a very long time. Even if you don’t use it super often, this is one of those things you’ll be really glad exists when the time comes and you need to see two things on the screen at once—even on your phone.

这是许多Android用户长期以来一直希望的出色解决方案。 即使您不经常使用它,这也是其中之一,当时间到来时,您将非常高兴,而且您需要一次在屏幕上看到两件事,甚至在手机上也是如此。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/265552/how-to-use-android-nougats-split-screen-mode/

android p 牛轧糖

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