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b.activity7: https://activiti.gitbook.io/activiti-7-developers-guide/

1.activity6对eclipse 的版本有限制。

在线安装支持Eclipse Kepler and Indigo:

The following installation instructions are verified on Eclipse Kepler and Indigo. Note that Eclipse Helios is NOT supported.

Go to Help → Install New Software. In the following panel, click on Add button and fill in the following fields:

*Name:*Activiti BPMN 2.0 designer

Make sure the “Contact all updates sites…” checkbox is checked, because all the necessary plugins will then be downloaded by Eclipse.

12.2. Activiti Designer editor features
Create Activiti projects and diagrams.

The Activiti Designer creates a .bpmn file when creating a new Activiti diagram. When opened with the Activiti Diagram Editor view this will provide a graphical modeling canvas and palette. The same file can however be opened with an XML editor and it then shows the BPMN 2.0 XML elements of the process definition. So the Activiti Designer works with only one file for both the graphical diagram as well as the BPMN 2.0 XML. Note that in Activiti 5.9 the .bpmn extension is not yet supported as deployment artifact for a process definition. Therefore the “create deployment artifacts” feature of the Activiti Designer generates a BAR file with a .bpmn20.xml file that contains the content of the .bpmn file. You can also do a quick file rename yourself. Also note that you can open a .bpmn20.xml file with the Activiti Diagram Editor view as well.

BPMN 2.0 XML files can be imported into the Activiti Designer and a diagram will be created. Just copy the BPMN 2.0 XML file to your project and open the file with the Activiti Diagram Editor view. The Activiti Designer uses the BPMN DI information of the file to create the diagram. If you have a BPMN 2.0 XML file without BPMN DI information, no diagram can be created.

For deployment a BAR file and optionally a JAR file is created by the Activiti Designer by right-clicking on an Activiti project in the package explorer and choosing the Create deployment artifacts option at the bottom of the popup menu. For more information about the deployment functionality of the Designer look at the deployment section.

Generate a unit test (right click on a BPMN 2.0 XML file in the package explorer and select generate unit test) A unit test is generated with an Activiti configuration that runs on an embedded H2 database. You can now run the unit test to test your process definition.

The Activiti project is generated as a Maven project. To configure the dependencies you need to run mvn eclipse:eclipse and the Maven dependencies will be configured as expected. Note that for process design Maven dependencies are not needed. They are only needed to run unit tests.


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