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Current Project Setup

I've been working on a web-based chat, similar to Facebook chat. At the current state, I listen for incoming chats and check for new messages in an existing chat is by doing...


setTimeout(function() { listenForIncomingChat() }, 500);
setTimeout(function() { checkForIncomingMessages( ...params... ) }, 500);

... so doing the setTimeout() makes sure these functions are always running. Depending on how many chat windows I have open, Firebug's console can go crazy with POSTs to the server :)


Obviously this is really inefficient, but it is the only way I could get things to work. Now I'm looking for the ways to make it better, to do it correctly!


Some Research

Now, I have heard about Comet Programming and that this is the way to open a long-lived HTTP connection with the server, but I'm not familiar with the technology or the ideas behind Comet. WebSockets for HTML5 is probably even better, but since that is not in full swing nor is it supported by all browsers, I'll stick with what works.

现在,我听说过Comet Programming,这是与服务器打开长期HTTP连接的方法,但我不熟悉Comet背后的技术或思想。用于HTML5的WebSockets甚至可能更好,但由于这并不是全面展开,也不是所有浏览器都支持,我会坚持使用有效的方法。

According to Wikipedia, there are several ways to develop with the Comet style: Streaming (hidden iFrame, XMLHttpRequest) or AJAX with long polling (XMLHttpRequest, Script tag). However, I don't know anything about this. I've also read about the AJAX Push Engine (APE) and it looks cool, but I don't want to use a third-party for the time being.


I've recently stumbled upon WebChat 2.0 so I'm going to be looking through the source code to try and understand how it all works.

我最近偶然发现了WebChat 2.0,所以我将通过源代码来查看它是如何工作的。

On to the question(s)

So where can I find example code/tutorials on how to get started with this kind of project? How would I implement the Comet technique? How do I set up the long-lived HTTP connection with the server?


1 个解决方案



Here's an example of a chatroom using node.js, source code here.


I believe the client uses polling, but this example is interesting because the server side is in JS too, and node.js is efficient for this type of stuff.


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