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See KernighanRitchie Appendix A12.3 for full details on macro expansion in ANSI C and http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/cpp/Macros.html for documentation on what gcc supports.

The short version: the command


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   1 #define FOO (12)

causes any occurrence of the word FOO in your source file to be replaced by (12) by the preprocessor. To count as a word, FOO can‘t be adjacent to other alphanumeric characters, so for example FOOD will not expand to (12)D.


1. Macros with arguments

To create a macro with arguments, put them in parentheses separated by commas after the macro name, e.g.


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   1 #define Square(x) ((x)*(x))

Now if you write Square(foo) it will expand as ((foo)*(foo)). Note the heavy use of parentheses inside the macro definition to avoid trouble with operator precedence; if instead we had written


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   1 #define BadSquare(x) x*x

then BadSquare(3+4) would give 3+4*3+4, which evaluates to 19, which is probably not what we intended.


1.1. Multiple arguments

You can have multiple arguments to a macro, e.g.


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   1 #define Average(x,y) (((x)+(y))/2.0)

The usual caveats about using lots of parentheses apply.


1.2. Perils of repeating arguments

Macros can have odd effects if their arguments perform side-effects. For example, Square(++x) expands to ((++x)*(++x)); if x starts out equal to 1, this expression may evaluate to any of 2, 6, or 9 depending on when the ++ operators are evaluated, and will definitely leave 3 in x instead of the 2 the programmer probably expects. For this reason it is generally best to avoid side-effects in macro arguments, and to mark macro names (e.g. by capitalization) to clearly distinguish them from function names, where this issue doesn‘t come up.


1.3. Variable-length argument lists

C99 added variadic macros that may have a variable number of arguments; these are mostly useful for dealing with variadic functions (like printf) that also take a variable number of arguments.

To define a variadic macro, define a macro with arguments where the last argument is three periods: ... . The macro __VA_ARGS__ then expands to whatever arguments matched this ellipsis in the macro call.

For example:

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   1 #include 
   3 #define Warning(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
   5 int
   6 main(int argc, char **argv)
   7 {
   8     Warning("%s: this program contains no useful code\n", argv[0]);
  10     return 1;
  11 }

It is possible to mix regular arguments with ..., as long as ... comes last:

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   1 #define Useless(format, ...) printf(format, __VA_ARGS__)


2. Multiple macros

One macro can expand to another; for example, after defining


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   1 #define FOO BAR
   2 #define BAR (12)

it will be the case that FOO will expand to BAR which will then expand to (12). For obvious reasons, it is a bad idea to have a macro expansion contain the original macro name.


3. Macro tricks


3.1. Multiple expressions in a macro

Use the comma operator, e.g.


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   1 #define NoisyInc(x) (puts("incrementing"), (x)++)

The comma operator evaluates both of its operands and returns the value of the one on the right-hand side.

You can also choose between alternatives using the ternary ?: operator, as in


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   1 #define Max(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))

(but see the warning about repeated parameters above).


3.2. Non-syntactic macros

Suppose you get tired of writing


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   1     for(i = 0; i <n; i++) ...

all the time. In principle, you can write a macro


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   1 #define UpTo(i, n) for((i) = 0; (i) <(n); (i)++)

and then write


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   1     UpTo(i, 10) ...

in place of your former for loop headers. This is generally a good way to make your code completely unreadable. Such macros are called non-syntactic because they allow code that doesn‘t look like syntactically correct C.

Sometimes, however, it makes sense to use non-syntactic macros when you want something that writes to a variable without having to pass it to a function as a pointer. An example might be something like this malloc wrapper:


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   1 #define TestMalloc(x) ((x) = malloc(sizeof(*x)), assert(x))

(Strictly speaking, this is probably more of a "non-semantic" macro.)

Whether the confusion of having a non-syntactic macro is worth the gain in safety or code-writing speed is a judgment call that can only be made after long and painful experience. If in doubt, it‘s probably best not to do it.


3.3. Multiple statements in one macro

If you want to write a macro that looks like a function call but contains multiple statements, the correct way to do it is like


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   1 #define HiHi() do { puts("hi"); puts("hi"); } while(0)

This can safely be used in place of single statements, like this:


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   1     if(friendly) 
   2         HiHi();
   3     else
   4         snarl();

Note that no construct except do..while will work here; just using braces will cause trouble with the semicolon before the else, and no other compound statement besides do..while expects to be followed by a semicolon in this way.


3.4. String expansion

Let‘s rewrite NoisyInc to include the variable name:


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   1 #define BadNoisyInc2(x) (puts("Incrementing x"), x++)

Will this do what we want? No. The C preprocessor is smart enough not to expand macro parameters inside strings, so BadNoisyInc2(y) will expand to (puts("Incrementing x"), y++). Instead, we have to write


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   1 #define NoisyInc2(x) (puts("Incrementing " #x), x++)

Here #x expands to whatever the value of x is wrapped in double quotes. The resulting string constant is then concatenated with the adjacent string constant according to standard C string constant concatenation rules.

To concatenate things that aren‘t strings, use the ## operator, as in


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   1 #define FakeArray(n) fakeArrayVariableNumber ## n

This lets you write FakeArray(12) instead of fakeArrayVariableNumber12. Note that there is generally no good reason to ever do this.

Where this feature does become useful is if you want to be able to refer to part of the source code of your program. For example, here is short program that includes a macro that prints the source code and value of an expression:


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   1 #include 
   3 #define PrintExpr(x) (printf("%s = %d\n", #x, (x)))
   5 int
   6 main(int argc, char **argv)
   7 {
   8     PrintExpr(2+2);
   9     return 0;
  10 }


When run, this program prints

2+2 = 4

Without using a macro, there is no way to capture the text string "2+2" so we can print it.

This sort of trickery is mostly used in debugging. The assert macro is a more sophisticated version, which uses the built-in macros __FILE__ (which expands to the current source file as a quoted string) and __LINE__ (which expands to the current source line number, not quoted) to not only print out an offending expression, but also the location of it in the source.


3.5. Big macros

Nothing restricts a macro expansion to a single line, although you must put a backslash at the end of each line to keep it going. Here is a macro that declares a specialized sorting routine for any type that supports <:


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   1 #define DeclareSort(prefix, type) \
   2 static int \
   3 _DeclareSort_ ## prefix ## _Compare(const void *a, const void *b) \
   4 { \
   5     const type *aa; const type *bb; \
   6     aa = a; bb = b; \
   7     if(aa 
   8     else if(bb 
   9     else return 0; \
  10 } \
  11 \
  12 void \
  13 prefix ## _sort(type *a, int n)\
  14 { \
  15     qsort(a, sizeof(type), n, _DeclareSort_ ## prefix ## _Compare); \
  16 }

A typical use might be


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   1 #include 
   3 /* note: must appear outside of any function, and has no trailing semicolon */
   4 DeclareSort(int, int)
   6 int
   7 main(int argc, char **argv)
   8 {
   9     int *a;
  10     int n;
  12     ...
  14     int_sort(a, n);
  16     ...
  17 }

Do this too much and you will end up reinventing C++ templates, which are a more or less equivalent mechanism for generating polymorphic code that improve on C macros like the one above by letting you omit the backslashes.


4. Debugging macro expansions

One problem with using a lot of macros is that you can end up with no idea what input is actually fed to the compiler after the preprocessor is done with it. You can tell gcc to tell you how everything expands using gcc -E source_file.c. If your source file contains any #include statements it is probably a good idea to send the output of gcc -E to a file so you can scroll down past the thousands of lines of text they may generate.


5. Can a macro call a preprocessor command?

E.g., can you write something like


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   1 #define DefinePlus1(x, y)  #define x ((y)+1)



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   1 #define IncludeLib(x) #include "lib/" #x

The answer is no. C preprocessor commands are only recognized in unexpanded text. If you want self-modifying macros you will need to use a fancier macro processor like m4.

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