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The latest version of Mac OS X, Lion, comes with Python 2.7 out of the box.

You do not need to install or configure anything else to use Python. Having

said that, I would strongly recommend that you install the tools and libraries

described in the next section before you start building Python applications

for real-world use. In particular, you should always install Distribute, as it

makes it much easier for you to use other third-party Python libraries.

The version of Python that ships with OS X is great for learning, but it’s not

good for development. It’s slightly out of date, and Apple has made significant

changes that can cause hidden bugs.



First, you’ll need to have GCC installed to compile Python. You can either get

this from XCode or the smaller

OSX-GCC-Installer package.

While Lion comes with a large number of UNIX utilities, those familiar with

Linux systems will notice one key component missing: a decent package manager.

Homebrew fills this void.

$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSkL raw.github.com/mxcl/homebrew/go)"

Then, insert the Homebrew directory at the top of your PATH environment

variable. You can do this by adding the following line at the bottom of your

~/.bashrc file

export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH

Now, we can install Python 2.7:

$ brew install python --framework

This will take a minute or two. Once that’s complete, you’ll have to add the

new Python scripts directory to your PATH

export PATH=/usr/local/share/python:$PATH

The --framework option tells Homebrew to compile a Framework-style Python

build, rather than a UNIX-style build. The outdated version of Python that

Snow Leopard comes packaged with is built as a Framework, so this helps avoid

some future module installation bugs.

发布包 & Pip¶

The most crucial third-party Python software of all is Distribute, which

extends the packaging and installation facilities provided by the distutils

in the standard library. Once you add Distribute to your Python system you can

download and install any compliant Python software product with a single

command. It also enables you to add this network installation capability to

your own Python software with very little work.

Homebrew already installed Distribute for you. Its easy_install command is

considered by many to be deprecated, so we will install its replacement:

pip. Pip allows for uninstallation of packages, and is actively maintained,

unlike easy_install.

To install pip, simply open a command prompt and run

$ easy_install pip


After Distribute & Pip, the next development tool that you should install is

virtualenv. Use pip

$ pip install virtualenv

The virtualenv kit provides the ability to create virtual Python environments

that do not interfere with either each other, or the main Python installation.

If you install virtualenv before you begin coding then you can get into the

habit of using it to create completely clean Python environments for each

project. This is particularly important for Web development, where each

framework and application will have many dependencies.

To set up a new Python environment, change the working directory to where ever

you want to store the environment, and run the virtualenv utility in your

project’s directory

$ virtualenv --distribute venv

To use an environment, run source venv/bin/activate. Your command prompt

will change to show the active environment. Once you have finished working in

the current virtual environment, run deactivate to restore your settings

to normal.

Each new environment automatically includes a copy of pip, so that you can

setup the third-party libraries and tools that you want to use in that

environment. Put your own code within a subdirectory of the environment,

however you wish. When you no longer need a particular environment, simply

copy your code out of it, and then delete the main directory for the environment.

This page is a remixed version of another guide,

which is available under the same license.

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