作者:请允许我的每一天有你_248 | 来源:互联网 | 2023-07-16 16:18
I am not very experienced with ruby in general and trying to install a new omniauth provider in the GitLab Community Edition. I used the omnibus package to install it on Ubuntu 14.04. The goal is to authenticate GitLab against a Jasig CAS
我对ruby不太熟悉,并试图在GitLab社区版中安装新的omniauth提供程序。我使用omnibus包在Ubuntu 14.04上安装它。目标是针对Jasig CAS验证GitLab
According to Custom omniauth provider configurations doc the next step to make this work would be to add the according gem to the gemfile with "gem 'omniauth-cas'".
根据Custom omniauth提供程序配置文档,完成此工作的下一步是使用“gem'omniauth-cas'”将相应的gem添加到gemfile中。
Is this even possible with the installed omnibus package? Or do I have to install it again manually? I don't see any gemfile in the installation directory, which i suppose to be somewhere down /var/opt/gitlab?
安装的omnibus软件包是否可以实现这一点?或者我是否必须手动重新安装?我没有在安装目录中看到任何gemfile,我想这是/ var / opt / gitlab的某个地方?
Thank you, everyone!
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