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I have a simple application that asks the user for a search term, and then performs a search for that term.


I want to give it the ability to "auto correct" the entered term. This is just for a few terms, that are easy to enter incorrectly. For example, if someone searches for "BestBuy", and what I have in my array to be searched is "Best Buy", I want to automatically convert "BestBuy" into "Best Buy" before the search. I intend to have a list of these in a text file.

我想让它能够“自动更正”输入的术语。这只是几个术语,很容易输入错误。例如,如果有人搜索“BestBuy”,并且我在我的阵列中搜索的是“Best Buy”,我想在搜索之前自动将“BestBuy”转换为“Best Buy”。我打算在文本文件中列出这些列表。

What's the best way to do this? Can I have in my text file, every line be something like bestbuy, Best Buy the first item being the entered term and the second one being what it gets autocorrected into? What should I use to store this data? A hashmap?

最好的方法是什么?我可以在我的文本文件中,每行都是bestbuy,Best Buy第一项是输入的术语,第二项是自动修正的内容吗?我应该用什么来存储这些数据?一个hashmap?

Edit: Just to clarify, I'm not trying to make an actual auto-correct system. That's way, way beyond the scope of this project. This is just to simply replace certain inputs with "corrected" versions to match what is in the array being searched.


3 个解决方案


Autocorrect, generally has a harder solution than a hashmap, because you cannot predict the user input, so no point of making a hashmap, though you can use it as a key-existence store. One possible way: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenshtein_distance with the words you have in your map/dictionary, and then selecting the nearest



you could use HashMap, create a method that translate all different types of input into the correct one. You method takes input like bestbuy, best buy, BestBuy,etc and return only Best Buy. The result Best Buy will be the HashMap key.

你可以使用HashMap,创建一个方法,将所有不同类型的输入转换为正确的输入。你的方法需要像bestbuy,Best Buy,BestBuy等输入,只返回Best Buy。 Best Buy的结果将是HashMap键。


This is bit tricky. To give a high level idea, you need to maintain a hashMap, with string without spaces as key, and the corrected value as value. when user enters a string, trim() it, check with your map' keyset, and replace with value if found matching entry.


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