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I have one doubt in Sqlite.dteTime DataType is Varchar(200) in Table structure. I want to get result in order by Date Time.


"select dteTime from table ORDER BY dteTime Desc",

“从表ORDER BY dteTime Desc中选择dteTime”,

getting result is


"05/05/2015 12:38:43 PM"

“05/05/2015 12:38:43 PM”

"05/05/2015 12:38:43 AM"

“05/05/2015 12:38:43 AM”

"05/05/2015 10:57:04 AM"

“05/05/2015 10:57:04 AM”

"05/05/2015 10:57:04 AM"

“05/05/2015 10:57:04 AM”

"05/05/2015 10:51:25 AM"

“05/05/2015 10:51:25 AM”

"05/05/2015 10:51:25 AM"

“05/05/2015 10:51:25 AM”

"05/05/2015 04:38:35 PM"

“05/05/2015 04:38:35 PM”

"05/05/2015 04:00:48 PM"

“05/05/2015 04:00:48 PM”

"05/04/2015 11:38:43 PM"

“05/04/2015 11:38:43 PM”

Instead of this how can i get(Expected Result)


"05/05/2015 04:38:35 PM"

“05/05/2015 04:38:35 PM”

"05/05/2015 04:00:48 PM"

“05/05/2015 04:00:48 PM”

"05/05/2015 12:38:43 PM"

“05/05/2015 12:38:43 PM”

"05/05/2015 10:57:04 AM"

“05/05/2015 10:57:04 AM”

"05/05/2015 10:57:04 AM"

“05/05/2015 10:57:04 AM”

"05/05/2015 10:51:25 AM"

“05/05/2015 10:51:25 AM”

"05/05/2015 10:51:25 AM"

“05/05/2015 10:51:25 AM”

"05/05/2015 12:38:43 AM"

“05/05/2015 12:38:43 AM”

"05/04/2015 11:38:43 PM"

“05/04/2015 11:38:43 PM”

Any solution?

2 个解决方案


Use a date format such as unixtime (seconds/milliseconds since an epoch) or ISO 8601 (e.g. yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ) for your datetime stamps so that the natural sort order is also the chronological order.

使用日期格式,例如unixtime(自纪元以来的秒/毫秒)或ISO 8601(例如yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ)作为日期时间戳,以便自然排序顺序也是按时间顺序排列。


SQLite doesn't have an internal date type. It's sorting alphabetically in a case like this. You can write your dates in an iso format or transform them to do the sort.


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