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I followed this steps:


What I did is edit this file: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

我所做的是编辑此文件:C:\ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc \ hosts

I added a line: myfakesite.com

我添加了一行: myfakesite.com

Then I went to the Facebook edit app page, specifically the "Web Site" setting and entered Site Url: http://myfakesite.com Domain: myfakesite.com


Instead of running IIS Express, I had to run full IIS and enable myfakesite.com as one of the bindings. Here is how you do it: 1) Launch Internet Information Services Manager 2) Navigate to the "Default Web Site" 3) Right click on that node and choose "Edit Bindings" 4) In the dialog that opens click Add 5) Enter myfakesite.com in "Host Name" and click OK

我不得不运行IIS Express,而是运行完整的IIS并启用myfakesite.com作为其中一个绑定。以下是您的操作方法:1)启动Internet信息服务管理器2)导航到“默认网站”3)右键单击该节点并选择“编辑绑定”4)在打开的对话框中单击添加5)输入myfakesite .com在“主机名”中单击“确定”


in new window fill all fields: http://up.vatandownload.com/images/hghvinst528tkww6svyf.png


in picture I created new website test.hkh.com!
site name: a name just for your web site. it can be anything
physical Path: a folder on your hard disk
IP address: can be left with default
host name: the address you enter in address bar of your browser


ok! now you have new site running!


Edit:If you want to add www.test.hkh.com to your server, there is no need to create new website! Just click on name of your site in left panel, then in right panel, click on Bindings, in this window click Add
in host name enter: www.test.hkh.com!
Click on Ok!

编辑:如果您想将www.test.hkh.com添加到您的服务器,则无需创建新网站!只需在左侧面板中单击您站点的名称,然后在右侧面板中单击Bindings,在此窗口中单击Add in host name,输入:www.test.hkh.com!点击确定!

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