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I am setting up a model where two players are involved in a competition. I'm leaning towards this model:


def match(models.Model):
    player = ForeignKey(Player)
    oppOnent= ForeignKey(Player)
    score = PositiveSmallIntegerField()
    games_won = PositiveSmallIntegerField()
    games_lost = PositiveSmallIntegerField()
    won_match = BooleanField()

There are statistics involved, however, and it would require another pull to find the matching record for the opponent if I want to describe the match in full.


Alternatively I could set up the model to include full stats:


def match(models.Model):
    home_player = ForeignKey(Player)
    away_player = ForeignKey(Player)
    home_player_score = PositiveSmallIntegerField()
    away_player_score = PositiveSmallIntegerField()

But that seems equally bad, as I would have to do two logic sets for one player (to find his scores when he's home_player and his scores when he's away_player).


The final option is to do two inserts per match, both with full stats, and keep redundant data in the table.


There seems like a better way, and therefore I poll SO.


3 个解决方案



Id go with the first model and use select_related() to avoid the extra db calls.




If you're looking to reduce redundancy and maintain consistiency of logic...


Match: - id
- name

匹配:- id - name

Match_Player: (2 records per match)
- match_id
- player_id
- is_home

Match_Player:(每场2条记录)- match_id - player_id - is_home

- match_id
- player_id
- score

Match_Player_Score: - match_id - player_id - score



I'd avoid having redundant data in the database. This leaves open the possibility of the database data getting internally inconsistent and messing up everything.


Use a single entry per match, as in your second example. If you plan ahead, you can accomplish the two sets of logic pretty easily. Take a look at proxy models. There might be an elegant way to do this -- have all of your logic refer to the data fields through accessors like get_my_score and get_opponent_score. Then build a Proxy Model class which swaps home and away.


class match(models.Model):

    def get_my_score(self):
        return self.home_player_score

    def get_opponent_score(self):
        return self.away_player_score

    def did_i_win(self):
        return self.get_my_score() > self.get_opponent_score()

class home_player_match(match):
    class Meta:
        proxy = True

    def get_my_score(self):
        return self.away_player_score

    def get_opponent_score(self):
        return self.home_player_score

Or maybe you want two Proxy models, and have the names in the base model class be neutral. The problem with this approach is that I don't know how to convert a class from one proxy model to another without reloading from the database. You want a "rebless" as in perl. You could do this by using containment rather than inheritance. Or maybe just a flag in the wrapper class (not stored in the database) saying whether or not to swap fields. But I'd recommend some solution like that -- solve the tricky stuff in code and don't let the database get inconsistent.


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