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I am trying to make a class that will read a text file of names into an array, then return that array to the main class. However I am having an error when attempting to define the arrays.


public class Test{
String[] foo;
String[] zoo;
String[] yoo;

I get an error on String[] yoo

我在String [] yoo上收到错误

Syntax error on token ";", { expected after this 

I really have no clue what is going on, can anyone help?


Edit - Actual section of code

编辑 - 代码的实际部分

    String[] swords;
    String[] prefix;
    String[] suffix;
    String[] rarity;
    String[] colors = {"2","3","4","5","6","7","9","a","b","c","d","e","f"};
    String[] bows = new String[3];
    String[] enchantments = {"Frost","Igniton","Projection","Explosion","Enhance Jump","Enhance Speed","Resist Flames","Invisibility"};
    rarity = new String[1000];
    swords = new String[1000];
    bows = new String[1000];
    prefix = new String[1000];
    suffix = new String[1000];

4 个解决方案



You should not initialize like this in outside the constructors or methods



public Test{
 String[] rarity;
 String[] swords;
 rarity = new String[1000]; 
 swords = new String[1000];

You can do this


public Test{
      String[] rarity = new String[1000]; 
      String[] swords = new String[1000];

if the variables are static you can use static block


public Test{
   private static int x;


Use constructor instead to initialize:


 public Test{
    String[] swords;
    String[] prefix;
    String[] suffix;
    String[] rarity;
    String[] colors = {"2","3","4","5","6","7","9","a","b","c","d","e","f"};
    String[] bows = new String[3];
    String[] enchantments = {"Frost","Igniton","Projection","Explosion","Enhance Jump","Enhance Speed","Resist Flames","Invisibility"};
  public Test(){
    rarity = new String[1000];
    swords = new String[1000];
    bows = new String[1000];
    prefix = new String[1000];
    suffix = new String[1000];

That's all



You can't assign values to fields outside of the field declaration or a block (or constructor). So this line


rarity = new String[1000];

(and the other similar ones) should be in the constructor, or the declaration should also initialize the field:


String[] rarity = new String[1000];



unless you post all of your code it is not possible to be sure the answer is correct.


but I guess you have this:


rarity = new String[1000];
swords = new String[1000];
bows = new String[1000];
prefix = new String[1000];
suffix = new String[1000];

outside a method. that is not possible in Java.


do like this instead:


String[] rarity = new String[1000];

or init the field inside a method/constructor




First of all, you should make them public or private(unless you really need it to be package-private).


An array is created like this: Type[] variableName = new Type[length];

像这样创建一个数组:Type [] variableName = new Type [length];

length is the size of the array, for example String[] test = new String[5] can contain 5 strings. To set them use test[i] = someString; where i is the index(starting at 0 and ending at length - 1).

length是数组的大小,例如String [] test = new String [5]可以包含5个字符串。设置它们使用test [i] = someString;其中i是索引(从0开始,以长度结束 - 1)。

You can also make an ArrayList if you do not want your array to be limited, but that uses a bit more memory.


ArrayList variableName = new ArrayList<>();

ArrayList variableName = new ArrayList <>();

For example: ArrayList test = new ArrayList<>();

例如:ArrayList test = new ArrayList <>();

To add to it use test.add(someString) and to get: arrayList.get(i) where i is the index.


A disadvantage of ArrayList is that primitive types(int, byte, boolean, ...) cannot be used. You'll need to use Integer, Byte, Boolean, ...


If you have an ArrayList, you could intArrayList.add(5) because autoboxing transforms 5 into new Integer(5).

如果您有一个ArrayList ,则可以使用intArrayList.add(5),因为autoboxing将5转换为新的Integer(5)。

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