作者:季孙意如 | 来源:互联网 | 2023-07-08 15:30
I am having trouble coming up with an efficient way of deleting information from a SQLite DB after a JSON response.
在JSON响应之后,我无法想出一种从SQLite DB中删除信息的有效方法。
Basically how what I am trying to do is:
I have a DB with 100 records.
- I read the first record
- 我读了第一张唱片
- Build a JSON package and send it to my API.
- 构建一个JSON包并将其发送到我的API。
- WAIT for the API to respond Ok or Fail
- 等待API响应Ok或Fail
- The delete the record from the DB on OK.
- 确定从DB中删除记录。
- Move to the next record.
- 移至下一条记录。
There is some time between waiting on a response before I can delete and go on.
A simple FOR doesn't seem to work as it can't wait for the 'OK' from the API.
I looked into dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue());
but if the OK comes and the DB is processing it will lock the DB while it is being accessed and the logic fails because the db is locked.
I need a mixture of the two. Does anyone know of a tutorial or where to start with something like this?
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