作者:手机用户2502893535 | 来源:互联网 | 2023-09-05 07:59
I am writing a unit a test for a method which is supposed to be able to locate a file and write to it. PHPUnit has methods to compare two files, whether it exists or not, however I am not able to find any method to check if the file is non empty, or even better is there a method if file size and updated timestamp can be asserted ?
我正在编写一个单元测试一个方法,该方法应该能够找到一个文件并写入它。 PHPUnit有比较两个文件的方法,无论它是否存在,但是我无法找到任何方法来检查文件是否为非空,或者更好的是有一个方法,如果文件大小和更新的时间戳可以断言?
P.S. I know how to do this using php in-built filesize function. I Just want to know if it is possible in PHPUnit
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